Rachel Waldholz, Alaska's Energy Desk - Anchorage

Rachel Waldholz, Alaska's Energy Desk - Anchorage
Rachel Waldholz covers energy and the environment for Alaska's Energy Desk, a collaboration between Alaska Public Media, KTOO in Juneau and KUCB in Unalaska. Before coming to Anchorage, she spent two years reporting for Raven Radio in Sitka. Rachel studied documentary production at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, and her short film, A Confused War won several awards. Her work has appeared on Morning Edition, All Things Considered, and Marketplace, among other outlets.
rwaldholz (at) alaskapublic (dot) org | 907.550.8432 | About Rachel

From the oil patch to oil & vinegar

Facing the first real recession in three decades, Alaskans adapt Listen now

Walker: Oil companies suggested state take over gas line project

Walker's comments came a day after lawmakers grilled his point person on the Alaska LNG project. Meanwhile, the companies expressed skepticism about the state-led approach, telling a slightly different story. Download Audio

Gov’s pipeline proposal raises eyebrows

After more than two years of working with the big three North Slope oil companies, state officials are proposing Alaska take a larger stake -- or complete control of the project. Download Audio

State considers major changes to Alaska LNG project

State officials said today the administration is considering increasing the state's stake in the project -- or even taking over ownership completely. Download Audio

Rating agencies warn Alaska: we’re watching you

In his quest to remake Alaska's finances, Governor Bill Walker has found a set of perhaps unexpected allies. Download Audio

Third major ratings agency downgrades Alaska credit

Fitch Ratings announced Tuesday that it is lowering the state's long term credit rating from AAA -- its highest rating -- to AA+, citing the state's massive budget gap. Download Audio

In Anchorage, U.S. Attorney General announces new focus on Alaska Native issues

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced a formal process to consult with Alaska Native leaders on improving public safety -- and didn't rule out a run for Vice President. Download Audio

Gov. Walker: We’re taking each step as we can

Gov. Bill Walker discussed the fairness of PFD cuts and an income tax with APRN's Rachel Waldholz. Download Audio

New AGDC president to make half million dollars a year

The Alaska Gasline Development Corp.'s new president, Keith Meyer, will make $550,000 per year, plus bonuses -- a salary that makes him the highest paid state employee. Download Audio

Repsol latest in string of oil companies to leave Chukchi Sea

In the seven months since Shell abandoned its quest to drill in the Arctic, at least four other companies have given up their leases in the region. Download Audio

Unions say pipeline operator risks spill in Prince William Sound

Two unions say the plan to bring in a Louisiana-based company to take over oil spill prevention and response in Prince William Sound risks another spill, 27 years after the Exxon Valdez. Download Audio

Budget deal is done, but oil tax reform remains elusive

The budget passed by the Legislature this week doesn't include about $775 million owed to oil companies in refundable tax credits this year. Democrats say, if companies want those credits, there has to be oil tax reform. Download Audio

In stalemated Legislature, ‘Musk Ox’ may hold the key

The Legislature is on Day 126 of what was supposed to be a 90 day session -- and many Alaskans are wondering, what’s taking so long? Download Audio

Insurance Director tells lawmakers individual market could collapse

Alaska’s individual health insurance market could collapse as soon as next year, unless the legislature acts. Download Audio

Walker ally on gas line board resigns to run for state Senate

Former Fairbanks borough mayor Luke Hopkins announced his resignation from the board of the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation. He is expected to challenge North Pole Republican John Coghill. Download Audio

Special Session Day 2: Lawmakers pan governor’s tax proposals

In the debate over how to close Alaska’s nearly $4 billion dollar budget hole, one issue hasn’t gotten much attention: new sources of revenue. Download Audio

As new companies enter Alaska oil fields, violations spike

2015 was a record year for fines in Alaska’s oil and gas fields. State regulators proposed some $1.7 million dollars in penalties against five companies -- and the University of Alaska Fairbanks -- for violating safety and environmental regulations at oil and gas wells. Download Audio

Special session off to slow start, despite looming deadlines

Gov. Bill Walker called the Legislature back to work after it failed to pass a budget by the constitutional deadline last week. Lawmakers now have 30 days to try to accomplish what they couldn't do in the last four months: pass a budget and make some progress on closing the state's $4 billion deficit. Download Audio

Legislature convenes for special session

Alaska lawmakers are back at work Monday after failing to pass a budget by the constitutional deadline last week. It’s the first day of a special session called by Governor Bill Walker.

Lawmakers take oil tax debate down to the wire

The Senate passed its version of the oil tax bill Wednesday, handing it off to the House with less than twelve hours left in the session. But the Senate legislation left out key elements of the House bill that passed last Friday. Download Audio