Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

AK: YCC introduces Alaska kids to the Aleutians — and careers

What happens when five teenagers pile onto a research vessel and go island hopping through the Aleutians in the name of conservation? Science. Education. And maybe a peek into their futures. Listen now

Why is gas so expensive in Alaska?

Alaska has the lowest fuel tax yet some of the highest gas prices. We asked Larry Persily, former federal coordinator for Alaska natural gas projects: Why is it so expensive to fill up the tank in Alaska?

Walker sacks industry advocate from Marijuana Control Board

One of the state's key regulators on commercial cannabis has been unexpectedly ousted by the governor. Listen now

Unlikely allies: U.S. and Russia work together on walrus

A new federal database, created with over a century of information, shows where Pacific walruses haul out on both sides of the border. And that’s especially important as sea ice disappears and the animals spend more time on land. Listen now

AK: Sawmill Farm, Tongass farm country

The Tongass Rainforest isn’t what you’d picture as a candidate for farm country. The terrain is rugged, the soil unstable, and it rains over 100 inches a year. The vast majority of Sitkans get their meat and dairy products off a barge, shipped hundreds of miles. But Bobbi Daniels of the Sawmill Farm is determined to change that. Listen now

New atlas maps Alaska’s surface

Federal and state researchers teamed up to make it easier for everyone to find out what's in the dirt in Alaska. For the first time in nearly 40 years, Alaska has an updated atlas of the chemical composition of its earth, rocks and minerals. Listen now
Sens. Pete Kelly, R-Fairbanks, and Charlie Huggins, R-Wasilla, linger after the Senate adjourned sine die, July 18, 2016. (Photo by Jeremy Hsieh/KTOO)

Moody’s downgrades Alaska credit rating; fourth downgrade this year

Moody's Investors Service has downgraded Alaska's credit rating for the second time in six months, citing the state's massive budget deficit and its failure to find a long-term political solution. It's the fourth time since January the state has been downgraded by one of the three major ratings agencies. Listen now

Video: How the landfill in Anchorage harvests gas from trash

Hundreds of landfills across the lower-48 have turned their decomposing trash piles into a source of energy. So far, there’s only one project in Alaska harnessing the power of trash to produce gas. Listen now

Head of USMC to visit military bases in Alaska this weekend

The head of the U.S. Marine Corps is coming to Alaska this weekend, stopping at military installations in both Anchorage and the Interior. Listen now

AK: 2016: The year Bristol Bay landed its 2,000,000,000th salmon

Bristol Bay is home to the largest sockeye salmon fishery in the world. Over 132 years of commercial effort, now more than two billion salmon have been harvested from the Bay’s waters. In fact, the two billionth salmon was landed sometime, by someone, on July 6, 2016. Listen now

Rain helps effort to contain McHugh Creek fire

Wet weather has brought much-needed relief to the ongoing effort to control the McHugh Creek fire in southeast Anchorage. Listen now

Gusto levels vary as Alaskans embrace Trump

The Republican Convention ends tonight in Cleveland with a big speech by the party’s presidential nominee, Donald Trump. Alaska, of course, favored Cruz in the GOP vote in March. Are Alaska delegates now lining up behind their nominee? Yes. Mostly. Listen now

VIDEO: Tony DeHaven can’t afford to lose his job

Alaska has lost more than 2,000 jobs in the oil and gas industry since last year, as the state faces its first real recession in nearly three decades. This week, Alaska’s Energy Desk is spotlighting those who have been affected by the downturn, as part of the series An Uncertain Future.

The pulses overhead: remote radars still tie together Alaska’s air defense

At the height of the Cold War, the military built secretive radar sites all over Alaska. Most of them are still operating, doing essentially the same thing: scanning the sky for anything that's not supposed to be there, particularly Russian long-range bombers. Download Audio

Walker cuts $58M from schools

Gov. Walker’s vetoes fall heavily on K-12 education. He cut the reimbursement for school bonds, shifting the burden to local governments, and reduced formula funds. Download Audio

Possible Anchorage special session location would crimp fundraising

The Legislature will gather in Juneau on July 11th for its second special session this year. But, it might not be there for long. Lawmakers are talking about adjourning in Juneau and calling the Legislature’s own special session in Anchorage. Download Audio

Congressional delegation on Trump: Meh

We asked Congressman Don Young and U.S. Sens. Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski how they feel about Donald Trump these days. Their responses ranged from tepid to chilly. Download Audio

Attorney General Craig Richards resigns abruptly

The head of Alaska’s legal team announced today he is stepping down. Download Audio

Benefits bill for law enforcement, firefighters’ survivors falls short

The survivors of law-enforcement officers and firefighters who die in the line of duty continue to face uncertainty over health insurance. That’s because the two houses of the Legislature couldn’t agree on a bill to provide benefits during the recent special session. Download Audio

We Are Super Cub Pilots | INDIE ALASKA

Each year pilots from around the state show off their piloting chops in the Valdez fly-in short takeoff and landing competition. For these pilots flying isn't just means of transportation, it's a way of life. These skills aren't just used for bragging rights, they're essential for flying in Alaska--whether they're landing on a remote beach or taking off of a glacier. Meet four talented pilots with one big thing in common, their love of flying their super cub plane.