zz Alaska's Energy Desk


Unalaska pays thousands to sink already sunk boat

The state scuttled the F/V Akutan last month with help from the U.S. Coast Guard, but they moved forward before collecting funds from the city. Listen now

Two lives that came together at the top of the world

"He does not remember meeting me," Nancy Grant says of her first encounter with her now-husband, Andrew Grant. "I do, too!" he insists. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: Winter weather makes a comeback at the Winter Olympics

You have to go back over twenty years to find a colder winter Olympics. Listen now

New EPA head for Alaska talks Pebble, budget cuts and climate change

Hladick said his boss -- EPA administrator Scott Pruitt -- recently called him up seeking some local knowledge, on a hot topic for many Alaskans: the proposed Pebble Mine. Listen now

Unalaskans want to follow other Alaska communities by banning plastic bags

This is not Unalaska’s first attempt to ban single use bags. In 2013 a petition asking the city council to “eliminate the use of plastic bags by Unalaska stores” circulated around the community, but went nowhere. Listen now

Another year, another round of proposed Trump cuts for marine mammal programs

Sen. Lisa Murkowski cautioned: "Don’t get too exercised about things if you see that it’s been zeroed out." Listen now

International “range states” meet to discuss polar bear conservation

"The number one challenge is loss of polar bear habitat, meaning sea ice," says James Wilder, the polar bear program leader for the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Listen now

Inupiat leaders say offshore drilling proposal ‘ignored’ local concerns

In a recent letter to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, VOICE wrote, “with respect to the Arctic [Outer Continental Shelf] announcement on the [Draft Proposed Program], we feel the concerns of local organizations were ignored and that deeply disturbs us.” Listen now

Invasive species haven’t made the Bering Sea their home… yet

The Bering Sea has kept invasives at bay for now, but warming waters look to make it a more welcoming environment in the future. Listen now

Alaska’s only tribal college now offering bachelor’s degree in business

The college's President hopes the bachelor’s program will give local students the qualifications they need to fill positions that might otherwise go to applicants from elsewhere. Listen now

Borough mayor on new potential development coming to the North Slope

On ANWR and the new offshore plan, the mayor says that communication with the federal government will be key. Listen now

Crude spill at Valdez Terminal under investigation

According to Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, which operates the terminal, under 200 gallons of oil leaked from two arms used to load crude onto tankers. Listen now

In rural Alaska, looking inside the home to reduce energy costs

A batch of new energy assessors, who live in Southeast villages, are being trained to spot areas that could be more efficient. Listen now

It’s hurry up and wait for state gasline corporation’s federal permitting schedule

Alaska’s gasline corporation has filed tens of thousands of pages of documents for their federal permit. Now it's waiting for the commission to make a decision on if, and when, the state can get to work on its massive liquefied natural gas (LNG) export project. Listen now

Who released the bulk of greenhouse gases into Alaska’s air?

DEC commissioner Larry Hartig said in a press release Tuesday that the findings weren’t “unexpected.” Listen now

Support and concern as Ambler Road comment period draws to a close

It's a big road in a state with not that many of them. Proponents say it will enable growth of the mining industry, and create jobs. Detractors worry about impacts to subsistence. Listen now

EPA head reverses course on Pebble, saying it may pose ‘unacceptable’ risk

EPA administrator Scott Pruitt said the agency is suspending its effort to reverse an Obama-era proposal to put restrictions on the mine. Listen now

State leads new efforts to restore Roadless Rule exemption

There have been numerous attempts recently to sidestep U.S. Forest Service management of the Tongass National Forest. Listen now

State sinks abandoned F/V Akutan after disastrous season

The state of Alaska took custody of the custom processor in mid-January. It was scuttled Thursday, but it is unclear how the state funded disposal of the vessel. Listen now

Video: The oceans are changing. Can crabs adapt?

Researchers in Kodiak are working to understand whether crabs can adapt to ocean acidification.