Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

House passes deep cut to per diem allowances

The House voted to cut the money to pay for lawmakers’ daily expenses during the legislative session by three-quarters. Listen now

Feds worry oil pipeline near leaking Cook Inlet gas line also at risk

Federal regulators are raising concerns about a second pipeline in Cook Inlet. Listen now

AK: How genetics changed mush dogs of the past

The huskies running today’s Iditarod bear little resemblance to the bulky sled-dogs Alaskans used to rely on year-round. As breeding programs have refined genetic lines to create dogs designed to excel at the thousand-mile winter-time race, the cost of specialization has been a lack of versatility. Listen now

Alaska House votes to shut down budget debate

The Alaska House voted to shut down debate on the state budget. Listen now
Naloxone HCl preparation, pre-filled Luer-Jet package for intravenous administration. (Creative Commons photo by Intropin)

Alaska’s chief medical officer on opioid battle

The state senate today (March 16) passed a bill that leaves in place an order to provide Naloxone, an anti-overdose drug to Alaskan organizations and individuals for another four years. Governor Bill Walker had issued a 30 day emergency disaster declaration in February to make Naloxone widely available. Listen now

Alaska gets millions of dollars from Volkswagen settlement

The state of Alaska is receiving over $8 million in settlement money after a top car company cheated on its federal emissions tests. Listen now

Don’t panic over Trump’s budget, Murkowski says

President Trump’s first budget shows zeroes for several programs important to Alaska. Sen. Lisa Murkowski says there's a lot for an Alaskan to be upset about in this document, but she says Congress isn't going to adopt it. Listen now

Iditapod: A deep dive into Mitch Seavey’s record-setting run

In Episode 16, we talk about the Iditarod's top-20, and take a deep dive into the strategy behind Mitch Seavey's record-breaking run.

State hopes environmental monitoring will clear up unknowns about Cook Inlet gas leak

State regulators have given preliminary approval to Hilcorp’s plan to monitor the environmental impacts of the gas leak in Cook Inlet. Listen now

Senate passes bill drawing from Permanent Fund

The state Senate passed a bill Wednesday that would draw money from the Alaska Permanent Fund to pay for the state government’s budget. The bill also would limit Permanent Fund dividends, as well as overall amount the state can spend. Listen now

Top ten mushers finish in Nome

The top ten teams have arrived in Nome, filling out the upper ranks of the 2017 Iditarod Sled Dog Race. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: The sun is back and so is winter melt

March has brought sun to much of the state. But not a lot of warm temperatures. That weather combination prompted a listener to email to ask why some ice and snow is disappearing, even though it’s well below freezing outside. Listen now

Mitch Seavey leads Iditarod to Nome – and says he’s not done yet

Iditarod musher Mitch Seavey won the 2017 race in record time Tuesday afternoon. The Seward musher’s team ran a blistering pace from Fairbanks along winding rivers, tundra and sea ice to Nome. But the veteran musher is looking forward to achieving new levels of dog team performance in the peak of his career. Listen now

Iditapod: Mitch Seavey’s record-breaking run to Nome

In Episode 15, we talk about Mitch Seavey's record-breaking run, Aliy Zirkle vying for a top-10 finish, and taking a refreshing sauna in Unalakleet.

Mitch Seavey wins the 2017 Iditarod in record time

For the sixth year in a row, a member of the Seavey mushing family has claimed the top spot in the Last Great Race. This year it was Mitch Seavey who finished the Iditarod at 3:40 p.m. on Tuesday, March 14. Listen now

Alaska state senators scour budget in hopes of $300M in cuts

The state Senate is looking to make up to $300 million in cuts to the state budget. But the Senate subcommittees looking to trim state agencies’ budgets are finding much smaller cuts. Listen now

GOP health bill won’t cure what ails Alaska market, say 2 industry pros

The bill to replace the Affordable Care Act is on shaky ground in Congress, drawing criticism from left, right and center in the U.S. House. Guests on “Talk of Alaska” Tuesday said the bill would do more harm than good. “One of the criticisms of the original Affordable Care act is that it addressed coverage but it didn't address cost," said one. "But this bill really is not addressing the cost side either. It's just rolling back some of the coverage.” Listen now

Immigration enforcement changes hit home in Alaska

An Alaska family struggles with the new interpretations of federal immigration laws and what it means for their future. Listen now

Climate bill faces tough sledding in Alaska legislature

Two Anchorage Democrats have introduced a bill to create a statewide commission on climate change. But even its authors doubt the bill has much of a chance, at least this session. Still, they argue it’s a step in the right direction. Listen now

Now reported out of Safety, Seavey could arrive in Nome as early as 3:30–4:00pm

Nome may be less than two hours away from its 2017 Iditarod finish. Mitch Seavey’s speed continues to exceed expectations. With Seavey out of the Safety checkpoint at 1:10pm Tuesday, an arrival in Nome as early as 3:30–4:00pm is now possible.