Patrick Yack, Alaska Public Media

Patrick Yack, Alaska Public Media

Parnell Throws Holiday Open House

More than 20,000 cookies, 200 pounds of fudge, cups of hot cider, and a brass band all greeted residents of Juneau at the governor’s mansion on Tuesday for the annual holiday open house....

Anchorage Passes Leaner Budget

With less than $1 million difference in reduced revenues and added expenses, Mayor Dan Sullivan's "tight belt" municipal operating budget passed the Anchorage Assembly Tuesday night pretty much as he originally proposed. Len Anderson, KSKA...

Fairbanks Favorite Back in Business

Fairbanks venerable retailer of everything hardware is back in business.  Samson’s re-opened last week at a new location almost year after closing the doors at its historic spot on the Chena River downtown...

Sealaska to Convert to Wood-Pellet Heat

Photo By Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska - Juneau Sealaska Natural Resource Planner Nathan Soboleff examines the old oil-fired boilers that heat Sealaska Plaza in downtown Juneau. They'll be replaced with a wood-pellet burner next year. Sealaska is...

Alaska News Nightly: December 9, 2009

Photo By Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska - Juneau Sealaska Plaza in downtown Juneau plans to install a wood-pellet boiler next year. Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to...

High Court Hears Weyhrauch Case

The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments this morning in the case of former Alaska state legislator Bruce Weyhrauch, a Republican from Juneau. The question is whether Weyhrauch violated what’s called the “honest...

Nikolski Closes School; Villages Struggle to Keep Doors Open

In rural Alaska, a steady out migration is placing schools at risk of not having enough children enrolled to keep them open. The school in the Aleutian Islands community of Nikolski closed this year....

Native Class Action Suit Settled

One of the largest class action lawsuits ever filed against the federal government was settled today. After 13 years, the Eloise Cobell trust fund lawsuit was finalized today with $3.4 billion. Lori Townsend, APRN –...

Judge Halts Revillagigedo Island Timer Sale

A federal judge has halted the Orion north timber sale on Revillagigedo Island. The four million-board foot sale was one of 25 timber sales offered on the Tongass this year. Deanna Garrison, KRBD –...

North Pole Wells Coming Up Positive for Solvent

More North Pole wells are coming up positive for the chemical solvent sulfolane. Department of Environmental Conservation Contaminated Sites Project manager Ann Farris says the pollution from historic spills at the Flint Hills...

Samuels Joins Gubernatorial Race

Former Anchorage Representative Ralph Samuels  on Tuesday joined the 2010 race for the governor’s office. Samuels, a Republican, says he wants to focus on the state’s economic future. Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Download Audio (MP3)

Begich Wants Expansion of Support for Small Hospitals

Senator Mark Begich on Tuesday introduced an amendment to the Health Care legislation now before Congress that would expand a demonstration program offering support to small hospitals. Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Download Audio (MP3)

Kodiak College Gets New Newspaper

Kodiak College has a new student newspaper, called "The Emerald Looking Glass." Diana Gish, KMXT – Kodiak Download Audio (MP3)

Alaska News Nightly: December 8, 2009

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) High Court Hears Weyhrauch Case Libby Casey, APRN – Washington...

Shell Gets MMS OK to Explore in Chukchi

The Minerals Management Service today approved Shell Alaska's oil and gas exploration plan for the Chukchi Sea. There are still a number of hurdles Shell will have to get past before their drill...

Alaskans Address Copenhagen Conference

The United Nations Climate Change Conference started on Monday in Copenhagen, Denmark, where representatives from nearly 200 countries will spend the next 10 days negotiating a potential climate change treaty. Libby Casey, APRN –...

Obama Administration Issues Finding on Greenhouse Gases

The Obama administration is seeking to strengthen the government's bargaining position at the Copenhagen climate treaty talks by issuing a long-awaited finding that Carbon Dioxide, Methane and other greenhouse gases are an endangerment...

US Supreme Court to Hear Weyhrauch Case

The US Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on Tuesday in the case of former Alaska state legislator Bruce Weyhrauch. The Republican who represented Juneau is accused of asking oil field services company...

Fish Board Asks State to Be Aware of Mining Operations

The state Fish Board was willing to write a letter, but it backed away from recommending the state Legislature make the Kvichak and Nushagak river drainages into a salmon refuge.  The letter to...

Winds Rip Unalaska

A massive storm rocked Unalaska on Friday night and toppled the 110-foot high APL cargo container crane. Winds started kicking up around 6 pm and by about 8 pm wind speeds ranged from...