Robyne, KUAC - Fairbanks

Robyne, KUAC - Fairbanks
A courtroom

Decades-old Sophie Sergie murder case proceeds in Fairbanks despite pandemic

The 1993 killing of 20-year-old Sophie Sergie at the UAF dormitory was a considered a cold case until 2018, when DNA evidence found a suspect.
A foggy street with businesses

New Paycheck Protection Program loans open to Alaska businesses

The second COVID-19 relief and spending package passed by Congress in December includes $284 billion more for businesses hurt by the pandemic.
A man hols up his tshirt sleeve as he looks away with a mask and gets an injection

Health care workers are first in line for the COVID-19 vaccine. But who’s next?

Health officials are expected to announce the next phase of vaccine allocations on Thursday, but many still won't know when they'll get the vaccine.
A sidewalk entryway into a teal school entrance

Fairbanks teachers’ unions denounce reopening of in-person schooling

In a joint statement, three unions asserted that the Fairbanks school board was disregarding safety standards in their plan to get kids back in classrooms by January, 2021.
A syringe next to eight little glass bottles

Officials say first vaccines could arrive in Alaska by mid-December

The very first COVID-19 vaccine doses may arrive in Alaska before the month is out, but there will be very little of it, and logistics to distribute it are not easy.
A white man with a bald head and glasses in a black suit and red tie speaks into a microphone

Trailing in Republican primary, Coghill asks for recount

Under state law, if the difference between the top candidates is within 20 votes, the state will pay for a recount.

Fairbanks schools to start online

The district was shooting for a standard of fewer than five new COVID-19 cases per day on average over a two-week period, but the borough is far above that threshold.

Fairbanks hospital joins national study on convalescent plasma from COVID patients

Fairbanks Memorial Hospital and the Blood Bank of Alaska are participating in a nationwide study on using the blood of patients who have recovered from COVID-19 to treat sick patients.

Fairbanks missed EPA deadline for reducing fine particulate levels in North Pole area

The EPA says that the Fairbanks North Pole area failed to reduce wintertime fine particulate pollution to acceptable levels.

Birch pollen count breaks ‘world record’ in Fairbanks

After a cold winter and spring, high temperatures around the Interior prompted birch tree buds to burst, sending record-setting levels of pollen into the air.

After long, cold winter, Interior summer heat begins with near-record temperatures, flooding

Fairbanks' May 10 temperature was two degrees below the daily record, while snow melt from an above-normal year is flooding Interior rivers.

After being labeled coronavirus ‘hotspot’, Fairbanks now has the highest level of testing in Alaska

Fairbanks was working with a shortage of test kits until last week, but now says that 800 over test kits are available for use.

Athabascan leader and former AFN chair Mary Jane Fate passes away

She was known for her advocacy for the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, and her leadership of the Alaska Federation of Natives and the Fairbanks Native Association.

University of Alaska officials prepare for coronavirus

No students, faculty or staff in the system have reported exposure to the virus, and there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by coronavirus, in Alaska.

Solarize Fairbanks looks to buy solar power in bulk

The community-driven, volunteer-run group aims to gather interest from home and business owners this month, in time to get solar panels installed this summer.

Interior Alaska Land Trust works to expand Fairbanks-area greenbelts

Interior Alaska trails are popular summer and winter, and advocates are trying to expand trail networks before population pressure makes more land unavailable.

In Fairbanks, a new subsidy program will pay residents to replace oil burners with natural gas or propane

The money — leftover from a court settlement of unpaid property taxes from the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System — had been set aside since 2014 as a line of credit for the Interior Gas Utility.

Fairbanks wood stove buy-out program gets $5M boost

The Fairbanks North Star Borough has been paying people to give up their polluting devices since 2010.
A sign reads "Welcome to UAS" at the University of Alaska Southeast’s Juneau campus.

University of Alaska debt rating downgraded after years of cuts

S&P Global Ratings report is the second time this year a rating agency has downgraded this measure, after Moody’s downgraded the UA system’s credit rating in July.

Fairbanks photography conference focuses on diverse perspectives

While showing Alaskans new ideas they rarely have access to, the conference — In Our Own Voices: Culture/Identity — was also designed to provide visitors with an Alaskan experience.