Patrick Yack, Alaska Public Media

Patrick Yack, Alaska Public Media

Report Reflects Glaciers’ Affects on Marine Environment

Glaciers do more than store water and provide spectacular scenery.  They also lock massive amounts of nutrients in their icy depths - the original frozen foods, so to speak. And the nutrients they store...

Anchorage Gets Peek at 2010 Economic Picture

In the second of a two part series on the Anchorage economy, we move from the Anchorage Economic Development Corporation's analysis of 2009 to its prediction of 2010.   In the upcoming year,...

Damp Initiative Gets Clerk’s OK

A petition drive to return Bethel to “Damp” status has certified by the City Clerks Office.  Now Bethel residents will again go to the polls to decide what kind of alcohol restrictions the...

Salmon Delivered to Kotzebue for Village Distribution

20,000 pounds of silver salmon was delivered to Kotzebue yesterday as part of a mission to get extra food to villagers. It took the hard work of several organizations orchestrated mostly by one...

Palin Sought Secrecy in Custody Battle

A custody dispute between Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston is now before the court buy cheap kamagra uk . A judge has denied Palin's request to keep the legal proceedings closed. Alaska Superior...

Tenakee Springs Landmark Gets Makeover

A landmark in Tenakee Springs is getting a makeover. Snyder Mercantile will keep its retail component, but also add a brewpub restaurant and lodging. The building was put up by Ed Snyder in...

Tlingit Elder Kita Passes Away

Tlingit elder Herman Kitka died in Sitka on Sunday, December 27.The Kogwaantaan leader and the first president of the Shee Atika corporation board of directors was 95- years old. Robert Woolsey, KCAW - Sitka Download...

Alaska News Nightly: December 28, 2009

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3)Diesel Almost Emptied from Bligh Reef Tug The Associated Press Almost all...

Redoubt Rumbling Again

Redoubt volcano is rumbling again. The volcano 100 miles Southwest of Anchorage produced several explosive events this spring, disrupting air travel and sending ash over the most populated areas of the state. Redoubt...

Kotzebue Gets Fish Donation

An Air Station Kodiak C-130 Hercules aircraft delivered thousands of pounds of fish to Kotzebue on Monday as part of a humanitarian mission. Diana Gish, KMXT – Kodiak Download Audio (MP3)

Defense Bill Includes Funds for Carbon Study

A federal defense bill includes $2.4 million to study carbon sequestration in Alaska, a project that could result in a coal-to-liquids plant for the Fairbanks area. Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage Download Audio (MP3)

Warm Spell Leads to Ice Road Cracking Up

A recent warm up in southwestern Alaska is cracking the ice road on the Kuskokwim River. There are now several open holes near the Bethel area. Bethel Search and Rescue was busy...

Anchorage’s Economy in Review: A Flat 2009

In 2009, many describing the Anchorage economy embraced one comment over all others - "Flat is good."  Seeking a year-end appraisal of the Anchorage's economic health, KSKA's Len Anderson talked to Bill Popp, president...

Pallyup Tribe Wants to Hear from Alaska Natives

The Tacoma, Washington Pullayup tribe is hoping to hear from Alaska Natives who may have had relatives at the Cushman and St. George boarding schools there in the 1920's and 30s. Hundreds of...

Native Leaders Share Formative Years

Growing up in Alaska's villages used to mean an automatic trip to boarding school after 8th grade. Aleut Larry Merculief, who was raised on St. Paul Island, ended up at Mount Edgecombe High...

Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me: Was That Someone From Kodiak?

If you were listening to NPR’s “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me” this weekend, you may have heard a Kodiak resident guessing the answers during the Listener Limerick Challenge. Jay Barrett, KMXT – Kodiak Download Audio...

Alaska News Nightly: December 28, 2009

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3)Redoubt Rumbling Again Annie Feidt, APRN – Anchorage Redoubt volcano is rumbling...

Tug Runs Aground on Bligh Reef

A tugboat ran aground on Bligh Reef in Prince William Sound last night and ripped a hole in its keel, spilling diesel fuel. Crowley Maritime's "Pathfinder" managed to get free of the reef...

Senate Passes Historic Health Care Bill

The US Senate has passed the Democratic-led health care reform bill. The vote split down party lines this morning: 60 Democrats and Independents voted yes, and 39 Republicans voted against it....

Coast Guard to Donate Salmon to Kotzebue

The Coast Guard plans to deliver more than 13 tons of donated salmon to Kotzebue next week. The scheduled Monday delivery is part of a special food drive sponsored by Wells Fargo Bank...