zz Alaska's Energy Desk


One man’s quest to find Glacier Bay’s ecological Holy Grail

William S. Cooper left directions from over 100 years ago. But rediscovering the lost research plots in Glacier Bay required an epic adventure. Listen now

Alaska hatches plan for vast road network across the Arctic

Alaska's capital budget this year includes $7.3 million to plan the construction of an Arctic road system. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: Fairbanks records early first freeze

Fairbanks gets the first freeze of the season about a week ahead of normal. Listen now

Alaska teens ask state to stop delaying action on climate change

The teens hand delivered a petition to the state’s Department of Environmental Conservation, asking for reduced carbon emissions and a strategy moving forward. Listen now

Can an Anchorage start-up lure renewable energy investors to rural Alaska?

Most renewable energy projects in rural Alaska have been funded with state and federal grants. But as state money dries up, an Anchorage start-up wants to bring private investors to the table. Listen now

Seeking investment, Alaska goes open source with oil & gas data

Alaska’s Oil and Gas division is releasing valuable oil exploration data from leases on the North Slope and Cook Inlet. Listen now

Beneath political firestorm on Arctic Ocean drilling, two projects make steady progress

Yes, Shell's multi-billion dollar effort to find oil in federal Arctic waters is a thing of the past. And yes, the Obama administration then took several steps to cut back on drilling in Arctic waters -- actions the Trump administration is now working to undo. But there is movement to get oil out of federally-owned parts of the Arctic Ocean. Listen now

For third year in a row, Alaska seabirds wash up dead

For the third year in a row, seabirds are washing up dead along the coastline in Alaska. Hundreds of birds have been discovered along a stretch of the Bering Sea, on the Pribilof Islands and as far north as Deering.Listen now

National labs to field test microgrid tech in Cordova

Several national labs and universities will partner with the Alaska community of Cordova to field test new technologies on the city’s power grid. Listen now

With some sci-fi tech, Kodiak has almost 100 percent renewable power

It's like a dance, or an orchestra: Each piece of the grid watches the rest and responds second by second, millisecond by millisecond. Listen now
The Porcupine Caribou herd in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge’s coastal plain.

Trump administration moves to lift ban on oil assessment in ANWR

The Washington Post is reporting that the Trump administration is trying to allow more in-depth studies of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge’s oil potential. Listen now

Watchdog group scrutinizes rough-weather training for new tanker escorts in Prince William Sound

Next year, a whole new fleet of tugboats and barges will arrive in Prince William Sound with a big responsibility: to prevent another oil spill like the Exxon Valdez in 1989. Listen now

Walker administration appoints climate adviser, promises new policy “soon”

Nikoosh Carlo began work this month in a newly created position: senior adviser for climate. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: The fall color formula is pretty simple

Weather conditions aren't a driver of when fall colors appear, but weather events can drive the extent, duration and intensity of fall colors. Listen now

Alaska could become climate change refuge for tropical fish

Researchers from the University of Washington used 80 years of data to figure out how much warming fish could withstand. They discovered fish in the tropics are already living in water at the upper end of their threshold. Listen now

Small spill reported at Valdez Marine Terminal

Alyeska Pipeline Service Company estimates the volume of crude oil spilled to be less than 100 gallons. Listen now

Cleanup indicates Valdez spill bigger than initially thought

According to Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, approximately 400 gallons of an oily water mix had been recovered from the Port of Valdez as of Saturday night.

Unwanted Unalaska fishing nets find second life in Denmark

In Unalaska, unwanted fishing nets are everywhere. Now, for the first time, a company halfway around the world is recycling the nets. Listen now

How much could electric vehicles put the brakes on Alaska’s oil economy?

As more people move away from gasoline powered cars, the big players in the oil industry have started to pay attention -- and that includes Alaska. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: How the jet stream affects Alaska

In Alaska, big fall storms are often associated with the jet stream. Listen now