Rachel Waldholz, Alaska's Energy Desk - Anchorage

Rachel Waldholz, Alaska's Energy Desk - Anchorage
Rachel Waldholz covers energy and the environment for Alaska's Energy Desk, a collaboration between Alaska Public Media, KTOO in Juneau and KUCB in Unalaska. Before coming to Anchorage, she spent two years reporting for Raven Radio in Sitka. Rachel studied documentary production at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, and her short film, A Confused War won several awards. Her work has appeared on Morning Edition, All Things Considered, and Marketplace, among other outlets.
rwaldholz (at) alaskapublic (dot) org | 907.550.8432 | About Rachel

Same but different: how Alaska and Norway are handling low oil prices

An oil-dependent economy straddling the Arctic Circle, battered by low prices but sitting on a massive savings account: that could describe Alaska -- but it also describes Norway. Download Audio

39 years in the making, Exxon hopes Point Thomson is down payment on a gas line

When it's fully online, it'll send about 10,000 barrels a day of diesel-like oil down the trans-Alaska pipeline. But Exxon sees the field as a down payment on a much bigger prize: a North Slope gas line. Download Audio

Alaska Democrats prepare to send delegates to national convention

Alaska Democrats are hosting their state convention Friday through Sunday in Anchorage. More than 500 party members from across the state are attending, and the event culminates in the selection of delegates to attend the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia this July. Download Audio

Alaskan storyteller charged with sexual abuse of a minor

A celebrated storyteller is facing felony charges for allegedly having sex with an underage boy. Forty-three year old Jack Dalton is charged with sexual abuse of a minor in the second degree and attempted sexual abuse. KTUU originally reported the case. Download Audio

A wrench and a spark shut down TAPS for nine hours

A worker with a hand-wrench sparked the fire that shut down the trans-Alaska pipeline for nine hours in April. The fire forced the evacuation of more than 50 people at a remote pump station near Coldfoot. Download Audio

State fines Hilcorp $20K, cites pattern of violations

Hilcorp Alaska is facing a $20,000 penalty from the state for unsafe use of equipment on the North Slope. It's the latest in a string of violations for Hilcorp, which a state agency says has developed a pattern of regulatory noncompliance.

For first time, Cook Inlet oil and gas lease sale has no bidders

State officials announced this week that, for the first time ever, they received no bids for the annual oil and gas lease sale in Cook Inlet. The state Division of Oil and Gas blamed low oil prices. But industry representatives said lawmakers aren't helping. Download Audio

Renewable Energy Fund, casualty of budget crunch, may get new lifeline

Since 2008, Alaska's Renewable Energy Fund has supported scores of projects around the state. But so far, it has not been included in this year's budget. Download Audio

Industry calls Senate oil tax credit bill “bad for Alaska”

As the Alaska House continues its marathon debate on the oil and gas tax credit bill, the Senate is moving its own version forward, hoping to beat the clock with just four days left. Download Audio

Alaska House postpones vote on oil tax bill – again

For the second time in two days, House lawmakers have postponed a final vote on Gov. Bill Walker's controversial oil tax bill, a cornerstone of the governor's efforts to close the state's $4 billion budget deficit. Download Audio

Caelus Energy announces major cuts, sharply criticizes Walker oil tax bill

The North Slope oil producer announced Friday it will lay off 25 percent of its 80-person work force and suspend drilling at the Oooguruk oil field, potentially affecting hundreds more contractor jobs.

Changes to oil tax bill scale back incentives for new oil

With just over a week left in the legislative session, lawmakers are wrangling over the always-contentious issue of oil taxes. Gov. Bill Walker had requested a complete overhaul of the state's oil and gas tax credit program. The House Resources scaled back that proposal. Now, a third committee has weighed in. The House Finance committee chose a middle route -- while also introducing some changes that weren't even in the governor's bill. Download Audio

Offshore drilling plan draws protests

The tentative proposal would allow lease sales in the Arctic Ocean and Cook Inlet.

At low prices, North Slope production taxes could drop to zero

Many lawmakers say they never understood how the tax system would work at very low prices. But industry says this was always part of the deal. Download Audio

Alaska’s unusual oil tax credit system poses daunting budget challenge

The state's refundable credit program is unusual - and huge. In recent years, refundable credits have become the third-largest line item in the general fund budget. Download Audio

Plan to replace tanker escort in Prince William Sound raises concerns in Valdez

Alyeska Pipeline Service Co., which runs the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, is splitting with its longtime provider of oil spill prevention and response services in Prince William Sound. Download Audio

Walker: No Alaska LNG update before April

After announcing unspecified changes to the Alaska LNG natural gas project in February, Gov. Bill Walker had hoped to release more details in March. Download Audio

Offshore leasing plan leaves door open to Arctic drilling – for now

The Obama Administration released its draft plan for offshore oil and gas drilling over the next five years. It includes three lease sales in Alaska: two in the Arctic - in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas - and one in Cook Inlet.

PFD cuts could mean big ripples in Alaska economy

Lawmakers facing a mammoth budget deficit are weighing cuts to the PFD. Experts say that will have ripple effects throughout the economy. Meanwhile, as Alaska considers scaling back the dividend, the rest of the world is warming to the idea. Download Audio

Prudhoe Bay rig count to drop by more than half

BP has announced it will cut the number of drill rigs operating at Prudhoe Bay, from five to two, as a result of low oil prices.