Patrick Yack, Alaska Public Media

Patrick Yack, Alaska Public Media

Author Expresses Love for Brooks Range

Anchorage Author Bill Sherwonit fell in love with the Brooks Range when he first visited the area as a geologist in the early 1970's. He explores the place and his appreciation for...

Tribes Encouraged to Contribute to Subsistence Plans

The department of Interior is urging Alaska tribes to get their comments in on how the department should go about overhauling the subsistence management system. Interior's Special assistant for Alaska Pat Porchout says...

Federal Government Keeps Alaska Homeless Programs Funded

The federal government has renewed grant funding to keep 22 homeless assistance programs in Alaska in operation. The grants total more than $3 million in Alaska and were announced on Wednesday. The funding...

Anchorage School Celebrates Holiday with a Twist

It's a school event that's almost as common as reading, writing and arithmetic--the annual December Holiday program. While fun, they seem similar. But not always. KSKA's Len Anderson recently attended one with some...

Juneau Episcopalians Nearly Finished with New Church

As Christians throughout Alaska celebrate Christmas in various houses of worship, one Juneau congregation’s Christmas Eve service will be particularly joyous.  The Church of the Holy Trinity is in its new building, nearly...

Alaska News Nightly: December 24, 2009

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Tug Runs Aground on Bligh Reef Steve Heimel, APRN – Anchorage A...

Bill Hess

Bill Hess lives in Barrow on the northern edge of Alaska. He was semi-adopted by an Inupiaq family - something he came to fully appreciate after he buried his blood mother in Minnesota to...

Ted Sutton

Ted Sutton, a Tlinget man from Southeast Alaska, was conceived during a drunken party in Sitka, Alaska. Authorities took him away from his parents when they were too sunken into alcohol to take care...

Dorcas Rock

Dorcas Rock is a traditional healer in Barrow, Alaska. She spoke with her cousin Doreen Simmonds for StoryCorps Alaska. Dorcas has unusual gifts. Not only can she heal - but she has visions. She told...

Catherine Reamey and Sarena McArthur

Catherine Reamey and Sarena McArthur met as young girls in Dillingham, Alaska. They talked about their friendship for StoryCorps Alaska. Johanna Eurich Download Audio (MP3)

Luke Koonook

Luke Koonook is 80 years old and he has been whaling since he was a young man. He talks to Doreen Simmonds for StoryCorps Alaska about how things have changed since he first went...

Russell Nelson

Russell Nelson grew up in Dillingham, Alaska where everyone can, goes fishing. He and his neighbor, Fred Torrisi, stopped at a StoryCorps Alaska booth to talk about flying a plane and spotting schools of...

Walter Kanulie

Walter Kanulie is a Yupik Eskimo living in Togiak, Alaska where hunting and fishing is a way of life and traditional knowledge is something concrete and important for survival. He and Tom Tilden talked about...

Mike Jeffery

Mike Jeffery came to Barrow more than 20 years ago and stayed to become the judge presiding on the edge of the Arctic Ocean - a place where night dominates winter and the spring...

Tug Grounds on Bligh Reef

A tugboat ran aground on Bligh Reef in Prince William Sound last night and ripped a hole in its keel, spilling diesel fuel. Crowley Maritime's "Pathfinder" managed to get free of the reef within...

Sullivan, Young Call for Anchorage to Support 8(a) Program

Anchorage needs to take a more active role helping Alaska Native Corporations keep their 8(a) business development program.   That was the message of Mayor Dan Sullivan and Alaska Congressman Don Young. Sullivan...

Gas Might Be in Cook Inlet, but Delivery on Peak Days Still Challenging

While a recent report from the Department of  Natural Resources shows about 10 years of natural gas is available in Cook Inlet, there remains the difficultly of delivering gas on peak use days. Ben...

Native Corporation Looks at New Energy Technology

An Alaska Native corporation is taking a new look at an old technology in an effort to wrest unused power from an untapped source. Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage Download Audio (MP3)

Group Tries to Revive Aniak Sled Dog Race

Residents in Aniak are reviving the Aniak 150 sled dog race. The race was competitive event until about five years ago, when organizers couldn't pull it together anymore. Now, thanks to young leaders...

Scientists Still Hopeful About Raising King Crab in Hatcheries

With an eye toward the possibility of someday rebuilding depleted stocks, scientists are continuing to study how to raise larval king crab in a hatchery setting. Diana Gish, KMXT – Kodiak Download Audio (MP3)