Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Sitkans, police review tasing event in community ‘talking circle’

While police issues continue to divide communities and make national headlines, the Sitka Police Department is trying to restore confidence locally, after disturbing video from the Sitka jail surfaced on social media this fall. Download Audio

Fewer fish, fewer kids: St. Paul struggles to keep students

School enrollment in the Pribilof Islands has been shrinking in recent years, along with the islands’ fishing economy. Download Audio

Mother of teen shot in face speaks out on gun violence

In the end of October, 19-year-old Caia Delavergne was shot in the head by a new acquaintance. Incredibly, she survived. Now, her mother, Chelan Schreifels is speaking out against gun violence. Download Audio

Young defends right to arms for people on ‘no-fly’ list

Alaska Congressman Don Young doesn’t think much of the proposal to bar people on the no-fly list from buying guns. "And I will fight until my dying breath," he pledged, "to make sure that we ... retain the Second Amendment.” Download Audio

Alaskan hiker falls to her death in New Zealand

A 24-year-old Alaskan died in a hiking accident in New Zealand on Wednesday. Nicole Leman was the youngest daughter of former Lt. Gov. Loren Leman. A police constable says the terrain was severe but Leman and her companion hadn't done anything reckless. Download Audio

What end to military’s glass ceiling means in Alaska

The decision by Secretary of Defense Ash Carter ends gender prohibitions on about 10 percent of all military jobs may have a big impact on the Army in Alaska

In Sitka, ‘Nutcracker’ a beloved holiday tradition

More than 80 community members will take the stage for Sitka Studio of Dance’s “The Nutcracker.” The show is a longstanding tradition in town, having been performed nearly nine times. Download Audio

Gov calls for permanent fund overhaul, income tax, cuts to PFD

Gov. Bill Walker released his plan for dealing with the state's mammoth budget deficit. It includes Alaska's first income tax since 1980, and a complete overhaul of the permanent fund -- effectively cutting PFD checks in half next year. Download Audio

Sidney Huntington remembered for hard work, passion

Interior elder Sidney C. Huntington died on Tuesday in Galena. He was 100 years old. He leaves behind not only a long list of accomplishments, but an entire philosophy of life. Download Audio

Pollock skins for Fido!

Like many pet owners, you may toss your dog tidbits from your plate – a fatty piece of meat here, a bit of fish skin there. Well, a couple of University of Alaska Fairbanks researchers are experimenting with turning some of Alaska’s finest scraps into dog treats.

Tlingit elders write boarding school history for future generations

By talking about boarding school experiences, Tlingit elders in Juneau are turning painful memories into sources of healing – healing for themselves and generations still living with the consequences. Download Audio

‘I am Yup’ik’ documentary to screen at Sundance

The film “I Am Yup’ik,” has made it’s way to the 2016 Sundance Film Festival lineup, the nonprofit organization announced Tuesday.

The real Sitka journey of Steinbeck’s ‘Doc Ricketts’

A new collection of essays about one of the most iconic figures in American literature has been published, shedding new light on his connections to Alaska. "Ed Ricketts, from Cannery Row to Sitka, Alaska" explores the relationship between the noted biologist of the title, and John Steinbeck, the Nobel-prize winning author who immortalized him. Download Audio

Berkowitz kills controversial road project

Mayor's letter asks state Transportation commissioner to take money for the Elmore Extension and put it towards Port Modernization Project.

Expensive state negotiator is out as gas line reshuffle continues

Rigdon Boykin, the South Carolina attorney who made up to $120,000 a month in his role as the lead negotiator on the Alaska LNG project, is no longer working for the state.

Anchorage aims to re-brand troubled transit center

The early plan offers a preliminary vision of a revitalized downtown, but few specifics about what happens to many of the people there now. Download Audio

AK: After prison, giving back to a community once hurt

Restarting life after prison is full of challenges -- but also successes. In the village of Tyonek on Cook Inlet, one man recreates himself and gives back to the community he once hurt.

Alaskans say feds shirk ANILCA’s ‘no more’ pledge

It's the 35th anniversary of ANILCA, the federal law that reshaped Alaska, literally redrew the map. ANILCA created new preserves and refuges across the state. It nearly doubled the size of the National Park system. It’s a complicated document that took years of negotiation. But Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Gov. Bill Walker say the feds aren’t living up to their end of the bargain. Download Audio

Chilkat robe saved from eBay sale back in Southeast

A Chilkat robe that was for sale on eBay has returned to Southeast Alaska. The robe traveled all the way from Texas, where it was almost sold to the highest bidder. Download Audio

Exchange student from Cameroon visits Russian Orthodox community

Homer High School is hosting a student from the West African country of Cameroon, this year. As part of his exchange program, 11th-grader, Nouredine Mama, is visiting schools and churches. Recently, he visited the school in the ‘Russian Old Believer’ community of Nikolaevsk, just outside Homer. Download Audio