Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Lawmakers add funding for public defenders

Anchorage Republican Rep. Lance Pruitt opposed the added money. He proposed firing higher paid lawyers and replacing them with lower cost, less experienced lawyers. Listen now

Sullivan knocks Trump tariff as bad for Alaska

Sen. Dan Sullivan says a steel import tax and a trade war could hurt Alaska's fish exports and energy projects. Listen now

Interior Department officials visit North Slope to talk ANWR

A high-profile guest from the U.S. Interior Department was in attendance at the North Slope Borough Assembly meeting in Utqiaġvik on Tuesday, March 6. Listen now
plants grow in an indoor warehouse

Juneau police end policy of flagging flying weed

A change in policy by Juneau police means licensed marijuana producers should now be able to fly their product out of Juneau on commercial airlines. Until recently commercial cannabis was allowed to fly in but not out of Juneau International Airport. Listen now

USGS nominee inclined to show data to Interior bosses

If confirmed as USGS director, James Reilly says he'd likely share sensitive data with his higher-ups at the Interior Department if they ask to see it. A demand to release data about the NPR-A led two USGS staffers to quit this winter. Listen now

DeeDee Jonrowe second musher to scratch in 2018 Iditarod

Willow musher DeeDee Jonrowe has scratched from the 2018 Iditarod. Listen now

Walker seeks to deepen trade ties with China

In a press conference in Anchorage on Monday, March 5, Governor Walker detailed trade trip and other opportunities for partnership with China. Listen now

Mixing science with traditional knowledge, researchers hope to get seal oil on the menu

The traditional foods movement in Alaska is growing. Moose and caribou are appearing on menus at healthcare facilities across the state. But there's an important food that still needs approval -- seal oil. A long-sought solution is in the works.

Murkowski backs bill to ID school threats

Sen. Lisa Murkowski is co-sponsoring a school safety bill, one of the first to emerge in the Senate after the Valentine's Day shooting at a Florida high school. It does not impose gun control. Listen now

Public testimony backs stable or increased state budget

Ninety people focused on funding services. Most of the other 11 asked for spending cuts. Listen now

AK: How an Arkansas duck tagger became a champion musher

The Iditarod is upon us, and those who follow the race know that dog mushing is home to many colorful characters. It might seem strange that one of Alaska's top mushers has a southern accent - but, when one reporter from Arkansas heard Allen Moore's southern drawl, she immediately recognized one of her own. Listen now

Senate votes to let car insurers base renewal rates on credit histories

In 2003, the state allowed insurers to start using these records for new applicants. But they still couldn’t use them for people who are renewing policies. Listen now

Lacking competitive benefits, exodus of troopers causes ‘critically low’ staffing

The Alaska State Troopers are at “critically low” staffing levels, according to a recruitment and retention plan report from the Department of Public Safety. Listen now

Bill would let Alaska judges temporarily take guns from likely threats

A proposed House bill would allow Alaska judges to issue protective orders removing guns from people who they find to likely be a threat to themselves or others. Listen now

What can unflappable geese teach us about the future of Arctic development?

Every summer, millions of migratory birds like the greater white-fronted goose descend on the National Petroleum Reserve, to lay eggs, molt their feathers and fatten up. A lot of the oil potential lies squarely in migratory bird habitat. Listen now

Committee scales back draw from permanent fund earnings

Homer Republican Rep. Paul Seaton said the smaller draw is more sustainable. He chairs the House Finance Committee, which voted for it 6 to 4. Listen now

Did Russia compromise Alaska election websites or systems? NBC News report says it did

However, Alaska elections officials had said in September that operatives did not compromise the election system. Alaska has asked the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for any information related to the new news report. Listen now
A bld man with a beard speaking into a microphone

Alaska’s Medicaid and public assistance backlog is 20,000 people deep

The House Finance Committee voted in favor of hiring 41 people to reduce the backlog. “The morale in that department is not good,” said Rep. Les Gara, D-Anchorage. Listen now
U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan studies notes in the House Speaker's Chambers while waiting for the Alaska House of Representatives and Senate to jointly convene for his annual address on Feb. 26, 2018. (Photo by Skip Gray/360 North)

Tweets aside, Sullivan says Trump good for Alaska

Sen. Dan Sullivan said he doesn't like all of President Trump's tweets, but he does like what the Trump administration is doing for Alaska.  There's not a lot of daylight between them when you look at the senator's voting record. Listen now

Legislature faces another struggle over long-term budget plan

The biggest focus is on a plan that would draw from Alaska Permanent Fund earnings. Listen now