Patrick Yack, Alaska Public Media

Patrick Yack, Alaska Public Media

Kenai Students Get New Photo Gear

Students from across the southern Kenai Peninsula are about to get their hands on some high-end digital photography equipment, thanks to the efforts of the Homer and Soldotna Rotary Clubs, the Kenai Peninsula...

Alaska News Nightly: March 15, 2010

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Small Plane Crashes After Taking Off From Kodiak Jay Barrett, KMXT...

Iditarod Afternoon Update: Mackey Leads, Gatt Passes King

Lance Mackey  raced in and out of Elim this afternoon taking only a 15-minute break. Mackey has led the race for several checkpoints. He is down to 11 dogs. Hans Gatt passed Jeff King in...

Iditarod Field Notes: #5

Blog and Photo by Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage Monday Morning in Unalakleet Top drivers moved out with the Unalakleet wind Sunday night or early this morning. Lance Mackey and Jeff King moved up to Shaktoolik against...

Iditarod Noon Update

Video by Patrick Yack, APRN - Anchorage Lance Mackey  was the first out of Koyuk today - just a couple of minutes before 6 a.m. - with 12 dogs. Jeff King left Koyuk about two hours...

Iditarod Start: From Snow Level

You can hear the dogs coming a block or two away, even at a slow pace during the start of the Iditarod. Here's what they look like from snow level.

Mackey Leads Out of Koyuk; King and Gatt Right Behind

Lance Mackey  was the first out of Koyuk today - just a couple of minutes before 6 a.m. - with 12 dogs. Jeff King was still in Koyuk with 13 dogs when Mackey left. Hans...

Lance Mackey: Fan Favorite

They want his autograph. On the photo they have taken. On their Iditarod program. On their sleeve. They ask about his dogs. His strategy. He smiles. Always. Poses. Pats a back. Lance Mackey is a folk hero....

Musher Newton Marshall

Blog and Photos by Tim Bodony, APN Musher Newton Marshall arrives in Galena over the weekend. Marshall is making his first Iditarod. Although a rookie, Marshall has been running near the middle of the field. Larry, Lance...

Mackey and King Battling as They Reach Norton Sound

Lance Mackey and Jeff King continue battling to reach Nome first. Mackey and King were out of Shaktoolik and making their towards Norton Sound. Mackey had about an hour head start out Shaktoolik with 12...

Iditarod Update: Early Sunday Evening

Lance Mackey and Jeff King continue their two-musher battle to reach Nome first. Both had reached Shaktoolik Sunday afternoon, according to the GPS tracking devices on their sleds. Mackey had 12 dogs. King was...

Iditarod Field Notes #4

Blog and Photos by Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage Unalakleet - King pulled up at 6:29 am with 13 dogs They got bedded down in deep straw and ate well. King disgruntled and not saying much...

King's Sunday Breakfast in Unalakleet

Jeff King reached Unalakleet Sunday morning. Fed his dogs. Grabbed a bite to eat. Rested and then got back on the trail headed towards Shaktoolik. King is chasing rival Lance Mackey who arrived in Unalakleet before King -...

Scenes from Saturday's Iditarod

Robert Nelson of Kotzebue helps one of his dogs with a bootie in Galena. This year's race is Nelson's third Iditarod. Martin Buser of Big Lake pulls out of Galena on Saturday. Buser has one...

Sunday Morning Iditarod Update

Photos by  Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage and Tim Bodony, APRN Dogs take a nap in Galena on Saturday. Hugh Neff and Hans Gatt joined Lance Mackey and Jeff King in Unalakleet Sunday morning. Mackey arrived about...

Iditarod Field Notes #3

Blog and Photos by Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage We wait till about 2:30 am in the race headquarters. And wait and wait. A nice lady and gentleman bring in pots of homemade stew and...

Mackey, King in to Unalakleet

Photos by Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage Iditarod champions Lance Mackey (above and below) and Jeff King arrived in Unalakleet Sunday morning. Mackey, who had taken only short breaks at the most recent checkpoints, arrived about...

Iditarod Field Notes #2

By Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage It’s still light at 8 o’clock. Temperature outside plunging to -20 at least . My nose hairs freeze. I have gone back to school for an hour or so to...

Iditarod Field Notes #1

From Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage Brrr! It’s cold here in Unalakleet, but not very. The sun glares off the snow and the brisk air makes me feel like getting out for a long...

Mackey Regains Lead, Out of Kaltag

Photos by Tim Bodony, APRN Hugh Neff nearing Galena on Saturday. Iditarod champion Lance Mackey blew through Kaltag and regained the lead over rival Jeff King late Saturday afternoon. Mackey arrived in Kaltag at 12:28 this afternoon...