Shelly Wade

Shelly Wade
swade (at) alaskapublic (dot) org | About Shelly

Honoring Black Soldiers Who Helped Build the ALCAN Highway

Last fall, a memorial was installed at Cuddy Family Park in remembrance of the African American Army Engineers who built the Alaska-Canada Highway, or ALCAN, during World War II. Of the 10,000 soldiers assigned to the project, four were regiments of African American Engineers from the 93rd, 95th and 97th Engineer General Service Regiments, and the 388th Engineer Battalion. Join host Shelly Wade and her guests Jean Pollard and Bishop Dave Thomas of The Alaska Highway Project when we celebrate Black History Month and this interesting chapter of Alaska history on the next Hometown, Alaska. KSKA: Wednesday 2/20 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Engaging in Civic Discourse on Anchorage + Alaska’s Important Issues

Is it possible to have a civil conversation about important and potentially polarizing issues like Title 21, equal rights for gay people, housing for the homeless, motorized versus non-motorized trails, the Knik Arm Bridge, oil taxes, resource development, our state's fiscal future? Join host Shelly Wade and UAA Associate Professor and Director of Debate, Steve Johnson, when they talk about the state of civic discourse in our community and our state, on the next Hometown, Alaska. KSKA: Wednesday 1/30 LIVE at 2:00 pm, repeating at 7:00 pm

Life as an Alaskan Glacier Pilot

What would it be like to spend 12,000 hours flying a small plane through the Alaska Range? What would it be like to land that small plane on Ruth Glacier in Denali National Park? Join me, Shelly Wade, when I talk with Holly Sheldon Lee, daughter of famous Alaskan bush pilot, Don Sheldon, and her husband, accomplished pilot David Lee, when we hear their stories about life as an Alaskan glacier pilot. KSKA: Wednesday, 12/5 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Royal Dutch Shell’s Role in Alaska Oil and Gas

On September 10th, after a six-year effort, wrought with permitting challenges and legal battles, and recent delays with renovation of its oil spill-containment barge, Shell Alaska finally began preparatory drilling for offshore oil in the Chukchi Sea. A week later, the company announced that it would abandon plans after an accident damaged its oil spill containment dome. On September 20th, the company received the go ahead from federal officials to move forward with initial drilling activities in the Beaufort Sea. Join host Shelly Wade on Hometown, Alaska and learn more about Shell’s past, current and future role in Alaska’s oil and gas industry. KSKA: Wednesday, 9/26 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Midwifery in Southcentral Alaska

It's a girl! It's a boy! Having a baby is a journey. The road of pregnancy and childbirth has many bumps, bends and turns. Having someone there to tend to your needs along the way, can make that road a little smoother. Join host Shelly Wade when she talks with a group of local midwives and mothers on the next Hometown, Alaska. KSKA: Wednesday 9/5 at 2:00 pm & 8:00 pm

Alaska Soldiers Readjusting to Life Back Home

How do Alaska's brave service men and women readjust to life in Alaska after months, or sometimes years, of serving in the U.S. military overseas? What are the challenges of re-establishing life in America with family, friends and loved ones? How can Alaskans better understand what our soldier's have experienced and respond to their needs? Join me, Shelly Wade, and my guests, when we learn more about the issues facing returning Alaskan soldiers and resources that can help make that transition smoother. KSKA: Wednesday 6/13 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Dogs That Take Their Jobs Seriously

Service dogs make a difference in the lives of the disabled by providing companionship and assistance. They can play an important role as guide dogs for the blind, and there are many other types of...

“Yes” or “No” on Proposition 5: Anchorage Equal Rights Initiative

On Tuesday, April 3rd, Anchorage residents will vote "yes" or "no" on Proposition 5. Proposition 5, or the "Anchorage Equal Rights Initiative", asks the question: "Shall the current Municipal Code sections providing legal protections against discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, marital status, age, physical disability, and mental disability be amended to include protections on the basis of sexual orientation or transgender identity?" KSKA: Wednesday, 3/28 at 2:00pm and 7:00pm

Addressing Potential Impacts of Base Realignment and Closure Act (BRAC) on Alaskan Communities

Proposed cuts of over $500 billion dollars in federal defense spending may trigger the federal Base Realignment and Closure Act, or BRAC. BRAC could negatively impact Alaska’s regional economies and military communities. On February 29th, a group of legislators, led by Representative Steve Thompson, introduced House Bill 316 to create ‘Military Facility Zones’. These zones could thwart BRAC by helping businesses and communities secure funds and projects to serve and support their installations.

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? Unique Learning Opportunities For Alaskan Youth

Growing up as a young person in rural Alaska is both exciting and challenging. How do rural Alaskan youth decide what they want to be when they grow up and once they decide, what resources help them succeed? Join host Shelly Wade and her guests as they share how unique learning opportunities in Anchorage and rural Alaska have changed their lives on the next Hometown Alaska. KSKA: Wednesday, 2/15 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Immigration Challenges and Opportunities in Anchorage

2010 Census data show that Anchorage is growing and becoming increasingly diverse. A growing percentage of the people that represent Anchorage's new residents have moved from other countries and speak English as a second language. What are some of the challenges and opportunities of migrating to Alaska from a different country and what services can Anchorage offer to help ease the transition to a new and foreign place? KSKA: Wednesday 1/3 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Winter Driving in Southcentral Alaska

Winter driving in Alaska. Fun? Frustrating? Frightening? What are the written and unwritten rules of winter driving in Southcentral Alaska? Learn from seasoned AK drivers and share your stories about the best ways to negotiate our icy winter streets, especially during this busy holiday season on the next Hometown, Alaska. Wednesday 11/30 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan

On September 30th, Mayor Dan Sullivan released his proposed 2012 budget. The budget is currently in the hands of the Anchorage Assembly for their review and October 25th marks the start of a series of public hearings to get resident feedback. What are your thoughts on the Mayor’s proposed budget and what would you like to know about his future plans for Anchorage? KSKA: Wednesday, 10/26 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Prohibition in Alaska

Over 93 years ago, the citizens of Alaska enacted the "Bone Dry" law by a vote of nearly two to one. Two years later, the Eighteenth amendment to the U.S. Constitution became law and the nation went dry. On the next Hometown, Alaska, join host Shelly Wade and her guests as thet we take your calls and answer your questions about the history of prohibition in Alaska. KSKA: Wednesday 9/28 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Redistricting in Alaska

Wednesday, August 10 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm The State of Alaska received its 2010 Census redistricting data in March and one month later, adopted a revised set of redistricting maps. How were these new maps developed and what do they mean for Alaska residents?

You and Your Pets

Weds., July 27 at 2:00 pm, repeating at 7:00 pm Join Shelly Wade, one of your new Hometown, Alaska hosts and her guest Anchorage veterinarian Dr. Shannon DiRuzzo for a discussion on you and your pets. Everything from finding pet that's right for you to caring for older pets, listeners are encouraged to call in with their favorite pet stories or to ask questions of the vet.