Tim Ellis, KUAC - Fairbanks

Tim Ellis, KUAC - Fairbanks
Tim Ellis is a reporter at KUAC in Fairbanks.

‘Forward-deployed’ Coast Guard helicopter crews help rescue 6 people in two searches

Coast Guard personnel based out of Kotzebue helped rescue six people Monday in two emergency operations in Northwest Alaska. Listen now

North Pole Council urges water-system expansion to help Moose Creek deal with tainted groundwater

Officials with the Air Force and other agencies are asking members of the public to weigh-in on several proposals to provide drinking water to Moose Creek residents who can’t use their wells because of groundwater contamination. The pollution came from Eielson Air Force Base’s use of firefighting foam in years past. Listen now

North Star Borough to close North Pole transfer site for cleanup, reopen with monitor

Fairbanks North Star Borough officials plan to clean up a North Pole transfer site the same way they cleaned up the Farmer’s Loop East Transfer Site last month. They plan close the North Pole facility Wednesday and reopen it Thursday with Solid Waste staff on-site to survey users and prevent unsafe or illegal activity. Listen now

Cleanup under way at sites along old pipeline that fueled Interior bases

Cleanup work began this month at a mothballed pump station near Delta Junction that was part of the old Haines to Fairbanks Pipeline. Listen now

Black bear that attacked workers near Pogo Mine was behaving like a predator

Experts with the state Department of Fish and Game say the black bear that attacked two workers last month near the Pogo Mine was hungry and showing predator-like behavior. Listen now

State seeks contractors to operate 5 Delta-area parks semi-closed due to budget cuts

The state Parks and Outdoor Recreation Division is turning to the private sector to manage five Delta Junction-area state parks that were partially closed last week due to cuts in the agency’s budget. The division has begun soliciting proposals from prospective contractors to operate the parks. Listen now

Eielson reminds pilots to not harass wildlife on training ranges

Eielson Air Force Base officials say they reminded pilots and their commanders participating in a training exercise last month that they cannot harass wildlife that wanders onto military training ranges during a recent exercise. Listen now
Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

Former Kenai city manager dies after motorcycle crash

A former Kenai city manager died Sunday of injuries he sustained when he wrecked his motorcycle earlier that day on the Dalton Highway. Listen now

Alaska Highway Project: Memorializing civil rights legacy of black soldiers in state history

Anchorage high school students will get a chance this year to learn about the work African-American soldiers did 75 years ago to help build the Alaska Highway. The retired educator who led the effort to get the district to teach that lesson said it’s important that Alaska students learn about this important part of their state’s history. Listen now

Military ramps up spending ahead of Eielson fighter jet squadrons

The first of the two contracts was worth $37.3 million and went to a joint venture between Anchorage-based Bethel Federal and the Unit Company. Kevin Blanchard, who directs the 354th Fighter Wing’s F-35 Program Integration Office, says the companies will build a facility that’ll be used for corrosion control and maintenance and repair on the jets’ engines.

Delta school district turns to feds to demolish old school

The Delta Greely School District wants to get rid of an old, unused schoolhouse on Fort Greely. But it can’t afford to demolish the structure, and the Army and state government have turned down requests by the district to pay those costs.

African-American soldiers who helped build Alaska Highway honored

Fort Greely and Delta Junction celebrated the Alaska Highway’s 75th anniversary Saturday – and one of the soldiers who helped build it. Gov. Bill Walker and other state and local leaders attended a tribute to 96-year-old Leonard Larkins, one of more than 3,000 African-American soldiers who helped build the highway.

Alaska Highway 75th Anniversary: tribute to vets who helped build ‘road to civil rights’

Alaskans will celebrate the Alaska Highway’s 75th anniversary this year, and organizers of those celebrations plan to include tributes to the African-American soldiers who helped carve the road out of rugged wilderness. Listen now

Delta-area dairy owners decide to stay in business, but worker shortage persists

The Northern Lights Dairy in Delta Junction will stay open – at least, for now. The owners say they’ve reconsidered a decision earlier this month to close. The dairy’s future hinges on finding people to work hard for low pay, a nationwide agricultural problem, experts say is even more challenging in Alaska. Listen now

State asks for mule deer sightings due to concern about spread of moose winter tick

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is asking for the public’s help in reporting sightings of mule deer around the Interior. The experts are concerned they may be carrying a parasite that could devastate local moose populations. Listen now

Repair season under way on ‘just about every road in Alaska’

The Alaska Department of Transportation’s summer road-construction season has begun, with major projects in Fairbanks and on both the Richardson and Parks highways. Crews are hustling to get as much work done as possible during the short construction season. Listen now

Closure of Interior’s only dairy shows vulnerability of Alaska’s food security

The only commercial dairy in the Interior will soon shut down. The owners of Northern Lights Dairy in Delta Junction, one of Alaska’s two operating dairies, say they’ve decided to close the dairy they’ve operated since 1970 due to a lack of workers and other challenges. Listen now

Experts outline benefits of boosting Arctic broadband; but some cite cultural ‘concern’

Participants in the Arctic Broadband Forum held this week at the University of Alaska Fairbanks got an update on the progress of a project that promises to bring high-speed internet to remote northern Alaskan communities. Listen now

Week of the Arctic: ‘Very important’ event showcases concerns, interests in region

The Week of the Arctic gets under way today here on the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus. Dozens of Arctic science- and policy-related events will be held throughout the week, culminating in Thursday’s Arctic Council ministerial meetings, when U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will hand over the council chairmanship to his counterpart from Finland. Listen now

Construction at area’s Air Force installations to inject $1.5 billion into Interior economy

Summer promises to be a busy construction season for the Interior due to a series of projects at the region’s two Air Force installations. The projects will inject more than $1.5 billion into the area’s economy. Listen now