Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

An oil rig at Prudhoe Bay.

Using data as a carrot, Alaska hopes to entice interest in oil lease sale

The state of Alaska is offering oil companies a sneak preview on three North Slope areas it’s putting up for bid at this year’s oil and gas lease sale. Listen now

After deadly bear attack, hikers in Eagle River weigh risks

If you live in Alaska, you live in bear country. While the risk of a bear encounter or attack is low, there's always a chance the worst could happen. Listen now

Whittier police arrest two men with 33-pound bag of meth

Whittier Police arrested two men who allegedly possessed a backpack filled with 33 pounds of methamphetamine Thursday. Listen now

BLM projects ‘insignificant’ impact from seismic work in ANWR

Officials from the Bureau of Land Management expect "no significant impact" from a 3d seismic survey in the Arctic Refuge. They expect to approve the request in time for work to begin this winter. Enviros say the work could disturb denning polar bears. Listen now

Did ‘the blob’ heat the Bering Sea enough to threaten your fish sticks?

The blob is gone now, but warm water remains to the north in the Bering Sea. Scientists are pondering potential effects on fish like pollock, which are processed into things like fish sticks and McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish sandwiches. Listen now

State officials weigh shift to more voting by mail

Rural Alaskans don’t want a system that entirely relies on mail. Listen now

From Congress, a call to help fishermen caught in trade war

Democrats in the U.S. House are urging President Trump to give fisherman caught in the trade war with China the same benefits announced Tuesday for farmers. Listen now

Fire crews continue battle with Taixtsalda Hill fire, estimated at 4,700 acres

Hot, dry weather in the Interior is bringing wildfires to life. The Taixtsalda Hill Fire near Tok is estimated at 4,700 acres, after being started Monday by an unknown cause. Listen now

Walker leads in fundraising and cash on hand, but other candidates have own strengths

Counting the money Gov. Walker and Lt. Gov. Mallott have spent, it leaves the ticket with $445,000 in cash on hand. Listen now

The Big Thaw: Fishermen in Kodiak cope with record low cod numbers

The cod population in the Gulf of Alaska is at its lowest level on record. The culprit is a warm water mass called "the blob" that churned in the Pacific Ocean between 2013 and 2017. Listen now

Murkowski calls on Trump to end ‘sad chapter’ of splitting families at border

Sen. Lisa Murkowski is urging President Trump to use "all available resources" to reunite migrant families. Listen now

Endangered Species Act overhaul could put Alaska’s polar bears in crosshairs

The Trump administration announced revisions to the Endangered Species Act to make it easier for developers to navigate the law. Environmental groups criticized the proposal. Listen now

USFWS quietly allows land survey in Izembek; Enviros call foul

Conservation groups say the Interior Department has gone behind the public’s back to conduct a land survey in the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, in the area of the proposed King Cove road. Listen now
A swampy tundra area as seen from above

Feds request public input on National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska oil leasing

The federal government is asking the public for input on this year's oil and gas lease sale in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A), an Indiana-sized area of land on the North Slope. Listen now
Alaska State Troopers. Photo: Monica Gokey/ Alaska Public Media file photo.

Anchorage pilot dies, two suffer injuries in Willow plane crash

Alaska State Troopers identified the pilot as 24-year-old Colt Richter of Anchorage. Richter was flying for Anchorage-based Regal Air. Listen now

Parnell endorses Dunleavy for governor

The announcement came the same day that Mead Treadwell said he has the business experience needed to be governor – and Dunleavy doesn’t. Listen now

Senators have criticized Trump. Now what?

Beyond strongly worded statements and tweets, is there more Sens. Murkowski and Sullivan should do to show Trump they disapprove of his remarks in Helsinki? Listen now

Inupiaq woman criticizes use of her image in Dunleavy ad, campaign deletes footage

Marjorie Tahbone said she became aware of the ad on social media when friends forwarded it to her. Listen now