zz Alaska's Energy Desk


Budget deal is done, but oil tax reform remains elusive

The budget passed by the Legislature this week doesn't include about $775 million owed to oil companies in refundable tax credits this year. Democrats say, if companies want those credits, there has to be oil tax reform. Download Audio

In stalemated Legislature, ‘Musk Ox’ may hold the key

The Legislature is on Day 126 of what was supposed to be a 90 day session -- and many Alaskans are wondering, what’s taking so long? Download Audio

Walker ally on gas line board resigns to run for state Senate

Former Fairbanks borough mayor Luke Hopkins announced his resignation from the board of the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation. He is expected to challenge North Pole Republican John Coghill. Download Audio

Special session off to slow start, despite looming deadlines

Gov. Bill Walker called the Legislature back to work after it failed to pass a budget by the constitutional deadline last week. Lawmakers now have 30 days to try to accomplish what they couldn't do in the last four months: pass a budget and make some progress on closing the state's $4 billion deficit. Download Audio

Lawmakers take oil tax debate down to the wire

The Senate passed its version of the oil tax bill Wednesday, handing it off to the House with less than twelve hours left in the session. But the Senate legislation left out key elements of the House bill that passed last Friday. Download Audio

Same but different: how Alaska and Norway are handling low oil prices

An oil-dependent economy straddling the Arctic Circle, battered by low prices but sitting on a massive savings account: that could describe Alaska -- but it also describes Norway. Download Audio

39 years in the making, Exxon hopes Point Thomson is down payment on a gas line

When it's fully online, it'll send about 10,000 barrels a day of diesel-like oil down the trans-Alaska pipeline. But Exxon sees the field as a down payment on a much bigger prize: a North Slope gas line. Download Audio

A wrench and a spark shut down TAPS for nine hours

A worker with a hand-wrench sparked the fire that shut down the trans-Alaska pipeline for nine hours in April. The fire forced the evacuation of more than 50 people at a remote pump station near Coldfoot. Download Audio

State fines Hilcorp $20K, cites pattern of violations

Hilcorp Alaska is facing a $20,000 penalty from the state for unsafe use of equipment on the North Slope. It's the latest in a string of violations for Hilcorp, which a state agency says has developed a pattern of regulatory noncompliance.

For first time, Cook Inlet oil and gas lease sale has no bidders

State officials announced this week that, for the first time ever, they received no bids for the annual oil and gas lease sale in Cook Inlet. The state Division of Oil and Gas blamed low oil prices. But industry representatives said lawmakers aren't helping. Download Audio
Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

Point Thomson gas development begins production on North Slope

The Point Thomson gas development on the North Slope has started production. In a web release, ExxonMobil states it will initially produce 5000 barrels per day of gas condensate and 100 million cubic feet per day of recycled gas that will be re-injected for future recovery. Download Audio

ConocoPhillips to add wells at CD5 site in Alpine Field

Oil development is ramping up in the National Petroleum Reserve. ConocoPhillips Alaska Inc. says it's adding wells and other infrastructure at its CD5 site in the Alpine Field. Download Audio

Trans-Alaska Pipeline up and running after tank fire the previous day

The Trans-Alaska Pipeline is back in operation following a tank fire that shut it down for 9 hours yesterday. Alyeska Pipeline Service Company spokeswoman Michelle Egan said workers at Pump Station 5 saw flames coming from a large crude oil storage tank at Pump Station 5 at the base of Atigun Pass in the Brooks Range around 2:20 Wednesday afternoon. Download Audio

How Murkowski crafted an energy bill that 80 senators have a stake in

The U.S. Senate is the final resting place for a lot of legislation, but today it passed a broad energy bill. It's passage is a political coup for its sponsor, Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who says she had lots of co-authors. Download Audio

U.S. Senate passes Murkowski’s energy modernization bill

The U.S. Senate this morning passed Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s energy modernization bill, by a vote of 85-12.

Renewable Energy Fund, casualty of budget crunch, may get new lifeline

Since 2008, Alaska's Renewable Energy Fund has supported scores of projects around the state. But so far, it has not been included in this year's budget. Download Audio

Industry calls Senate oil tax credit bill “bad for Alaska”

As the Alaska House continues its marathon debate on the oil and gas tax credit bill, the Senate is moving its own version forward, hoping to beat the clock with just four days left. Download Audio

Oil and gas tax credit debate rages ahead of legislative session end

The House spent six hours debating oil and gas tax credits Tuesday night. And they’re not done yet – lawmakers will pick up the bill again Wednesday. Download Audio

Alaska House postpones vote on oil tax bill – again

For the second time in two days, House lawmakers have postponed a final vote on Gov. Bill Walker's controversial oil tax bill, a cornerstone of the governor's efforts to close the state's $4 billion budget deficit. Download Audio

Caelus Energy announces major cuts, sharply criticizes Walker oil tax bill

The North Slope oil producer announced Friday it will lay off 25 percent of its 80-person work force and suspend drilling at the Oooguruk oil field, potentially affecting hundreds more contractor jobs.