Zachariah Hughes, Alaska Public Media

Zachariah Hughes, Alaska Public Media
Zachariah Hughes reports on city & state politics, arts & culture, drugs, and military affairs in Anchorage and South Central Alaska.

@ZachHughesAK About Zachariah

Industry and Interest Groups Both Displeased with Obama’s Words on Climate

As the President continues to visit sites in Alaska during a trip focused on climate change and Arctic policy, reactions are to his speech at the close of the GLACIER conference yesterday are still forming. However, a consistent opinion from energy and environmental advocates alike is dissatisfaction. Download Audio

Obama Announces Icebreaker Program in Seward

White House announces plans to speed up acquisition, push for enlarged Arctic fleet in Congress.

GLACIER conference ends with a dire, if vague, keynote from Obama

As the President continues touring Alaska, the aims and outcomes of Monday's GLACIER Conference are still being sorted out.

GLACIER conference brings together Arctic policy makers, stakeholders

Alaska is readying to host a rare high-profile meeting of international diplomats focusing on the challenges facing Arctic communities.

Town Square gardeners pick up the burden of city homelessness

An unlikely group of city employees are on the front-line of handling worsening woes with homelessness in Anchorage. Download Audio

With VA problems clear, Sullivan summons officials for solutions

Officials, politicians, and veterans themselves agree on what is causing massive problems accessing healthcare recently. Now, they are pivoting towards a search for solutions. Download Audio

Fiery Testimony, Complex Problems at Mat-Su Visit From VA Secretary

A listening session held Thursday night in Wasilla by the head of the Department of Veterans Affairs was dominated by complaints about the healthcare system for veterans.

Mat-Su Vets Rail Against VA During Secretary’s Visit

A listening session held Thursday night in Wasilla by the head of the Department of Veterans Affairs was dominated by complaints about the healthcare system for veterans in Alaska.

Mayor Pulls The Plug on A Slow and Spendy Software Project

A massive software project that's run millions of dollars and years over budget was halted today by Anchorage's new mayor. The move is meant to reexamine the city's path forward, but won't totally shut off money for the project. Download Audio

70 Years After WWII, Two Nations’ Militaries Jump Side By Side

Seventy years ago this month, the U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, prompting it's surrender and the end of World War II. Now, the two nations' armed forces are collaborating in Alaska. Download Audio

City Hires Homelessness Coordinator Using State Funds

The city's new mayor is taking quick steps towards leveraging State resources that may fix what many in Anchorage see as an intractable urban issue.

Marijuana Regulators Run Low on Time and Money

The group setting up Alaska's rules for commercial marijuana is on pace to finish regulations by a November 24th deadline. But just barely. Download Audio

Marijuana Regulators Run Low on Time and Money

The group setting up Alaska's rules for commercial marijuana is on pace to finish regulations by a November 24th deadline. But just barely. Download Audio

FBI Charges Wasilla Man In Abduction of 2 North Pole Kids

In a rare move, the Bureau held a press conference to discuss the case, hoping to calm public concerns and solicit more information about the man charged. Download Audio

The changing role of Alaska’s military

Today we’ll be discussing the changing role of the military in Alaska. The state has unique training grounds and conditions, and that’s no small part of why it hosts the kind of large-scale exercises we’ve seen this summer. But recently announced reductions in Army personnel at Joint-Base Elmendorf-Richardson in the years ahead, as well as a growing focus on the Pacific theater are complicating Alaska’s place in the military. KSKA: Friday, August 7, at 2:00 p.m. and Saturday, August 8, at 6:00 p.m. KAKM: Friday, August 7, at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, August 8, at 6:00 p.m. Listen Now:

Choice Improvement Act helps close VA funding gap

A move by the Obama Administration has freed up money in Alaska to close a funding gap in healthcare for veterans. Download Audio

3,000 in Anchorage to Lose Food Stamps Under Change to Work Requirement

Residents across the state told of changes in a June letter detailing work requirements many must meet in order to qualify for benefits longer than three months. Download Audio:

New Transit Director As Berkowitz Administration Looks for Efficiencies

Jody Karcz has been with the transportation department for 30 years, and knows the municipality's bus, ride-share, and van programs intimately.

Two Anchorage mayors tackle two recessions

This week, we’ll be talking with two Anchorage mayors about two recessions. With us are Tom Fink, who took over the reigns of Anchorage in 1987, not long after a collapse in the price of oil, and by Ethan Berkowitz, who’s been in office just about a month now. KSKA: Friday, July 31, at 2:00 p.m. and Saturday, August 1, at 6:00 p.m. KAKM: Friday, July 31, at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, August 1, at 6:00 p.m. Download Audio:

Psychiatric Hospital for Military Opens Amid VA Funding SNAFU

The Chris Kyle Patriots Hospital in Anchorage opens as healthcare systems serving Alaska's military are struggling to meet demand.