
ll news stories about the Iditarod or mushing in general are categorized “Iditarod.”

Lack Of Snow Could Again Send Iditarod Start To Fairbanks

Southcentral Alaska's lack of snow and uncertain weather is again pushing organizers of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race to ponder moving the start of the race from Willow to Fairbanks. Download Audio
2014 Iditarod champion Dallas Seavey celebrates his victory in Nome. (Photo by David Dodman, KNOM Radio Mission)

Iditarod Boosts Payout to $70k for 2015 Winner

The 2015 Iditarod winner will take home the race’s biggest payday ever — $70,000.

Gov. Parnell Endorses Alaska as “Right to Mush” State

Sled dog racing is Alaska’s state sport and Gov. Sean Parnell has officially endorsed Alaska as a “right to mush” state. On Monday Parnell signed a resolution “recognizing, honoring, supporting, and encouraging support for dog mushing and dog mushers” in Alaska. Download Audio

2014 Iditarod Trail Awards Banquet Takes Place In Nome

The 2014 Iditarod Trail Awards Banquet was held last night at the Nome Recreation Center. Hobo Jim entertained the crowd as they ate prime rib and cake. And emcee of the evening – John Handeland – presented the awards earned by those who raced, and survived Iditarod 42. Download Audio

Nome Health Groups Hold Vaccination Drive Amid Iditarod Festivities

Health groups took advantage of Iditarod visitors last week by holding a vaccination drive at the Nome Recreation Center. Download Audio

Iditarod 42 Most Certainly One Of The Toughest

This year’s Iditarod is not only record-breaking, it may have broken some mushers as well. The 42 annual race will not soon be forgotten. It’s being called on of the toughest in the race’s history.
2014 Iditarod champion Dallas Seavey celebrates his victory in Nome. (Photo by David Dodman, KNOM Radio Mission)

High Winds Battering Iditarod Mushers During Final Stretch To Nome

The 42nd annual Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race proved to be one of the most dramatic from start to finish. Dog teams were lost, ganglines were broken, mushers were injured – some severely. The trail from Anchorage to Nome threw everything possible at mushers from rocks to tree stumps to hurricane force winds. Download Audio

Rod Perry Focusing On Traditional Dog Sled Design

With most current Iditarod mushers focused on the finish line in Nome, one former musher is still thinking about the start. At this year’s ceremonial start in Anchorage, Rod Perry drove a sled that weighed more than twice as much as the other mushers. The Iditarod pioneer hopes it was the first of many historic sled runs to come. Download Audio

Dallas Seavey Wins 2014 Iditarod

At the culmination of an exciting couple of days of racing, Dallas Seavey has claimed his second Iditarod win after overtaking Aliy Zirkle at the Safety checkpoint. Two Rivers musher Aliy Zirkle slid into Nome 2 minutes and 22 seconds after Seavey to take second place for the third-straight year.

Part 3: Musher Mike Santos – Iditarod

) The 2014 Iditarod will easily go down in the books as one of the most memorable. From snow-starved trails to lightning-fast runs, conditions were treacherous for this years field, nearly a third of which have been forced to scratch. Mike Santos is among the many who called it quits in Rohn after a particularly rough stretch after Rainy Pass. But, for Santos, it's not about the race, it's all about the dogs. Part 3 of 3.

Dallas Seavey Takes Iditarod Lead

UPDATE: Dallas Seavey overtakes Aliy Zirkle for the lead, checking out of Safety at 1:16 a.m. Denali musher Jeff King scratched near Safety at 11:50 Monday evening as he closed in on front-runner Aliy Zirkle - who remains in the checkpoint. King told race officials he was having difficulty navigating the trail due to severe wind in the area.

King, Zirkle Leave White Mountain

Iditarod mushers Jeff King and Aliy Zirkle are on the final stretch into Nome. King left the White Mountain checkpoint after eight hours of mandatory rest at 3:02 this afternoon. Zirkle followed just under an hour later. Dallas Seavey will leave about two hours behind Zirkle and his father Mitch will leave about two hours after that. Download Audio

Musher Housing At A Premium In Nome

Iditarod teams are expected in Nome tonight, and some mushers still do not have a place to sleep once they get there. Mushers have long depended on Nome residents to provide them a place to rest after the almost 1,000 mile journey. However, over the last five years, it’s become more difficult to find hosts to house mushers. Download Audio

Part 2: Musher Mike Santos – Ceremonial Start

) The 2014 Iditarod will easily go down in the books as one of the most memorable. From snow-starved trails to lightning-fast runs, conditions were treacherous for this years field, nearly a third of which have been forced to scratch. Mike Santos is among the many who called it quits in Rohn after a particularly rough stretch after Rainy Pass. But, for Santos, it's not about the race, it's all about the dogs. Part 2 of 3

Jeff King Maintains Lead Into White Mountain

After taking the lead from Aliy Zirkle early Monday morning, Jeff King has extended his Iditarod lead to nearly an hour, rolling into White Mountain at 7:02 a.m. Zirkle checked into White Mountain at 7:59 a.m. with 11 dogs to King's 12.

Uneven, Icy, Snow-Free Trail Challenges Iditarod Teams on Their Way to Koyuk

Mushers were met with an unforgiving trail as they pushed up the coast from Unalakleet to Koyuk, Sunday. They battled wind, miles of glare ice and more snow free trail. They’re also battling extreme fatigue and grappling with how best to cut rest and maintain speed as they close in on Nome.

King Takes Iditarod Lead from Zirkle; Dallas Seavey Bolts into Third

Jeff King overtook Aliy Zirkle early Monday morning in the 2014 Iditarod. King took off from Elim about 1 a.m. and Zirkle, who had battled King and Martin Buser for the lead, left less than 10 minutes later. Dallas Seavey, who won two years ago, jumped into third place and was out of Elim about 2:52 this morning. While Zirkle, and King had spent more than an hour in Elim, Seavey was in and out of the checkpoint in minutes.

Part 1: Musher Mike Santos – Dog Handling

) The 2014 Iditarod will easily go down in the books as one of the most memorable. From snow-starved trails to lightning-fast runs, conditions were treacherous for this years field, nearly a third of which have been forced to scratch. Mike Santos is among the many who called it quits in Rohn after a particularly rough stretch after Rainy Pass. But, for Santos, it's not about the race, it's all about the dogs.

Zirkle Maintains First in Iditarod; King, Buser in Pursuit on Sunday

Aliy Zirkle maintained her lead in the 2014 Iditarod Sunday, leaving Shaktoolik about 7:12 a.m. She was fighting off challenges from former champions Jeff King and Martin Buser who followed her out of Shaktoolik on Sunday morning.

Iditarod Teams Reach Bering Sea Coast

Teams running at the front of the pack have reached the Bering Sea Coast at Unalakleet. Despite a rough trail, teams are still on record pace as they continue to make their way for Nome.