Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

A pile of sawdust in a muddy parking lot

In a quest for cheaper energy, Kake turns to biomass heating

After looking through available renewable energy sources like solar and wind, the village of Kake turned to a resource that is readily available on the Southeast panhandle: wood.

Mother of all jökulhlaups reported in Southeast Alaska

Scientists believe a massive glacial dam release - or jökulhlaup - recently occurred in Southeast Alaska.
A small village on a

Black teacher sues North Slope district for not addressing students’ racist threats in Nuiqsut

The lawsuit alleges students threatened the teacher using racist language and symbols, but were never disciplined.
Chevak, AK. (Flickr Creative Commons photo)

180 Chevak residents have been newly infected with COVID-19. What happened?

Last week, the village has announced over 180 new cases of COVID-19, about 20% of the population.
assembly members stand for a pledge

Anchorage Assembly weighs how to fill the mayor’s seat

On Friday evening, less than two weeks after Mayor Ethan Berkowitz resigned due to a scandal, Austin Quinn-Davidson was sworn in as the acting mayor of Anchorage. Now, the Anchorage Assembly is turning to decide how to permanently fill the mayor’s seat.

In tele-rally, Trump calls on Alaska ‘patriots’ to vote Young, Sullivan

In his remarks, Trump called Young and Sullivan “two very special people” and asked “every patriot in Alaska” to get out and vote for them.
A computer imageg showinng yellowish blobs on the outside and red balls closer t the middle

Officials appeal to Alaskans for help as state reports 526 COVID-19 cases Sunday

It's the second straight day of record shattering case counts.
Senator Lisa Murkowski speaking to the media

Murkowski says she will vote yes to confirm new Supreme Court justice

On Friday, U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski voted with Democrats against proceeding toward a vote on President Trump’s latest nominee to the Supreme Court.

Debate for the State 2020 – U.S. House and Senate The U.S. House Debate between Rep. Don Young and Alyse Galvin happened at Alaska Public Media on Thursday Oct. 22, 2020. The U.S. Senate...
Several syringes on a table

State vaccine task force plans include ‘backup plans for our backup plans’

In one possible scenario, vaccines would need to be kept at -70 degrees as they are shipped around Alaska, where 80% of communities are off the road system.
A photo of Jack Roderick.

Friends mourn Jack Roderick, who helped build Anchorage government

Roderick packed what seems like three different lives into his 94 years: military service, college football, truck driving, a law practice, the Peace Corps in India, publishing an oil industry newsletter and serving as mayor of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough.
two people debating behind podiums

Galvin, Young accuse each of other of lying during debate

The debate between the candidates for Alaska’s sole seat in Congress became contentious Thursday, with challenger Alyse Galvin saying she’s tired of U.S. Rep. Don Young misrepresenting her position on issues.
a person stands in front of a house

Austin Quinn-Davidson, a relative newcomer, sworn in as Anchorage mayor

Quinn-Davidson, a lawyer by training, says she'll work to regain trust in the city government while continuing to help residents get through the difficulties of the coronavirus pandemic.

Campaign to unseat Alaska Supreme Court justice gets $10K donation from Outside

A group of conservative and religious leaders is asking Alaskans to vote “no” on retaining Alaska Supreme Court Justice Susan Carney. Campaign finance donations show that
A man sits n teh side of a glass window eating from a styrofoam box

Anchorage man shares love for local take-out in viral video reviews

Justin Williams has amassed nearly 1500 followers in a few months with his upbeat, honest video restaurant reviews.
A hand with a blue glove drops a test tube in a ziploc bag held by two green hands.

Due to national shortage, health workers in Western Alaska are forced to reuse gloves

Workers are wearing the same gloves for up to six patients and sanitizing the gloves with alcohol-based hand sanitizer between patients.
two kids do their homework in separate booths at a restaurant

This Anchorage mom is trying to keep up with her kids’ online learning and keep a business afloat

It’s an impossible balancing act made all the more difficult because English is her second language.
An envelope with a division of elections address is placed in a mailbox

By mail, early, in person: Here’s a guide to voting in Alaska

The deadline to request an absentee ballot is Saturday, Oct. 24.
A nurse in a white suit, mask and clothes holds a vial

Some Alaskans are refusing to quarantine because they won’t get paid if they don’t work

The issue is raising concern among state and local public health leaders.