Zachariah Hughes, Alaska Public Media

Zachariah Hughes, Alaska Public Media
Zachariah Hughes reports on city & state politics, arts & culture, drugs, and military affairs in Anchorage and South Central Alaska.

@ZachHughesAK About Zachariah

Hunters May Get Tax Break For Game Donations

Congressman Don Young introduced a bill recently that would allow hunters to get a tax break for donating game to food based charities. Download Audio

Avian Cholera Caused Savoonga, Gambell Seabird Die Off

Late last month, residents of Savoonga and Gambell on St. Lawrence Island began finding hundreds of dead seabirds as they washed ashore. This week, state officials said the event was from a common disease, and is no cause for concern. Download Audio

Dead Birds Wash Up On St. Lawrence Island

Hundreds of dead birds washed up on the shores of St. Lawrence Island towards the end of November. And though the cause of the die off isn’t yet known, the quick response demonstrates a mounting capacity for dealing with unexpected environmental events in the region. Download Audio

Murkowski, Begich Pushing for Icebreakers

Senators Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich of Alaska are co-sponsoring an amendment to move forward building four heavy ice-breakers. It would allow the Navy to begin shopping contracts for bids on all the components necessary to build the costly boats. Download Audio

Canadian Company Explores Possibility Of Graphite Mine

A small Canadian mining company is in the exploratory phases of setting up a graphite mine on the Seward Peninsula. Though years away from being operational, the Graphite Creek deposit could be the nation’s first and only graphite mine. Download Audio

Team Rubicon To Help Kotlik Clean Up After Storm

Team Rubicon, the disaster-relief NGO made up of retired military personnel, is heading to Kotlik on Monday. The same group has sent volunteers to Haiti, Pakistan, Chile, and, most recently, the Philippines. It’s part of the multi-agency effort to help communities in Western Alaska clean-up after powerful storms two weeks ago. Download Audio

Stebbins Resident Weather Western Alaska Storms

While the communities of Kotlik and Unalakleet have received attention from state-wide media and government following a large storm a week and a half ago, residents in Stebbins feel they have been ignored. During the storm, rushing water surged through homes and roads in Stebbins. Drying racks, smoke-houses, boats, steam houses, and several homes were damaged or destroyed. Flood waters poured in so rapidly that many residents were stranded in their homes until they could be rescued by a bulldozer. Download Audio

Report Says Inhalant Abuse Declining Across Alaska

A new report from the state shows a substantial decline in inhalant abuse across Alaska. But "huffing", as it's called, is still most prevalent among teens. Download Audio

Storms Continue Dealing Damage In Western Alaska

Western Alaska has been wracked by storms the last few days. The first round occurred Saturday night and into Sunday morning. Before clean-up efforts were even finished in some of the worst-hit communities, strong winds and coastal flooding did more damage last night. Download Audio