Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

No oil companies oppose bonds for tax credits, commissioner says

State payments for the credits slowed as oil prices fell. But companies have said the delayed payments have hurt development. Listen now

Trump administration kicks off process for oil development in ANWR

The Department of Interior released a notice saying it will hold “no fewer than two” oil lease sales in a 1.6-million acre portion of the refuge, known as the 1002 area or the Coastal Plain. Listen now

Anchorage officials certify vote-by-mail results

About 79,295 ballots were cast, pushing turnout to just over 36 percent, a high figure relative to Anchorage’s normal local election returns. The vote certification upholds preliminary results. Listen now

Murkowski suggests taxing outdoor rec gear to help fund park projects

Senator Lisa Murkowski used a mudslide prone stretch of the Denali National Park Road to point to the need for more funding to address major maintenance at parks. Listen now

Sitka Tribe to co-manage interpretation at Sitka National Historical Park

After a year of negotiations, Sitka Tribe of Alaska will partner with the National Parks Service to begin co-management of historical interpretation at the Sitka National Historical Park — the first compacting agreement of its kind in U.S. history. Listen now

At crucial moment, Denali Commission faces leadership gap

The top job at the federal agency tasked with coordinating help for Alaska villages threatened by climate change will soon be vacant. Listen now

At USACE scoping meetings in Iliamna Lake region, locals express concerns about Pebble

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers solicited public comment on the proposed Pebble Mine plan at five scoping meetings last week. At the two meetings on the shores of Iliamna Lake, near the Pebble deposit and proposed mine infrastructure, locals turned out to ask the Army Corps to consider possible effects a mine could have on their way of life. Listen now

ConocoPhillips announces three new oil discoveries on the North Slope

Conoco didn’t release many details about the discoveries, including how much oil was found. But in a press release, the company called the results of this winter’s drilling season “promising.” Listen now

Senate Medicaid budget cut may overstate savings

Federal and state law require certain Medicaid funding. The Senate’s Medicaid funding levels fall short of state projections for that obligation. Listen now

Murkowski: Mueller investigation must continue

"I think it is so important, it is so imperative, that this investigation be allowed to go forward," Murkowski said. "And it will take the course that it will take." She didn't commit to supporting a bill to protect Mueller from dismissal. Listen now

House Judiciary chair says there won’t be a gun control law this session

“The bottom line was the National Rifle Association wasn’t willing to support a bill that allowed the ex-parte order to seize weapons,” Rep. Matt Claman said. Listen now

Senate passes its version of state budget after charged debate

The vote came after the Senate defeated 24 proposed amendments, including one that would have raised permanent fund dividends to the full amount. Listen now

Army Corps addresses criticism of environmental review process for Pebble

Sheila Newman, with the Army Corps’ Alaska District, said the agency recognizes that Pebble is not an average project proposal — it has a long history in Alaska, so the agency is trying to make adjustments for that. Listen now

Draft Walker climate policy urges Alaska to transition away from fossil fuels

The first recommendations from Gov. Bill Walker’s climate task force run the gamut — from putting a price on carbon to supporting a more diversified economy and improving how climate change is taught in schools. Listen now

Former climate official says details surrounding his reassignment look “damning” for Trump admin

Joel Clement resigned in October after being ousted from his position working on issues like coastal resilience and village relocation in Alaska. Listen now

Alaska Senate set to debate state budget on Thursday

The biggest difference from the House budget is that the Senate bill does not include $1.28 billion for school funding. The Senate would provide that money in separate legislation.

Former Planned Parenthood worker rejected for midwives board

Opposition to Linden’s appointment to the Board of Certified Direct-Entry Midwives was centered on Planned Parenthood’s role in providing abortions. Listen now

Facebook CEO dodges Sullivan’s softball

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was contrite in a U.S. Senate hearing. But he wouldn't play along when Sen. Dan Sullivan wanted to make a point about regulation. Listen now

After Prop 1 vote, groups look to Anchorage ahead of midterm elections

Results on Proposition 1 came as a surprise to many, and has implications for the upcoming midterm elections in other states. Listen now

Slow-paced session could end with a sprint

It’s not clear which bills lawmakers will pass in the remaining days, other than those related to the budget. Listen now