Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Gov. Walker says changes are coming for LNG project

Changes are coming to state plans for the liquefied natural gas pipeline. But Governor Bill Walker and executives with the state’s three pipeline partners aren’t quite ready to say what those changes are. Download Audio

Hovercraft case among those Scalia’s death leaves in limbo

The death of Justice Scalia has unclear implications for one Alaska-specific case: Sturgeon v. Frost. Oral arguments in the case last month were the last formal arguments Scalia heard. Download Audio

Murkowski field hearing highlights rural Alaska’s unique energy issues, solutions

When Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski chose Bethel for a field hearing of the Senate Energy Committee – which she chairs – she had a very specific point to make. Download Audio

FAA break-up bill clears U.S. House committee

A bill to privatize the nation’s air traffic controllers cleared the Transportation Committee in the U.S. House last night. Rep. Don Young says he amended it to protect Essential Air Service and Alaska's air taxis. Download Audio

Leverage your leopard: the biz behind Alaska’s only zoo

If you've ever wanted to feed a snow leopard, a moose, or a pack of wolves, this year you've got a chance. Albeit, for a tidy sum. It's part of the special programming that helps keep cultural institutions in Alaska afloat during the long, lean winter months. Download Audio

The push to hire locally in AK

The number of nonresident workers in Alaska surpassed the number of residential workers in 2014. What's causing this statistic and what can be done to encourage local hiring within the state? This week's Alaska Edition tackles these questions and looks at the legality of policies aiming to increase the number of Alaskan workers. Listen Now:

ConocoPhillips looks west, to the National Petroleum Reserve

Despite oil prices hovering around $30 a barrel, ConocoPhillips is plowing ahead with projects in the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska. The company invited Alaska journalists on a tour this week of CD5, its newest drill site -- the first to produce oil from the NPRA and, the company hopes, the gateway to more development. Download Audio

Fainting aside, Air Force says F-35 is OK

President Obama’s 2017 Air Force budget would slow the pace of buying F-35s. That’s the new fighter jet slated for Eielson Air Force Base. But top Air Force officials still speak highly of the plan to station them at the Fairbanks base. Never mind that one general lost consciousness when discussing the F-35's budget. Download Audio

Budget defers 5 jets, but Air Force general ‘excited’ for F-35s in Alaska

President Obama’s 2017 Air Force budget would slow the pace of buying F-35s, the new fighter jet slated for Eielson Air Force Base. But the Air Force chief of staff still speaks highly of the plan to keep them at the Fairbanks base.

Young: FAA privatization bill harms Alaska air travel

A U.S. House bill would turn air traffic controllers into employees of a non-profit corporation. Surprisingly, the air traffic controllers’ union supports it. Alaska Congressman Don Young says the bill would also undermine Essential Air Service. Download Audio

Turning ideas about racial equity into art

Anchorage graffiti artist Bisco transformed ideas about racial equity into art during a two-day summit.
2017 budget

Obama budget reveals Alaska flashes

President Obama delivered his final budget to Congress this morning. It has a picture of Denali on the cover, and several big-ticket Alaska items among its pages. Download Audio

Crew maps polar bear dens on Alaska’s North Slope

Each winter, when the tundra freezes, the North Slope gets busy. It's the travel season, the time of year when oil producers can put in ice roads and move heavy vehicles over the frozen ground. But before any of that can happen, one task comes first: looking for polar bears. Download Audio
Kyle Reading prepares a batch of Flintlock beard oil. (Photo by Josh Edge/APRN)

AK: Local start-up leverages social media to bring beard oil to Alaskans

Two local musicians in Anchorage are diving beards-first into the business of male grooming products. They're going for a style reminiscent of Don Draper mixed with well-groomed mountain man. I spent an afternoon at company – or apartment kitchen – headquarters to find out a little bit more. Download Audio

Obama proposes big new tax on oil

President Obama wants to impose a $10-per-barrel tax on crude oil. An industry adovcate calls it an attempt to punish oil companies. Sen. Lisa Murkowski gave it "absolutely no chance" of passing Congress. Download Audio

Fate of Medicaid expansion hangs on interpretation of one word

The Legislative Council's case against Medicaid expansion hangs on the interpretation of the word 'required' in Alaska statute. That's a point all parties agreed on during oral arguments Thursday morning in an Anchorage courtroom. Download Audio

Wal-Mart wouldn’t allow job fair information in store

About a minute’s walk from Wal-Mart, a small room at Gruening Park has been transformed intoa mini job fair. Up to 168 Juneau Wal-Mart employees could lose their jobs this week, so the state organized the Jan. 29 job fair to help. “We’ve got TSA, Fred Meyer, Verizon, AT&T, Home Depot, and IGA,” said Ray Brogdon, an employee at the state’s unemployment office. He says the hope is that Wal-Mart associates can find new jobs before they have to step into his office. Download Audio

Court will hear oral arguments on Medicaid expansion

The issue of Medicaid expansion will be back before a Superior Court in Anchorage Thursday morning. The Republican led legislative council sued last summer to stop Governor Bill Walker from unilaterally expanding Medicaid. Download Audio

ANSEP proposes to run Mt. Edgecumbe as 3-year STEM school

Lawmakers this week heard a proposal from the Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program to turn Mt. Edgecumbe High School into a three-year accelerated program. Download Audio

Bill aims to split Ninth Circuit Court

The age-old effort to split up the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is back. Republican senators Dan Sullivan of Alaska and Steve Daines of Montana have co-sponsored the latest bill.