Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

BP says sale to Hilcorp is still on, but under revised terms

The oil and gas giant says it expects the deal to close in June.

From her home office yurt, Alaska’s chief medical officer navigates ‘uncharted territory’

Dr. Anne Zink started as an emergency room doctor, but was drawn into health policy after seeing the failures of Alaska's medical system while she was on the job. Now she's become a trusted voice as she appeals to residents to follow stringent social distancing guidelines.

Inmate at Goose Creek Correctional tests positive for coronavirus

It is the first inmate of Alaska's correctional system to have a positive test, but only four have been conducted in the Wasilla facility.
Dr. Elizabeth Bates runs through protocol with a YKHC employee at the COVID-19 drive-thru test site in Bethel.

Alaska’s PPE shortage has eased, state’s top doc says

Most Alaska hospitals now have enough face masks and other personal protection equipment to last a month.

Alaska has relaxed in-state travel rules and set new protocols for childcare, fitness and other businesses

Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy has relaxed the ban on residents’ in-state travel and other things, with limits, as part of an array of revised health mandates unveiled this week, aimed at cautiously reviving the economy.

Mayor outlines plans for re-opening Anchorage businesses this Monday

The move represents a shift in the city's plan to go from a "hunkering down" phase to an "easing" period on the road toward recovery.

As Anchorage hair salons prepare to reopen, some owners wish they had more notice

Across the city, and the state, salon owners are figuring out when and how to safely reopen during the coronavirus pandemic. It's a complicated calculus and the risks are high.

More cash aid from the state makes sense, economists say, but it may not be as simple as another PFD

Some lawmakers, led by Gov. Mike Dunleavy, say the dire, once-in-generations nature of the coronavirus pandemic requires drastic measures in response. And a number of of Alaska economists agree -- though they stress that extra spending from the Permanent Fund should done carefully, and that it comes with trade-offs.

Alaska is reopening the economy, but Anchorage protesters took to the streets anyway

City and state officials announced they were relaxing regulations on businesses, but hundreds of protesters took to the streets of Anchorage in their vehicles on Wednesday anyway for an event meant push lawmakers to speed up the reopening of the economy.

Dunleavy says Alaska is in a better position than other states to reopen some businesses

Gov. Mike Dunleavy said on Wednesday that Alaska is in a better position than other states to reopen hair salons, nail shops and tattoo parlors.

Amid some confusion, Anchorage is putting protocols in place that will allow businesses to open

A discrepancy between the state and local timelines for allowing previously shuttered businesses to begin opening up is creating some confusion.

Dunleavy says restaurants and other retail businesses can reopen Friday

Gov. Mike Dunleavy announced on Tuesday restaurants and other retail businesses can begin offering more services on Friday, if they follow certain health guidelines.

‘Putting the company almost on life support’: Cruise ship cuts devastate Alaska tourism

Alaska had planned for a record-number of cruise ship passengers this year. Then came the pandemic. Now, across cruise lines, at least 360 sailings to Alaska have been called off so far.

Sealaska sues Nieman Marcus for allegedly using Native design in $2,500 coat

Sealaska Heritage Institute has filed a federal lawsuit against the high-end fashion retailer Neiman Marcus, alleging the company copied a traditional Ravenstail pattern when it produced a coat that retails for more than $2,500.
A pipeline stretching toward a sunset

Oil prices fell to a historic low Monday. Here’s what that means for Alaska.

While crude prices have continued to plummet in recent weeks, and oil companies have announced spending cuts, Monday’s price meltdown was particularly staggering.
A white man in a red and black fleece jacket speaks at a podium in front of an American flag.

Dunleavy outlines steps for cautious reopening of the economy

Governor Mike Dunleavy said Monday that the state will announce later this week dates for opening hair and nail salons, restaurants, and retail businesses with added protocols to avoid the spread of the coronavirus.

Curbside pickup could be coming to Alaska’s marijuana stores, as control board advances emergency regulations

Right now, sales are only allowed to take place as they normally would -- inside the store. But, if Governor Mike Dunleavy approves the board's emergency regulations, that will change.

Sunday update: Encouraging numbers as Alaska coronavirus cases creep up

Five new cases were reported on Saturday, the eleventh day of five or fewer cases

Foes of Pebble Mine lose a round in court

The case is about the EPA's so-called “pre-emptive veto” of the Pebble Mine. A judge ruled the EPA has the authority to withdraw it.

Alaska businesses got $922 million from PPP before the federal well ran dry

“I know there's probably great despair or fear or panic for those folks who haven't heard from their financial institution ... but I think there is more to come on this."