Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Oil tax credit bill on its way to the Senate, with ultimatum from House

After hours of debate on the state House floor, an oil tax credit bill is on its way to the Senate. Listen now

President Xi’s Alaska visit: salmon, scenery and a chance to deepen Arctic ties

Gov. Bill Walker hosted an unexpected guest on Friday — the President of China. Xi Jinping was headed back from a meeting with President Donald Trump in Florida. It’s not unusual for foreign leaders to re-fuel in Anchorage, but this wasn’t just a pit stop. And experts say there are good reasons for China’s top leader to drop in. Listen now
A swirl in the ocean

Repairs begin on Hilcorp’s leaking Cook Inlet gas line

Dive teams are finally working to repair Hilcorp’s leaking natural gas pipeline in Cook Inlet. Listen now
A radio sattelite

GCI: Law enforcement investigating damaged fiber cable, outages

Alaska's largest telecommunications company, GCI, has blamed statewide outages over the weekend on intentional damage to a fiber optic cable in Midtown Anchorage. Listen now
The Petersburg Borough with its final boundaries. (File photo)

Senate passes Petersburg land grant bill

Legislation to increase the Petersburg Borough’s land grant from the state passed the Alaska Senate on Monday (April 10). The bill would transfer more than 14,000 acres to the new borough, which hopes to develop or sell off some of the property. Listen now
a oil platform in water

Hilcorp shuts down third pipeline in Cook Inlet

The federal agency charged with regulating pipelines and hazardous materials is looking into another natural gas leak on a Hilcorp platform in Cook Inlet. Listen now

Following Trump visit, Chinese president stops in Anchorage to meet with Walker

Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife, Peng Liyuan, landed in Anchorage today after meeting with President Donald Trump yesterday. Xi is scheduled to meet with Gov. Bill Walker.

Cuts to 4-25 reversed, but 1,500 to deploy to Afghanistan

It's official: The Army has decided to keep the 4-25th brigade combat team intact at Joint Base Elmendof-Richardson in Anchorage. Listen now

Sullivan: Syria strike offers chance to restore U.S. credibility

President Trump’s decision to launch missiles on Syria Thursday night drew a range of reactions on Capitol Hill. But Alaska’s all-Republican delegation to Congress gave it three thumbs up. Listen now

Report: Trump to re-open Arctic waters to oil leasing

President Trump may soon issue an executive order intended to lift restrictions on oil development in Arctic waters. That's according to a Bloomberg news story. Listen now

AK: Attacking avalanches before they strike

Most of Juneau's power is hydroelectric. Getting that power to the community requires transmission lines that traverse through miles of avalanche country. That's why Alaska Electric Light and Power Company hires helicopter crews to trigger slides to prevent destructive avalanches from knocking out the power. Listen now

Dunleavy leaves Senate majority before voting against budget

Wasilla Republican Sen. Mike Dunleavy announced he’s leaving the Senate majority, before the Senate passed its budget on Thursday. Listen now
A white man in a gray suit

Rep. Eastman is sole lawmaker to vote against honoring black soldiers

Yesterday new legislation was passed that named Oct 25th as African American Soldiers’ Contribution to Building the Alaska Highway Day. All 19 senators who were present and 39 of the 40 House members voted for the bill. Listen now

Shooting by ‘distraught man’ and avalanche trap Turnagain Arm residents in the dark

The sole highway heading south out of Anchorage was closed because of what police described as a "distraught man." A manhunt is still underway for a suspect who allegedly discharged a weapon multiple times. Hours later, an avalanche knocked out power in the area, as well. Listen now

Essential Air Service has friends in US Senate

Alaska is a big beneficiary of the Essential Air Service program, but Alaska’s congressional delegation isn’t the only one urging that the federal subsidy continue. Listen now

Fate of competing plans to close state budget is uncertain

To some House members, reintroducing an income tax in Alaska is the best way to close a long-term gap between how much the state government spends and what it raises in revenue. Listen now

Narcan saves lives in opioid epidemic but is only first step

The state’s Department of Health and Social Services is starting to distribute Narcan kits around Alaska. The nasal spray stops opioid overdoses. For one woman at the Covenant House, helping build the kits is personal. The drug has saved her life. Listen now

Scientists agree starvation killed hundreds of puffins, but did PSP play a role?

What caused more than 300 puffins to wash up dead in the Pribilof Islands last fall? Starvation. At least, that’s the consensus among most scientists. Listen now

Climate change hits Alaska’s rural water and sewer systems

For decades, Alaska has struggled to get running water and sewer systems to its rural communities. An estimated 3,000 households — or about 10,000 people — still lack both. Now, that job may be getting harder, as climate change exacerbates old problems and creates new ones. Listen now

Young pulls punches for this road foe

Rep. Don Young is known to berate Democrats and environmentalists who oppose his efforts to get a road for King Cove. Young accuses them of being indifferent to the lives of his constituents, the Alaska Natives who reside in a remote, isolated community. But at a hearing Wednesday, the witness who spoke against the road was also an Alaska Native from a remote, isolated community. And this wasn’t just about the road. Listen now