Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Murkowski all in for Hyde-Smith, despite ‘hanging’ remark

Some contributors asked for refunds after the Mississippi senator seemed to make light of lynching. But Sen. Lisa Murkowski made a maximum campaign contribution.

As oceans heats up off Northwest Alaska, the fishing does too

The cod population in the Gulf of Alaska is at its lowest level on record. Officials have declared disasters after the failure of multiple Alaska salmon fisheries. But in northern parts of the state, fishermen have been landing huge catches, in numbers that haven’t been seen in decades.

Final Walker budget includes $1,800 PFDs and funds to investigate murders of Alaska Native women

While Gov. Bill Walker is leaving office, his nearly $6 billion spending plan could provide the basis for Gov.-elect Mike Dunleavy’s first budget.

Alaska’s governor-elect makes key appointments

Gov.-elect Mike Dunleavy’s cabinet is taking shape with several key positions announced Monday. Only one has worked for a state government.

New federal report: Climate change is going to be expensive in Alaska and impact every household in the state

The latest National Climate Assessment, released today, devotes an entire chapter to Alaska and describes the state as one of the fastest warming places on earth.
Map showing the region of ANWR (Shiri Segal/Alaska Public Media)

Seismic work in ANWR this winter? Time will tell.

SAExploration hopes to collect data within the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge before the government holds an oil lease sale next summer.

Alaska Peninsula Corporation strikes a land access deal with Pebble

If the proposed Pebble Mine makes it through the permitting process, the Alaska Peninsula Corporation has agreed to allow Pebble to build a transportation corridor on APC land.

Sen. Sullivan: Mueller doesn’t need Congress to protect him

U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan said a bill to protect the Mueller investigation isn't needed because the president has said he doesn't intend to replace Robert Mueller. "I take him at his word on that.”

Trump administration moves to open environmentally sensitive National Petroleum Reserve land to oil drilling

The Interior department on Tuesday announced it is beginning the environmental review process to re-do the management plan for NPR-A, which is west of Prudhoe Bay.
An aerial view of green farmland with a mountainous backdrop.

State asks for new housing units to help Alaskans in recovery

$2 million in federal funds could spread up to 10 new recovery residences around the state to assist Alaskans re-entering community.

Outgoing Lt. Gov. Davidson considers political future in Alaska

Lt. Gov. Valerie Narr’araaluk Davidson took her first trip back to the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta earlier this week, visiting Yup’ik immersion school Ayaprun Elitnaurviat, Gladys Jung Elementary and technical training school Yuut Elitnaurviat.

ADF&G predicts weak pink salmon harvest in 2019

If the forecast is accurate, 2019 would be the lowest odd-year pink harvest since 1987.

Dunleavy asks for resignations from broadened group of state workers

In a press release Friday afternoon, the Dunleavy transition team wrote that the governor-elect wants to broaden the scope of which employees will be asked to offer leaving their jobs.

Murkowski won’t block judges to get Mueller protection bill

Sen. Jeff Flake says he'll vote against all judicial nominees unless the Mueller protection bill is brought to the floor for a vote. He needs one more Republican to join him. Murkowski says it won't be her.

A changing military brings fewer Alaska Natives into the force

Changes in military structure, in particular the National Guard, have diminished the rate of service among Alaska Natives below past highs.

Shrugging off lawsuit, Trump administration forges ahead with offshore Arctic drilling proposal

If the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is going to hold an oil lease sale in the Beaufort Sea in 2019, the environmental review process needs to start now.

Coast Guard bill would end EPA permit mandate for fishing boats

For years, Alaska's commercial fishing fleet has dreaded a requirement to obtain a permit for even basic boat discharges, like draining a fish hold, or hosing down a deck. Now, Congress is on the verge of ditching the requirement forever.

The only thing people in Crooked Creek agree on about the Donlin Mine is that it’s coming

Some residents of Crooked Creek see the potential for much needed economic development while others see the possible disruption of their subsistence lifestyle.

Dunleavy selects Corri Feige as natural resources commissioner

Corri Feige is not new to the agency she will now lead — she was previously the head of DNR’s Division of Oil and Gas under Gov. Bill Walker.

Report: Data lacking on murdered Native women

Many police departments didn't respond to requests for data about missing or murdered indigenous women. "You will never solve a problem you won't admit you have, that you don't have data on," says Sen. Heidi Heitkamp.