Steven J Heimel

Steven J Heimel

Steve Heimel has spent more than 28 years at APRN.  He is currently the host of Alaska Morning News, Alaska Economic Report and Talk of Alaska and a reporter on science and environmental issues.   He was educated in art academies and remains a practicing artist.  He has been a tireless advocate for innovation in public broadcasting since moving to it from commercial broadcasting in 1974, where he worked at the top stations in two of the nation's top ten radio markets – KILT in Houston, and WDVR in Philadelphia.  He has been a consultant for the NPR Training Channel, Pocahontas Broadcasting, and CPB's Mid-level Producers' Workshops.   He was one of the founders of the National Federation of Community Broadcasters, and Audio Independents.  He led the first journalist's exchange mission to the Soviet Far East in 1989.  He has walked 1600 miles of the Appalachian Trail, and is writing his memoirs, entitled "It's Only Radio."   He also hosts THE TRUCK STOP, a weekly Sunday afternoon traditional American music program on public radio in Anchorage.

He has been a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science since 1979.

Imagining Our Own Past and the World Beyond

All the way back to the Greeks and before, European culture is rooted in worship and theater. Now a budding field of archaeology brings us new evidence of elements of theater in ceremonial locations going back thousands of years in both Europe and the New World. The stones of ancient outdoor plazas rang with strange sounds that scientists are beginning to be able to reproduce. We are beginning to learn what an oracle sounds like. This year for the first time the American Association for the Advancement of Science had a session on a promising new science called archaeoacoustics, the study of the sounds of the past. Read more.