zz Alaska's Energy Desk


Trump official says Interior aims to move ‘pretty quickly’ on Arctic Refuge oil development

Bernhardt said in the next few weeks, the agency will kick off the regulatory process required before the administration can hold an oil lease sale in the refuge. Listen now

State regulator pushes for stronger laws to deal with abandoned oil wells

A top state regulator is asking the legislature to make sure oil companies pay to clean up old oil wells, even after the wells are sold to a different company. Listen now

Walker seeks to deepen trade ties with China

In a press conference in Anchorage on Monday, March 5, Governor Walker detailed trade trip and other opportunities for partnership with China. Listen now

Trying to solve a moose-sized mystery in the tundra near Nome

There's been more snowfall than what was typical a few decades ago. Moose can handle heavy snow, but their environment appears to be changing. Listen now

Scientists confirm traditional knowledge regarding seal pup migration

Scientists have confirmed what indigenous people have known for centuries -- the wind influences the travel of northern fur seal pups. Listen now

What can unflappable geese teach us about the future of Arctic development?

Every summer, millions of migratory birds like the greater white-fronted goose descend on the National Petroleum Reserve, to lay eggs, molt their feathers and fatten up. A lot of the oil potential lies squarely in migratory bird habitat. Listen now

In Western Alaska, there’s water where there should be ice

Last week, social media across Western Alaska lit up as residents posted photos and videos of open water where, normally, there's ice. Listen now

Archaeology in northern Alaska: a race against the clock

"If you see a library burning, you should at least try and get the rare books out," said archaeologist Anne Jensen. Listen now
An oil rig at Prudhoe Bay.

Murkowski sends letter questioning oil companies about drop in Alaska hire

Murkowski cited a recently released Alaska Department of Labor report, stating the share of out-of-state workers in Alaska's oil industry rose to 37.1 percent in 2016. Listen now

Scientists discover mysterious uranium particle above Aleutian Islands

The enriched uranium probably came from somewhere in Asia. But even using wind trajectories and particle dispersion models, researchers can’t pin it on a specific country. Listen now

Offshore drilling public meeting draws supporters, critics and criticism

The Wednesday night meeting was the only opportunity for Alaskans to comment on the draft proposal in person. But it wasn’t what some participants had hoped for. Listen now

Q&A: Federal regulators push for more information on Alaska’s gasline project

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has given the state 20 days to respond to its information request. Listen now
A landscape view of water and tundra in northern Alaska.

USGS scientist resigns in tussle over release of NPR-A data

A top scientist resigned late last year to protest what he saw as a threat to the agency’s scientific integrity. The deputy secretary of Interior was pressing the USGS to allow a preview of its findings on the oil potential in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. Listen now

Hilcorp CEO steps down

Hildebrand is known for being among the wealthiest people in the world, with a net worth of $7.6 billion, according to Bloomberg. Listen now

Unalaska revisits wind power, hoping for a renewable energy source

Residents are eager to find out if wind will be Unalaska's ticket to a greener future. Listen now

This man wants to bring more electricity to Juneau. What’s the hold up?

Duff Mitchell has a big vision for a small rectangular plot in downtown Juneau. He envisions it as the future site for a district heating facility. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: The connection between sea ice and global weather

In the past, climate models have struggled to connect ocean conditions with what happens in the atmosphere. But two new studies do a much better job describing that link. Listen now

Protesters call for gun control at event featuring Murkowski, Young

The event was intended to be a victory lap for Murkowski and Young, who were at the Anchorage Petroleum Club speaking about successfully opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil development.

Meet Utqiaġvik’s Arctic Youth Ambassador, Eben Hopson

"I feel like me carrying his name is a big deal for me because he did things for our people during his time. And I feel I need to do something for our people during this time," Hopson said about his grandfather. Listen now

To get good credit, Alaska’s fishing towns may have to factor in climate change

While the state’s credit rating may be safe as climate changes, fishing communities in Alaska face uncertain economic futures. Listen now