Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Arctic drilling foes find public passion has cooled

In the U.S. Senate, opponents of drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge find the proposal isn't drawing public outrage like it did more than a decade ago. "Listen, I know it's a busy news cycle we live in. But last time this issue captured the public's attention," said Sen. Maria Cantwell. Listen now

In Haines, helping locals get health care pain-free

Health insurance can be expensive, boring, and frustrating. But for the next five weeks, the federal marketplace is open for people to buy care — and one Alaskan is on a mission to make sure those bad feelings can’t stop good coverage. Listen now

Alongside Trump in China, Alaska gets a new deal on its LNG

State will explore marketing, financing and investment with China for the $45 billion mega-project.

Murkowski reveals Arctic Refuge drilling details

The ANWR measure will be the subject of debate in the Senate Energy Committee next week. It calls for a 50-50 revenue split between the state and the feds. Listen now

Looser drilling rules bill advances in US House

A deregulation bill aimed at boosting energy production on federal lands has cleared a U.S. House committee. It would remove several limits on Arctic drilling. Listen now

State Economist says global spike in oil prices not likely to affect price forecast

In Alaska, North Slope crude rose to more than $63 a barrel by Monday. Listen now

Spending gap could hurt Alaska Permanent Fund, budget director says

Alaska’s state government will have a roughly $600 million gap between how much it spends and how much it raises, State budget director Pat Pitney says. Listen now

A plea to DC: Save the Tongass plan

Congress recently learned it has the power to overturn the amended plan for the Tongass National Forest. A Juneau business owner flew to Washington, D.C. with a message for Alaska's Congressional delegation: "Don't." Listen now

Alaska House passes revision to criminal justice law

After a series of contentious votes on amendments, 32 House members voted for Senate Bill 54, while eight voted against it early Tuesday morning. Listen now

Major climate report warns of rapid change, potential tipping points

One climate scientist says the report can be summarized in one sentence: "Climate is changing, humans are responsible, the risks are real, and the window of time to fix this thing is narrowing fast." Listen now

AK: Anthropologists excavate 13,000-year-old secrets near Fort Greely

Anthropologists with the University of Alaska Fairbanks say a site they’re excavating near the Delta River west of Fort Greely was first inhabited by people some 13,000 years ago – not long after humanity crossed over a now-submerged land bridge that connected Asia and North America. Listen now

Costs are uncertain on Alaska criminal justice bill

Department of Corrections officials estimate the new bill could cost between $1.6 million and just over $4.3 million dollars. Listen now

When US Senators listen to Arctic voices, only some resonate

Eleven Alaskans testified before the U.S. Senate Energy Committee Thursday, for and against drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. While senators said they wanted to listen to the people of the Arctic, many seemed to hear selectively. Listen now

Papua New Guinea company to take over big North Slope oil play

Denver-based Armstrong Energy is selling off a significant chunk of its stake in the Nanushuk oil play to Oil Search, a company based in Papua New Guinea. Oil Search announced Wednesday that it will take over as operator next June. Listen now

Can Congress squeeze $1b from ANWR?

For decades, environmental groups warned Big Oil would plunder the Arctic Refuge if Congress opened the area to drilling. Now, ahead of a Senate hearing, the environmental argument has shifted. A new report claims drilling advocates are exaggerating industry's interest in the refuge. Listen now

Gov. Walker announces new climate change task force

The 15-person "Climate Action for Alaska Leadership Team" will be chaired by Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott, and will propose a climate change action plan. Those recommendations are due by September 2018. Listen now

Alaska sues OxyContin maker, alleging deception

With thousands of alleged violations, the total damages would be more than $50 million. Listen now

Nome’s Polaris Hotel on fire; blaze continues into afternoon

Nome residents awoke this morning to see the Polaris Hotel ablaze. 22 of the available 30 Nome firefighters are currently containing the blaze. Listen now

One Arctic species is listed, one isn’t. Did politics play a role?

Two of the Arctic’s most iconic animals, polar bears and walrus, face challenges with retreating sea ice. But they haven't been granted the same federal protections. Listen now