Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Legislature picks up pace, with little time to spare

The Legislature is on track to break the record for fewest bills passed in a year, with only five so far this year compared with the current record-low of 32 last year. Listen now

After pushback, public comment period on Pebble Mine extended

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will take public comment on its initial scoping for an environmental permit through June. Listen now

Logan concedes Anchorage mayoral race to Berkowitz as returns come in

Since returns first came in for Anchorage's local elections Tuesday night, more than 20,000 additional ballots have been counted, and the preliminary results appear to be holding. Listen now

Senators aim for $1,600 dividends, early school funding

The Senate Finance Committee draft budget would cut $98 million to fund the operations of state government from the House’s version of the budget. Listen now

As oil spill response vessels arrive, Alyeska argues Prince William Sound safer than ever

Alyeska Pipeline Service Company is bringing on Edison Chouest as a new contractor responsible for oil spill prevention and response. The switch has drawn scrutiny and criticism. So Alyeska is trying hard to reassure Alaskans that Prince William Sound -- the site of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill -- will be safer than ever before. Listen now

Walker administration works to fix broken 911 call system

Gov. Bill Walker asked the chairs of both finance committees Monday to re-allocate $10 million toward the state’s ailing 911 system. The money was originally proposed for oil and gas research, but the governor’s office said that this was more important. Listen now

Sullivan backs Trump on China import taxes

U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan praised President Trump's trade strategy toward China as a "positive and needed course correction." Listen now

Yes, independents can run in Democratic primary, says Alaska Supreme Court

The decision would allow Gov. Bill Walker to run in the primary if he chooses to. It may affect some Republican primaries, too, for legislators the party doesn’t want on their ticket. Listen now

Alaska corrections leaders look to Norway for inspiration

In the last two decades, Norway has made a series of changes to lower their recidivism rate — the rate people convicted of crimes re-offend. These changes include making life in prison look a lot more like normal life. Listen now

Anchorage elections results favor Berkowitz, utility sale, Prop 1 failure

The majority of votes cast in Anchorage’s municipal elections are in. And while some races remain too close to call, a clear picture emerged Tuesday night on most of the candidates and measures. Listen now

UA President Johnsen shares outlook for university budget

The Alaska House of Representatives passed its version of the state operating budget Monday by a narrow margin. It includes $19 million more for the University of Alaska’s operating budget than Gov. Bill Walker proposed. Listen now

House passes state budget in close vote

Any changes the Senate makes in the budget would likely be worked out in a conference committee. Listen now

Nearly $1M spent on Anchorage “bathroom bill” ahead of vote

Amid a packed slate of propositions and candidates, one particularly controversial measure has drawn the lion's share of campaign money. Listen now

Gasline signs a DC insider

Former White House communications director Mike Dubke is now helping promote the Alaska gasline project. Listen now

Alaska House reverses itself on full dividend

The House had been stalled for days, when the majority split over the size of the PFD. Six members of the majority reversed their position. Listen now

Chinese officials tour proposed gasline project

A Chinese group is touring the route of a proposed Alaska natural gas pipeline. Chinese government and energy officials are investigating the project in cooperation with the state of Alaska, in anticipation of investing in construction of the $43 billion gas line. Listen now

LISTEN: These undocumented Alaskans came to the U.S. as children. What happens next?

What's it like to live in Alaska as a member of the DACA generation? Meet local business owner Deicy Camarena and mother and legal services worker H.J Kim. Thanks for listening!
blue sticker that says "I Voted Today!" with big dipper

Reactions mixed as Vote By Mail approaches deadline in Anchorage

So far, the system is not without kinks. But the experiment is proceeding steadily toward its April 3rd deadline.

Walker admin says Corps moving too fast on Pebble

The proposed gold and copper mine would sit upstream from Bristol Bay. Gov. Bill Walker has said he doesn’t support the mine and believes the priority should be on the region’s salmon.

Divided House majority coalition stuck on state budget

Since the majority couldn’t agree on the dividend, it can’t agree on the overall size of the budget. The added dividend money would cost $892 million. Listen now