
ll news stories about the Iditarod or mushing in general are categorized “Iditarod.”

Mushers Debate Where To Take 24-Hour Layover

Three days into the Iditarod, the race is still anyone’s game. And the mushers are keeping it interesting this year. Martin Buser completed his 24 hour layover early in the race. Lance Mackey and Sonny Linder appear to be embracing the opposite strategy... making their way down the trail to the Iditarod Checkpoint, which is also the official half way marker in the race. But many of the veteran mushers decided to stick to a plan they know, resting in the popular 24 layover village of Takotna.

Lance Mackey Leading The Way

Lance Mackey is in the lead, leaving Ophir at 5:45 a.m. Wednesday, nearly two and a half hours ahead of the next musher, Sonny Lindner. Jeff King is currently in third place, departing from Ophir at 8:50 a.m. Wednesday.

Mushers Debate Where To Take 24-Hour Layover

As dog teams get further down the trail, mushers are trying to decide where to take their 24-hour mandatory layover. Out of McGrath there are still roughly 700 miles to go before Nome. Some mushers make decisions based on timing and weather, while others have various ideas about how to use down time to their advantage.

Four Women Ranking Among 2013 Iditarod's Top-20 Mushers

There are currently four women running among the top-20 in this year’s Iditarod. This year’s race could be both extremely fast and extremely competitive. The women in the race aren’t holding back.

First 6 Cyclists Check Into Winterlake Lodge Checkpoint On Iditarod Trail Invitational

The first six cyclists in this year’s Iditarod Trail Invitational have checked in at the Winterlake Lodge along the Iditarod trail. It’s the third checkpoint in an ultra-distance human powered race that started north of Anchorage yesterday.

Noah Pereira Claims Junior Iditarod Crown

Noah Pereira from New York state won the Junior Iditarod yesterday. The 16-year-old is a dog handler for Iditarod champ Dallas Seavey. Coming in second four minutes behind was Conway Seavey.


It started modestly enough with Joe Redington and a few others wanting the old mail trail to the gold mines retraced. Now the whole world watches the Iditarod. It’s Iditarod time again on the next Talk of Alaska. KSKA - Tuesday, 2/26 at 10:00am

Volunteers Get Food Ready For Iditarod Checkpoints

Ever wonder what all those Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race volunteer checkers eat? Well, APRN’s Ellen Lockyer found out during a visit to an Anchorage warehouse where supplies were getting packed up for flights to Skwentna, Nome and other checkpoints along the thousand mile trail.

Rick Swenson Withdraws From Iditarod

Rick Swenson won't make the trip to Nome this year. Race officaials say Swenson withdrew from the Iditarod on Thursday. Swenson, the only five-time champion in the history of the race, cited personal reasons.

Mackey’s On His Way To Yet Another Comeback

An early season win for Four-time Yukon Quest and Iditarod Champion Lance Mackey has the Fairbanks musher in good spirits. Mackey says his kennel is once again living up to its name and making a ‘Comeback.’

68 Mushers Register For 2013 Iditarod

Registration for the 2013 Iditarod closes tonight. Sixty-eight mushers are on the docket so far. Mark Nordman, the Iditarod race director and race marshal, says the lineup likely won't change much before tonight's deadline.

54 Mushers Sign Up On First Day Of Iditarod Registration

Fifty-four mushers are already signed up for the 2013 Iditarod. Registration began Saturday. So far, the field includes nine rookies and plenty of familiar faces.

Dogs That Take Their Jobs Seriously

Service dogs make a difference in the lives of the disabled by providing companionship and assistance. They can play an important role as guide dogs...

AK: Love Of The Race

Every year Alaska hosts two nearly 1,000 mile sled dog races within weeks of each other -- the Iditarod and the Yukon Quest. Though similar in length, racing each one is a very different experience. APRN field reporter Anne Hillman caught up with two mushers who ran both races this year soon after they crossed the Iditarod finish line in Nome.

Reporter’s Notebook – Nome – March 14, 2012

Nome is amazing. It’s a grid of buildings that butts up against the Bering Sea and unlike most bush communities it boasts things like a movie theater, multiple bars, hotels, and restaurants, and even a Subway. For someone who’s spent multiple years in a town of about the same size but out in the Aleutians, this was shocking.

Brent Sass Takes Iditarod Rookie Of The Year Honors

Fourteen teams have made it in to Nome. The latest musher’s to cross the finish line include Deedee Jonrowe, Ken Anderson and Sonny Linder. They arrived more than half a day after 25-year-old Dallas Seavey became the youngest musher to win the Iditarod.

Dallas Seavey Becomes Youngest Iditarod Winner

Dallas Seavey has won the Iditarod. At 25, Seavey is the youngest person ever to win the race. It was a contest between him, Aliy Zirkle and Ramey Smyth that hung on how well they tuned their dog teams. And Seavey says his strategy of holding back to build his team's reserves paid off. He could then let them come to full strength at the last part of the race.

Dallas Seavey Wins 2012 Iditarod

Dallas Seavey has won the 2012 Iditarod, crossing the finish line in Nome just before 7:30 p.m. this evening. Aliy Zirkle is about five miles outside of Nome and is being chased by Ramey Smyth around five miles behind her.

Dallas Seavey Nearing Iditarod Finish Line

Dallas Seavey is on the final stretch to Nome. The Willow musher is likely to capture his first Iditarod win tonight. If he does, he will be the youngest winner in Iditarod history. He turned 25 while out on the trail. Behind Seavey, Aliy Zirkle and Ramey Smyth are battling for second place. Right now, GPS shows Zirkle about seven miles ahead of Smyth.

Former Iditarod Champion Reflects On Women Of The Iditarod

This year's running of the Iditarod Sled Dog Race will soon have a winner. Back in 1985, Libby Riddles - who's lived in Homer for the past decade - was the first woman to win the race. KBBI's Marcia Lynn recently talked with Riddles about the role of women in the Iditarod and how things have changed over the years.