Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Bill rider holds GE salmon at bay

The FDA has already approved a GE salmon for human consumption. One reason it's not for sale in the U.S. -- a few short paragraphs that hitched a ride on a congressional spending bill. Listen now

Bans on game harvest techniques currently under review

The Trump administration has directed the National Park Service in Alaska and the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge to reconsider bans on certain state allowed game harvest techniques. Listen now

Federal scientist says Arctic climate work cost him position

A former policy adviser at the Interior Department says the Trump Administration has retaliated against him for warning about the dangers of climate change to Alaska Native communities.

Initiative to regulate bathrooms likely to appear on Anchorage ballot

The measure seeks to regulate bathrooms, locker-rooms, and other intimate spaces on the basis of biological sex rather than gender identity. Listen now

King Cove Road bill passes U.S. House

The U.S. House has passed a bill that would allow a road between King Cove and Cold Bay. If it becomes law, it could end a decades-long quest of Alaska's congressional delegation: An escape route for a town near the start of the Aleutian Chain. Listen now

Senator David Wilson says he’s not running for Lt. Governor, he filed by accident

On Wednesday, State Senator David Wilson filed a letter of intent to run for lieutenant governor. Later the same day, he amended that filing, saying he is not running. Listen now

Eruptions can’t stop sealife from calling Bogoslof home

Before Bogoslof volcano started erupting, it was a haven for endangered Steller sea lions, fur seals and sea birds. But scientists did not know when and if animals would return to the eastern Aleutian Island. Listen now

State, municipalities face higher borrowing costs from falling credit ratings

Alaska’s credit was downgraded by two rating agencies in the past week. The state had the highest possible rating at the beginning of last year. But the Legislature failed to pass a plan to balance future state budgets for two straight years, which has contributed to the downgrades. Listen now

Alaska’s U.S. senators diverge on repeal, replace

Murkowski wants open hearings on health care, with Democrats. Sullivan says Republicans should keep working as they have because they are nearing a solution that's "very positive for Alaska and the country." Listen now
a bottle of pills

Safeway to pay feds $3M after Wasilla pharmacy lost thousands of pain pills

The supermarket chain Safeway Inc. has agreed to pay $3 million dollars in a settlement that involves missing pain medication from a pharmacy in Wasilla. Listen now

Judge orders Anchorage to pay ex-cops $2.7M after city loses racial discrimination case

A judge has increased the penalty the Municipality of Anchorage will pay two former Anchorage police officers, who alleged racial discrimination at the Anchorage Police Department and won with a jury verdict this spring. Listen now

With budget, US House inches toward ANWR

A budget blueprint in the U.S. House is reviving hopes for Alaskans who want to see the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge open to oil drilling. Listen now

Repeal without replace? Murkowski tweets ‘no’

GOP leaders want to repeal the Affordable Care Act now and replace it later. Sen. Murkowski says "Trust us" plan would just add to market chaos. Listen now

On-site consumption back on the table for Alaska pot businesses

Alaska is on course to be the first state in the country to allow customers to use cannabis inside regulated businesses. Listen now

Walker says future special sessions depend on progress

Gov. Bill Walker said he won’t call lawmakers back to Juneau to work on a plan to balance future state budgets, unless he knows they’re making progress. Listen now

BP leak investigation led to shutdown of 5 more wells

BP was forced to plug five at-risk wells on the North Slope after investigating an oil leak that happened this April. Listen now

Troopers shoot bear after it kills, eats a dog in a Sitka neighborhood

Wildlife troopers in Sitka shot and killed a brown bear Friday afternoon after it killed and partially consumed a resident’s dog. Listen now

Special session ends with compromise on oil and gas tax credits

State government would no longer provide tax credits that can be traded for cash to oil and gas companies under a bill the Legislature passed Saturday. Listen now

Moody’s downgrades state’s credit rating

Moody's has downgraded the state's credit rating again and said the state has a negative outlook. Listen now

AK: Mod Carousel brings boylesque world premiere to Juneau

For eight years Seattle-based boylesque collective Mod Carousel blurs gender expression in Alaska. It’s newest show, Gilded makes its world premiere in Alaska. Juneau residents will be treated to the world premiere of a dance production this weekend. Listen now