Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

PFD cut affects some Alaskans more than others

When the Alaska Legislature passed the state budget June 22, it also voted for the first time to cut money for Permanent Fund dividends. By doing this, it followed in the steps of Gov. Bill Walker, who cut PFDs in half last year to maintain state savings. The PFD cut will affect those in some Alaska communities more than others. Listen now

Alaskans greet DPRK missile test with a shrug not a shriek

The news yesterday of a successful intercontinental ballistic missile test by North Korea has world leaders calling for restraint. It's a development that puts all of Alaska within range of an ICBM. But the response in Alaska was muted. Listen now

Alaskans take Mt. Marathon top spots

The 2017 Mount Marathon race in Seward is over and a familiar champion has taken first in the women's race. Listen now

No one injured after one vessel sinks, three beached in big overnight Nushagak fishery

At least four fishing vessels appear to have had major problems from Sunday night to Monday morning in Bristol Bay's Nushagak District. One, the fishing vessel N-11, capsized and sank after "deck-loading" a big catch of sockeye. Listen now

YK Delta villages receive federal energy grants

Alaska Native villages in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta are getting Federal funds to help improve energy efficiency. The effort is also a way for villages to start reducing energy costs. Listen now

Walker signs Alaska state budget day before it starts

Alaska Gov. Bill Walker signed the state operating budget Friday without vetoing any of it. Listen now

Bucking Trump, Senate FAA bill leaves controllers in place

President Trump wants to privatize air traffic control across the country. But the U.S. Senate’s Commerce Committee passed an aviation bill last week that does not include it. Listen now

Young drives King Cove road through committee

A new bill to create a road for King Cove is advancing in the U.S. House. Like many before it, this bill would authorize a land trade to acquire an 11-mile corridor through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, in Southwest Alaska. Listen now

Sullivan asks to nix August recess

Congress is now on recess until July 9 in honor of Independence Day but some members are looking ahead and asking to cancel their August break. Listen now
A white sign on a light wooden door says "University of Alaska Board of Regents/Executive Session in Progress/Please do not disturb"

University of Alaska Southeast tightens belt, gets creative after budget cuts

The University of Alaska’s Board of Regents unanimously agreed on a budget today, a week after the Legislature decided to cut university funding by about $8 million. That cut comes with a $3 million increase in the university’s costs. Listen now

No joke: A bear walks into a Lemon Creek liquor store

A bear likely was just following its nose when it walked into a Lemon Creek business on Friday. Listen now

AK: Ketchikan Arts Council hosts summertime story slams

On a recent evening in Ketchikan, locals and seasonal residents gathered at the Arctic Bar to carry on perhaps the oldest tradition known to humankind – storytelling. It was a chance for residents to tell their deepest secrets and reveal their sillier sides. Listen now

Alaska’s largest needle exchange is rushing to keep up with demand

The number of syringes exchanged at one Anchorage non-profit doubled in just two years to almost half-a-million. This year they're on track to outpace that. Listen now

Senate to return to Juneau to focus on oil and gas tax credits

The Senate plans to reconvene in Juneau on July 10 to try to overhaul oil and gas credits. But it’s not clear if there’s room for compromise with the House, which has different goals. Listen now

Report: Senate health reform cuts $3.1b from Alaska’s Medicaid

Alaska would lose $3.1 billion in Medicaid funds if the U.S. Senate bill became law, according to a state-funded reporter. That's an even bigger cut than in the bill the House passed. Listen now

Unalaska is the nation’s eagle attack capital. Why?

Unalaska is the national hot spot for bald eagle attacks. Biologists and law enforcement officials agree: You’re more likely to be attacked by a bald eagle here than anywhere else in the country. Listen now

Wave of addiction costs is hitting Alaska’s healthcare system

One side effect of the state's growing opioid and heroin problem is a massive increase diseases connected to drug injection, raising concerns about a potential tidal wave of healthcare costs facing Alaska. Listen now

Contractor’s blunder causes outage to University of Alaska statewide network

The University of Alaska's information technology infrastructure and many of its network systems suffered a prolonged, widespread outage Wednesday on at least two campuses -- Fairbanks and Anchorage. Listen now

Governor Walker signs law recognizing Indigenous Peoples Day in Alaska

In Utqiaġvik over the weekend, Governor Bill Walker signed legislation recognizing Indigenous Peoples Day in Alaska. The law establishes Alaska as the second state in the nation to recognize Indigenous Peoples Day on the second Monday of October, replacing Columbus Day. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: Utqiagvik ends above normal temperature streak

Residents of Utqiagvik have experienced above normal temperatures for the last 17 months. But a cooler-than-normal June will end that streak.