Wesley Early, Alaska Public Media

Wesley Early, Alaska Public Media

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Jury begins to hear case involving the death of two State Troopers in Fairbanks; House Rules Committee holds hearing on oil and gas taxes, first in over three weeks; Shell forfeits Arctic leases once worth $2b; a wrench and a spark shut down TAPS for nine hours; Canadian-based company buys Icicle Seafoods after a year on the market; Sealaska back in seafood business; salmon acceleration up Copper River may be due to early breakup; Walker to name new Supreme Court Justice within the week; Crown Princess makes unexpected stop in Juneau; Palmer meat plant up for sale Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, May 9, 2016

New bill seeks to insure families of deceased law enforcement and firefighters; Alaska House approves restrictions on sex ed in schools; walrus hauling out at new Bristol Bay spot north of Ugashik; two marine mammal specialists conduct Kodiak’s first whale survey of 2016; US will not support ban on international trade of polar bear products; complications arise in translating ballots to Yu'pik; Tarmac meet & greet for Saab 2000; Fishermen’s Memorial seeks new home Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, Apr. 29, 2016

Impending crime bill looms as Legislature moves to temporary building; Juneau PD: Intoxicated driver rams Governor’s Mansion; Iditarod Committee: Beals will not compete in 2017 race following domestic violence charges; Fairbanks Republicans fight to become delegates; drug enforcement discussed at Mat-Su public hearing; ice jam on the Yukon releases; troopers investigate 2 caribou wanton waste cases; Bethel prepares for first liquor store in 4 decades; AK: With the 'Little a Triathlon', a father grieves and gives; 49 Voices: Jenna Holcomb of Anchorage Download Audio
Two caribou in redish tundra and a few scattered sprice trees in the background

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, Apr. 28, 2016

Negotiators reach deal on excess power program earnings; political intrigue at the Alaska Republican Convention; Anchorage narrows its superintendent search to two; House science committee grills McLerran on EPA's effort to block Pebble; former Alaska Senator Gravel to speak at UAA, Federal Board closes caribou hunting to non-locals in the Northwest Arctic, hooligan make strong return to Chilkoot and Chilkat Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, Apr. 27, 2016

Walker, industry leader have separate concerns on oil, gas bill; Republicans converge on Fairbanks, with eyes for Cleveland; report indicates plane flew low before fatal Birchwood crash; ice jam raises water levels in Eagle; new bill would replace misdemeanor charges for underage drinking with fine; Yup'ik Alaskan one of 10 to receive national award for justice advocacy; Fish and Wildlife consider ban on predator hunting in refuge lands; biologists project lower harvests of pink salmon this season Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, Apr. 26, 2016

Latest oil and gas tax credit aimed at gaining majority; musher assault case raises questions over Iditarod handling; Togiak herring season starts out rough; hydropower brought to Bristol Bay village of Igiugig; early breakup occurs along Yukon River; new assistant Sitka DA serves in stride; Sitka cruises to bring passengers to shore; Yupik Spelling Bee helps spread Yupik literacy; commercial fishing to be opened for Stikine River kings Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, Apr. 25, 2016

Alaska Republican donors go to court over increasing campaign contribution limits; Senate president aims to finish session in Juneau; Seward Highway crash leaves two dead near Girdwood; Dillingham wins first overall and sportsmanship at state NYO; Bristol Bay Native Corporation plans to acquire Katmailand; deadly bat disease spreading; residents asked to help survey the flying mammals; Calista campaigning to reduce quorum requirements before descendants enroll; Wasilla pilot avoids injury after plane loses power; The Ecology of Breast Cancer: Researching the risks for breast cancer Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, Apr. 22, 2016

UAF Title IX violations due to systemic failures; Point Thomson gas development begins production on North Slope; Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation: Investors of billions; Senate accepts House changes to alcohol, marijuana bill; marijuana entrepreneurs fight an attempt to quell business growth; largest marijuana runner in Homer sentenced; Alaska plans new task force to address heroin, opioids; AK: Protecting a village; 49 Voices: Antonio Prescott of Wasilla Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, Apr. 21, 2016

36-year-old man found dead in Anchorage jail; lawmakers invite Walker to discuss budget, primarily Permanent Fund drawings; Trans-Alaska Pipeline up and running after tank fire the previous day; ConocoPhillips to add wells at CD5 site in Alpine Field; Emmonak public safety official arrested for pointing gun at residents; community organization prevents child neglect through social networks; UAF involved in new project in climate change and wildfire studies; “It Just Didn’t Work”: Legacy of botched project haunts port’s future; Haines bear mauling victim was attacked by brown bear; Egegik incinerator burns down Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday Apr. 20, 2016

Fatal Birchwood plane crash currently under investigation; how Murkowski crafted an energy bill that 80 senators have a stake in; Legislature works to rewrite bill drawing funds from Power Cost Equalization fund; 'slow motion disaster' threatens state's key port; reuniting families with community support; ShoreZone photographers shoot thousands of photos to map changing coasts; lawmakers pass bill strengthening Alaska Code of Military Justice Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, Apr. 19, 2016

Budget talks are quiet as Walker projects optimism; bill seeks to rein in state employees’ wages until oil prices rise; crucial cargo point only ‘marginally adequate’ say officials; one injured in Haines bear mauling; wildfire season getting an early start; changing what it means to be a foster parent; Senate authorizes funding for FAA air carrier services to Diomede; fourth whale harvested by North Slope Borough this year; audit: Skagway misspent CPV taxes on playground equipment Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, Apr. 18, 2016

Legislators go past the 90 day session to bring budget together; man mauled by a grizzly bear near Denali Highway; middle Kuskokwim villages predict earliest river breakup on record; search for remains of Tuluksak resident halted as Kuskokwim ice continues to shift; number of foster kids at record high, caseworkers overloaded; budget cuts could leave communities without health care; moose population increases in the Yukon Charley Rivers National Preserve; Togiak herring fishery opens on earliest date on record; body of deceased fisherman recovered in Carl E. Moses harbor Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, Apr. 15, 2016

Former Fairbanks Borough Mayor to serve on pipeline board; Renewable Energy Fund, casualty of budget crunch, may get new life; Walker says he'd veto Anchorage legislative office purchase; final vote count: Girdwood to pay for police, Marsett beats Schuster; University of Alaska faces $50 million cut due to committee vote; low clouds a possible factor in Wrangell-Angoon plane crash; EPA retiree, pulled back into Pebble, says he's done; proposed motor fuels, mining, and fisheries' taxes rolled into one bill; correctional farm saves money, redirects lives; AK: Mayuri dancers bring Bollywood to Anchorage; 49 Voices: John Giraldo of Anchorage Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, Apr. 14, 2016

Poorest Alaskans hit hardest by new proposed budget solutions; bill strengthening Alaska's Code of Military Justice passes out of one committee into another; Walt Monegan reappointed as Commissioner for Department of Public Safety; Mallott, Murkowski try to put human face on King Cove road; bill fixing alcohol and marijuana laws sails towards passage; port expenses rattle Mat Su taxpayers; invasive species may have stowed on Homer drill-rig from Singapore; 'Justice Beyond Borders' highlights stories of local immigrants Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, Apr. 13, 2016

Oil and gas tax credit debate rages ahead of legislative session end; industry calls Senate oil tax credit bill "bad for Alaska"; skiers survive four days on Kenai Peninsula Glacier, credit GPS locator beacon for rescue; Chugiak Sen. Stolze announces he won't run for reelection; Bethel City Council authorizes reimbursements for overcharged property owners; Legislature tries again to let voters choose state AG; ban on Planned Parenthood from teaching sex ed fails in House Committee; warm weather to lead to mellow breakup, experts say; Sitka broadens commitment to assessing landslide risk Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, Apr. 12, 2016

Senate Finance Permanent Fund bills could lower dividends, stabilize budget; 2 hikers rescued from Kenai Peninsula Glacier; growing a modern workforce in Ketchikan; small capital budget keeps $32.5 for LIO purchase, no mega-projects or port; Delta cuts Juneau back to seasonal service; empty missile containers discovered near Southeast; Kenaitze Indian Tribe opens new elder center, expands campus in Old Town Kenai; Togiak tribe banishes Dillingham man for 10 years; Tustumena ferry sailings cancelled in May due to repairs Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, Apr. 11, 2016

Wrangell mourns victims of Friday's plane crash; Power Cost Equalization Fund could pay for community assistance; Alaska House postpones vote on oil tax bill – again; Congress seeks to privatize air-traffic control; crews search for two missing on Bear Glacier; missing kayaker presumed dead; State Senate passes criminal justice overhaul bill; “We Are AVCP” claims tribal representatives seeking transparency on recent controversies; ‘In Amundsen’s Footsteps’: Expedition re-traces route of explorer’s 1905 Journey Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, Apr. 8, 2016

Wrangell-Angoon plane crash leaves 3 dead; oil tax bill scales back incentives for new oil; use of Permanent Fund on budget focused on in Legislature; Senate passes bill allowing firearms on UA campuses; University of Alaska braces for cuts, warns of economic impacts; standings remain competitive as Kobuk 440 mid-point nears; Savoonga harvests its second whale of the season; AK: Iñupiaq photographer documents life and culture in Alaska Inuit communities; 49 Voices: Indie Alaska Viewers in Anchorage Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, Apr. 7, 2016

Corrections officers union seeks retraction of review, opposes commissioner; Forest Service chief: Firefighting cost leaves little room for prevention, other programs; late-night conditions preempt firefighting efforts at McHugh Creek; GCI fiber optic cut causes outages across the state; fifteen mushers set to compete in Kobuk 440 Race; the Amsterdam of Alaska: pot businesses sit down with Spenard; semi-pro Alaska baseball team settles disputes with Fairbanks Borough; Voznesenka parents tell KPBSD 'Keep School Open' Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, Apr. 6, 2016

Budget talks entering final phase; feds refuse state request to prosecute Bill Allen; offshore drilling plan draws protests; North Slope mayor recalled by voters; liberals get edge in Anchorage elections, massive school bond fails; Girdwood police vote undetermined; Emmonak declares disaster after fire threatens fishing industry; Peninsula spruce threatened by aphid; taking a field trip to the moon, sort of Download Audio