
ll news stories about the Iditarod or mushing in general are categorized “Iditarod.”

A side by side image of a scabby hairless dog lying on a couch next to a harnessed sled dog leaping in the air on a snowy trail

Vets were once unsure whether Zeke would live. Now, he’s racing in the Iditarod.

Six years ago, Kailyn Davis adopted Zeke. He was a hairless, scabby rescue dog. She says running with a dog team has helped him heal.
A musher gets his nose swabbed for COVID-19.

Iditarod to require daily COVID testing for race officials and volunteers

Mushers will also have to get COVID tested three times before the start of the 1,000-mile race to Nome, and once in the checkpoint of McGrath.
An Iditarod musher poses with two dogs wearing yellow flowers.

Iditapod: A familiar champ for a unique Iditarod

Dallas Seavey has won the 2021 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, tying Rick Swenson's five first-place finishes for the most ever. Will he be back next year to vie for a sixth? That is the question... Also, a sleepless but not tired Alaska Public Media reporter Tegan Hanlon fills us in on the scene at the finish, including interviews with Seavey and Aaron Burmeister, who took second.
An Iditarod musher poses with two dogs wearing yellow flowers.

‘I’ve dreamed about this my whole life’: Dallas Seavey wins record-tying 5th Iditarod

This is Seavey’s fifth Iditarod win, tying him with Rick Swenson for the most Iditarod victories ever. Swenson has held the record alone since 1991.

Dallas Seavey widens lead on way to Iditarod finish

Just an hour separates mushers Dallas Seavey and Aaron Burmeister, with less than 70 miles to the finish line.

Iditapod bonus: Raymie Redington interview with Quince Mountain

Dog musher Quince Mountain sat down with Raymie Redington, son of Iditarod founder Joe Redington Sr., to talk about dog mushing, the history of the race and a lot more.

‘We got us a dog race’: Iditarod neck-and-neck-and-neck as leaders push toward finish

The Iditarod’s five top mushers were running within two hours of each other Saturday as they started their last push to the finish line, with Aaron Burmeister of Nome seizing the lead in search of his first victory.

Iditapod: Bouncing back to Willow

Since we left off, an Iditarod musher has tested positive for COVID-19 and been withdrawn, Dallas Seavey has taken the lead in his return to the race and, instead of leaving problematic sections of trail behind, mushers are heading back over them, on a modified, out-and-back trail. We talk to three-time champion Mitch Seavey, who's a spectator this year, as well as Iditapod co-founder Zachariah Hughes in McGrath, and we get an Iditarod veteran's take on a listener question about dog booties.
dallas seavey with his dogs

Iditarod round-up: As more teams start return trip, Seavey holds onto lead in race’s final third

More than two dozen Iditarod teams are retracing their route back to Willow Friday afternoon after reaching this year’s turnaround spot. Four-time Iditarod champion Dallas Seavey and his dogs are holding onto the lead, and another team has called it quits on the trail.
A dog team drives down a white trail with fans in the background on a sunny day

Iditarod says musher who tested positive for COVID-19 likely became infected before race

The Iditarod is trying to track down two mushers who shared a tent with Gunnar Johnson and may have been exposed to the virus.
a dog lunges onto a person in a blue jacket

Iditapod bonus: Talkeetna interview with Dallas Seavey

Alaska Public Media's Tegan Hanlon talks with four-time Iditarod champion Dallas Seavey in February in the dog lot at his Talkeetna-based kennel. Seavey is back in the Iditarod this year after taking three years off following a scandal in 2017's race, after which the Iditarod said two of Seavey's dogs had tested positive for a banned pain-reliever, then later cleared him of any wrongdoing.
A musher on the back of a sled wearing a red-white-and blue hat.

Iditarod musher tests positive for COVID-19, removed from race

Minnesota musher Gunnar Johnson tested positive for COVID-19 at the checkpoint in McGrath, near mile 310 a little less than halfway through the race.
A musher rests under a parka, near a dog team and in front of a mountain range

Iditarod update: The trail gets shorter, and the race field gets smaller

The race director has chopped about 20 miles off this year's trail because of too much snow. Also, another musher has dropped out of the competition.
A sled dog team races on a snowy trail with a plane and mountains in the background.

Iditapod: Slip slidin’ away

We rejoin the Iditarod something like 48 hours in, and, on what sounds like a hard and fast trail, mushers are pacing themselves for the shorter 850-mile race. There've been a total of three scratches so far, none bigger than Aliy Zirkle, who suffered a concussion and upper body injury in the Dalzell Gorge and had to be flown out of Rohn by helicopter. Also, we catch up with our pal Zachariah Hughes in McGrath.
A musher waives to the crowd.

Musher Aliy Zirkle is injured on Iditarod trail, flown to Anchorage for care

Aliy Zirkle's race ended Monday night after she crashed on her way into the remote Rohn checkpoint. Race officials say she suffered a concussion and other injuries.
Sled dogs eat from small, black bowls in the snow.

Four-time Iditarod champion Dallas Seavey first to McGrath

For Dallas Seavey’s first-place arrival, he won mittens made of beaver fur and moose hide, plus a beaver-fur hat. McGrath is roughly a third of the way into the race.
Two mushers and their dogs.

Minnesota musher Cindy Gallea drops out of Iditarod, Redington takes lead

With Gallea’s scratch, 45 teams remain on the Iditarod trail. There's still a long way to go, but by late Monday afternoon, Skagway musher Ryan Redington had taken over the lead.
An Iditarod musher gives someone a high-five.

COVID-19 testing, face masks and a smaller crowd: An Iditarod like no other gets underway

Race officials put tight restrictions on who could be near the Iditarod starting line on Sunday, as part of their COVID-19 mitigation plan, leading to a much smaller crowd.
a dog looks directly at the camera

Iditapod: Mission Iditarod, COVID Protocol

The 2021 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race is going to look a lot different, one year into a global COVID-19 pandemic. (The Iditapod’s going to be pretty different this year, too, as we'll explain). The ceremonial start is canceled, so the race begins Sunday in Willow under strict COVID-19 protocols, with a shortened trail that doubles back on itself, a challenge to sled dog teams to cross the Alaska Range not once, but twice, plus coronavirus testing along the way and less access to indoor spaces at checkpoints... This Iditarod is certainly going to be unique.
Grey and white sled dogs howl in nblack harnesses

The Iditarod starts Sunday and it will look a lot different this year. Here’s what to know.

It’s set to be an Iditarod like no other. There’s required testing and face masks, plus a shorter trail and a smaller group of mushers signed up to compete.