Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Cancer patient to senators: Dump this bill

U.S. Senate leaders postponed a vote on their health care reform bill, but Alaskans opposed to the bill aren't letting up. One Alaskan, a three-time cancer survivor, went to Washington to make his pitch directly. Listen now

Hughes leaves Senate majority over budget

For the second time this year, a Republican from Matanuska-Susitna Borough left the state Senate majority caucus. Palmer Sen. Shelley Hughes left the caucus last Thursday to oppose the state budget. Listen now
people stand on the dock of a large boat as it approaches a glacier

Alaska communities to receive millions in Payments In Lieu of Taxes

The Department of the Interior announced today that local Alaska governments around the state would receive $29.7 million in Payment in Lieu of Taxes funds, or PILT. Listen now

Anchorage seeks proposals for Transit Center overhaul

Officials are reaching out to developers and the business community for ideas on how to re-invent the troubled property. Listen now

CBO sees peril in Senate bill for uncrowded regions

The Congressional Budget Office has what amounts to a warning for "sparsely populated areas" in its analysis of the Senate's draft health care reform bill: The bill could drive out insurers. Listen now

Trump’s Interior secretary takes first baby step on King Cove road

There was a bit of a victory Monday for supporters of a proposed road in Southwest Alaska that would connect the village of King Cove to an airport at Cold Bay via the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge. Listen now

Ombudsman reports show failures at OCS

The state's Ombudsman's Office has released reports for two investigations into the Office of Children's Services - both involving the same caseworker. Listen now

What’s next for the legislature after narrowly avoiding a shutdown?

The Legislature avoided a state government shutdown by passing an operating budget on Thursday, eight days before the deadline. But they haven’t addressed the capital budget, or other important issues facing the state’s future. Listen now

AK: How do you grow a zoo in Anchorage?

The Alaska Zoo has dramatically transformed over the last five decades. The process of expanding a collection of rare animals isn't easy. None the less, there have been some acquisitions lately. The process of integrating new wildlife into the facility combines non-profit budgeting with the whims of mother nature. Listen now

Legislature passes budget compromise to avert shutdown

The Legislature passed a budget that avoids a state government shutdown Thursday night.

Murkowski’s take on health bill? Stay tuned

Sen. Lisa Murkowski wouldn't say how she'll vote on the health care reform bill Senate leaders released Thursday, but it does things she has said she's against, like shrinking Medicaid expansion and defunding Planned Parenthood. Listen now

Walker signs bill granting health insurance to dependents of fallen police, firefighters

Governor Bill Walker has signed legislation which requires the state to provide health insurance for the dependents of state law enforcement officers and firefighters killed in the line of duty. Listen now

“Doesn’t he know it’s frozen?” How Alaska almost overlooked Prudhoe Bay

You could argue — and a lot of people do — that Alaska would be a completely different place if it weren’t for a man named Tom Marshall.
a sign says "Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation"

State eyes Alaska Permanent Fund earnings draw without plan

Lawmakers have proposed drawing money from the Alaska Permanent Fund earnings to pay for state government for the first time. But as the Legislature focuses on preventing a government shutdown, it’s increasingly likely the draw won’t be based on any one plan. And that’s raising concerns with lawmakers, the fund’s leader and a bond-rating firm. Listen now

Borough Assembly approves funding for Port Mac repairs

On Tuesday, the Mat-Su Borough Assembly approved the transfer of over half-a-million dollars from existing funds to pay for repairs to the Port Mackenzie barge dock, although some expressed reservations about the port’s continuing costs. Listen now
An oil platform in ocean

Hilcorp picks up more acreage in Cook Inlet for oil and gas development

Hilcorp snapped up more than 100,000 acres in Cook Inlet for additional oil and gas development at federal and state lease sales held Wednesday. Listen now

Fairbanks Police say Monday morning shooter was prepared for armed confrontation

Fairbanks Police have released details about an officer involved shooting in the city Monday. Police identified the man killed in a shootout with 4 FPD officers, as 21-year-old Mathew Colton Stover of Northway. Listen now

Supreme Court of Alaska hears arguments over legality of Walker’s PFD veto

The fate of hundreds of millions in Permanent Fund dividend money now rests with the five Alaska Supreme court judges. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: Summer solstice

Alaskans will celebrate the summer solstice at 8:24 tonight. The solstice is the point when the sun’s rays reach their highest latitude of the year. And also the moment when the days start getting shorter. Listen now

Sharp comments reflect ill will as Legislature starts 2nd special session

House majority’s handling of budget debate was compared to Pearl Harbor attack, tyranny and Jim Crow laws. Listen now