Rachel Waldholz, Alaska's Energy Desk - Anchorage

Rachel Waldholz, Alaska's Energy Desk - Anchorage
Rachel Waldholz covers energy and the environment for Alaska's Energy Desk, a collaboration between Alaska Public Media, KTOO in Juneau and KUCB in Unalaska. Before coming to Anchorage, she spent two years reporting for Raven Radio in Sitka. Rachel studied documentary production at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, and her short film, A Confused War won several awards. Her work has appeared on Morning Edition, All Things Considered, and Marketplace, among other outlets.
rwaldholz (at) alaskapublic (dot) org | 907.550.8432 | About Rachel

Walrus return to Point Lay – but this year, they’re late

About a thousand walruses are hauled out on a barrier island near the village of Point Lay, about 180 miles southwest of Barrow. Listen Now

Pipeline Promises: Alaska’s 40-year quest for a natural gas line

For more than 40 years, Alaska has tried, and failed, to bring natural gas from the North Slope to market. In this 5-part series, Alaska's Energy Desk explores why the state has struck out - and what it plans to try next.

State calls a truce in Prudhoe Bay dispute

Gov. Bill Walker’s administration has called a truce in its dispute with the big three North Slope oil producers over plans for Prudhoe Bay.

Permanent Fund will not invest in oil tax credits

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corp. has rejected a proposal from Gov. Bill Walker’s administration to invest in state oil tax credits.

The man with the plan: Can Keith Meyer sell the gas line?

As the state of Alaska takes the lead in the effort to build a natural gas pipeline from the North Slope, it finds itself taking responsibility for what would be one of the largest, most complex projects in the world. The man in charge is Keith Meyer, the new president of the Alaska Gasline Development Corp.
Bill Walker, fifth from left. As a Valdez City Council member, Walker traveled with a delegation from the Organization for the Management of Alaska Resources (later the Resource Development Council) to meet with California Gov. Jerry Brown to advocate for a gas line, 1977. (Photo courtesy of Bill and Donna Walker)

Man on a mission: Gov. Walker and the gas line

The announcement this summer that Alaska will pursue a state-owned natural gas pipeline is a major U-turn after more than a decade of negotiations with the big three North Slope oil companies.
The view from Point Hope, early winter 2015. (Photo by Ellen Chenoweth/University of Alaska Fairbanks)

Oil and subsistence in the warming Arctic: A conversation with Tom Kizzia

In the most recent issue of The New Yorker, Alaska writer and longtime former ADN reporter Tom Kizzia looks back at the debate over offshore drilling in North Slope communities. Kizzia visited Point Hope to report on how climate change is affecting the region’s twin pillars: oil development and subsistence hunting.

Should the Permanent Fund invest in oil tax credits?

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corp. board had an unusual visitor at their meeting Friday. Former Attorney General Craig Richards showed up to pitch an unconventional investment idea: oil and gas tax credits. Listen now
Dr. Deena Paramo

Clock is ticking on state dispute with Prudhoe Bay leaseholders

The clock is ticking on a dispute between Governor Bill Walker's administration and the state's largest oil producers.

State takes control of gas line megaproject; consultant warns of major risks

The state of Alaska is formally taking over the massive North Slope gas line project. Listen now
Lawmakers listened to testimony from Wood Mackenzie's David Barrowman at a joint hearing of the House and Senate Resources Committees on Aug. 24, 2016. From left: Sen. Anna MacKinnon, R-Eagle River; Sen. Cathy Giessel, R-Anchorage; and Rep. David Talerico, R-Healy. Photo: Rachel Waldholz, Alaska's Energy Desk

Report: Gas line project not competitive without major changes

Alaska’s natural gas pipeline project -- as currently envisioned -- is not competitive and likely cannot succeed in the current market. That’s the conclusion of a report from the outside consulting firm Wood Mackenzie. Listen now

Gov’s budget veto has at least one fan: rating agency S&P

After four credit downgrades in eight months, Alaska received some good news Monday: S&P Global will not lower the state’s credit rating — at least for now. Listen now
The Crystal Serenity is the largest passenger ship to traverse the Northwest Passage, traveling from Seward to New York City. Photo: Rachel Waldholz, Alaska's Energy Desk

Is the Arctic ready for the Crystal Serenity?

It's the largest cruise ship to navigate the route, which hugs the coasts of Alaska, Canada and Greenland. And it's attracted international attention, with many wondering if it’s a sign of what’s to come as the Arctic sees increasingly ice-free summers. Listen now

On the scene with the Crystal Serenity

Tonight, the cruise ship Crystal Serenity will cast off from Seward for a first-of-it’s kind trip through the Arctic’s Northwest Passage to New York City. It’s the first luxury liner to attempt the route -- and the largest passenger ship by far. Listen now
John Hendrix started work as Gov. Bill Walker's chief oil and gas adviser in July 2016. Photo: Rachel Waldholz, Alaska's Energy Desk

Walker’s new oil and gas advisor wants to put some “grit” in the system

When Gov. Bill Walker announced the creation of a new cabinet position — a chief oil and gas adviser — he framed it as a way to improve his administration’s often rocky relationship with the oil and gas industry. Listen now
Dean Westlake is challenging Barrow Rep. Bennie Nageak in the Democratic primary; in 2014, Westlake lost the race by 131 votes. Photo: Rachel Waldholz/Alaska’s Energy Desk

Democrats target their own in state House primary, backing Nageak challenger

Democrats are hoping to take control of the state House this year. To achieve that, they're gunning for two lawmakers who run as Democrats but largely vote with the Republicans. One is Rep. Bennie Nageak, D-Barrow, who represents House District 40, which stretches from Kotzebue to Kaktovik.

BLM to review new ConocoPhillips project in National Petroleum Reserve

The Bureau of Land Management is launching an environmental review of ConocoPhillips' most recent proposal in the National Petroleum Reserve, called Greater Mooses Tooth 2. Listen now
Sens. Pete Kelly, R-Fairbanks, and Charlie Huggins, R-Wasilla, linger after the Senate adjourned sine die, July 18, 2016. (Photo by Jeremy Hsieh/KTOO)

Moody’s downgrades Alaska credit rating; fourth downgrade this year

Moody's Investors Service has downgraded Alaska's credit rating for the second time in six months, citing the state's massive budget deficit and its failure to find a long-term political solution. It's the fourth time since January the state has been downgraded by one of the three major ratings agencies. Listen now

Obama Administration announces new Arctic drilling rules

The Obama Administration Thursday issued new regulations covering offshore drilling in the Arctic. Listen now

VIDEO: After 15 years at BP, Brad Campbell is out of a job

Alaska has lost more than 2,000 jobs in the oil and gas industry since last year. One of those jobs belonged to Brad Campbell, who worked as a financial analyst at BP for more than 15 years.