Shahla Farzan, KBBI - Homer

Shahla Farzan, KBBI - Homer
Shahla Farzan is a reporter with KBBI - Homer.

Shahla first caught the radio bug as a world music host for WMHC, the oldest college radio station operated exclusively by women. Before coming to KBBI, she worked at Capital Public Radio in Sacramento and as a science writer for the California Environmental Legacy Project. She is currently completing her Ph.D in ecology at the University of California-Davis, where she studies native bees.

When she's not producing audio stories, you can find Shahla beachcombing or buried in a good book.

AK: Marine mammal camp nurtures budding scientists

The phrase “summer camp” usually brings to mind images of toasted marshmallows, campfires and wobbly canoe trips. Not bones. Listen now

Contaminated shellfish found in Homer harbor

The State Department of Health and Social Services is warning residents to exercise caution when collecting shellfish in Homer harbor. Recent tests have shown elevated saxitoxin levels in blue mussels.

Homer art gallery hosts “Decolonizing Alaska” exhibit

An innovative new exhibit at Bunnell Street Arts Center has turned a spotlight on Alaska’s long history of colonization. Asia Freeman, the curator of “Decolonizing Alaska”, says colonization has had a powerful influence on the state. Listen now

Proposed Naval training causes concern

The Homer City Council passed a resolution on August 8, formally requesting changes to U.S. Navy joint training exercises in the Gulf of Alaska. Listen now

Proposed Naval training causes concern

Homer City Council passed a resolution on August 8, formally requesting changes to US Navy training exercises in the Gulf of Alaska. The proposed training area is 24 nautical miles from the Kenai Peninsula shoreline, just south of Prince William Sound and east of Kodiak Island.

Governor visits Homer to address Alaska’s fiscal crisis

Dozens turned out to hear the message of Gov. Bill Walker who visited Homer on Tuesday to talk with residents about the state’s looming budget crisis.