Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Crude spill at Valdez Terminal under investigation

According to Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, which operates the terminal, under 200 gallons of oil leaked from two arms used to load crude onto tankers. Listen now

After years shut, a rural tannery re-opens for business

In the small community of Shishmaref there’s a local business like no other. It’s a tannery, set up to process hundreds of seal hides a year sent from subsistence hunters. Listen now

Two lawsuits challenge NPR-A lease sale

Environmental groups filed separate lawsuits Friday challenging the federal government’s December lease sale in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. Listen now

While residents oppose Donlin’s waste plans, industry groups and Native corporations voice support

The tone of a hearing in Anchorage on two draft permits for the proposed Donlin Gold mine was very different from those held in the region where the mine would be located. Listen now

Amid assault allegations, Rep. Zach Fansler resigns

District 38 Representative Zach Fansler has resigned. Listen now

State supplemental budget reaches $178 million, prompts Medicaid concern

Most of this cost — $92 million — is from Medicaid. Legislature is funding Medicaid at a lower level than state officials projected costs would run. On top of that, those projections were too low. Officials say more people enrolled in Medicaid due to the recession. Listen now

Trump ‘really didn’t care’ about ANWR. Then a friend called.

President Trump says he didn't care much about opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling - until a friend told him other presidents had tried to and failed. Listen now

Amid shrinking sea ice, hunters race to adapt

With warming winters changing coastal environments, subsistence hunters are finding ways to adapt their practices. Listen now

Sen. Wilson disciplined for retaliating against aide in press conference

Human resource manager wrote that Wilson undermined an investigation by claiming the incident didn’t happen.
water and mountains

Enviros sue over King Cove road

That was fast. Conservation groups filed a lawsuit to thwart the King Cove land exchange Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke announced last week. The swap is intended to allow through part of the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge to Cold Bay. Listen now

Y-K Delta Democrats discuss Fansler’s potential replacement

Representative Zach Fansler refuses to resign from the House, but his constituents are already planning to replace him. Listen now

Support and concern as Ambler Road comment period draws to a close

It's a big road in a state with not that many of them. Proponents say it will enable growth of the mining industry, and create jobs. Detractors worry about impacts to subsistence. Listen now

Bad timing: Power outage hit Earthquake Center before 7.9 shaker

The tsunami warning that rattled Alaskans last week exposed weak spots in the disaster safety net. A fluke caused the Alaska Earthquake Center to go dark for an hour. Listen now

When homelessness is around the corner, even the helpers can become helpless

Dion Wynne was working full-time and preparing to open a therapeutic foster home. Then he fell ill and was hospitalized for over a month. Join him as he tries to save his home -- and his dreams.

Fansler hasn’t responded to House leaders’ resignation request

Speaker Bryce Edgmon, a Dillingham Democrat, said in a press availability Tuesday morning that the caucus is giving Rep. Zach Fansler time. Listen now

Alaska’s US senators split on abortion vote

The U.S. Senate on Monday rejected a bill to ban most abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Sen. Lisa Murkowski was one of only two Republicans to vote “no” on the procedural motion. Listen now

Number of House members calling for Fansler resignation grows

The House majority caucus meets Monday evening and could remove representative, accused of assault, from the caucus and his committee assignments. Listen now

Following assault allegations, House Majority Coalition calls for Rep. Zach Fansler to resign

The leader of the Alaska House Majority Coalition, Rep. Bryce Edgmon, is asking House District 38 Rep. Zach Fansler to resign following accusations of assault. Listen now

Delegation to Zinke: Thanks, but no thanks, for huge leasing plan

The congressional delegation has asked Interior Sec. Ryan Zinke to exclude all but three areas from his plan for oil and gas leasing off Alaska's shores. Listen now

EPA head reverses course on Pebble, saying it may pose ‘unacceptable’ risk

EPA administrator Scott Pruitt said the agency is suspending its effort to reverse an Obama-era proposal to put restrictions on the mine. Listen now