Patrick Yack, Alaska Public Media

Patrick Yack, Alaska Public Media

Railroad Exec Chosen to Run University of Alaska System

Patrick Gamble, the chief executive of the Alaska Railroad Corporation has been chosen to serve as the University of Alaska system's next president. The Associated Press Download Audio (MP3)

AK Among States Getting Federal Funds for Electronic Medical Records

Alaska is among 16 states receiving federal dollars to assist in developing better methods for doctors and hospitals to share electronic health records. Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius made the announcement. Lori...

Salcha Trying to Keep Open Public Water Source

Residents of Salcha, a community of about a thousand people, 33  miles southeast of Fairbanks, are trying to keep open a public water source. The community has no public water distribution or treatment system,...

Four SE Communities Looking for Solution to Garbage Problems

Four Southeast Alaska communities are working toward a regional solution to their garbage problems. They say they’re considering a variety of options. But first, they need more members. Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska – Juneau Download...

Togiak Has Presence at Boston Seafood Show

For the first time ever the community of Togiak has a presence at the Boston Seafood Show, which wraps up today. Mike Mason, KDLG – Dillingham Download Audio (MP3)

Most in Anchorage Say It’s a Good Place to Live

Ninety-four percent of Anchorage residents think the city is a good place to live. At the same time, slightly over 30 percent of the population went without a basic need sometime...

A Tie in High School Contest – Good Enough Say Contestants

The state’s top small schools Drama, Debate and Forensics student says a tie was a “great way to go out.” Sitka High School senior Berett Wilber was the top-scorer at this year’s state...

Alaska News Nightly: March 16, 2010

Photo by Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage Lance Mackey holds up replica of check for winning Iditarod on Tuesday. He led Hans Gatt and Jeff King in to Nome. Individual news stories are posted in the...

Mackey Wins Iditarod

Lance Mackey won  his fourth consecutive Iditarod arriving in Nome just before 3 p.m. today. Hans Gatt and Jeff King were expected in Nome sometime after 4 p.m. Other mushers of interest (and the number of...

Talk of Alaska: APU's New President

Challenges have been mounting for higher education, especially in Alaska. Sheldon Jackson College in Sitka simply couldn’t make a go of it.  And Alaska Pacific University in Anchorage has approached the financial...

Mackey In and Out of Saftey Racing With Lead

Lance Mackey continued his drive to win another Iditarod stopping only a few minutes in Safety about 11:37 this morning. He was racing with 12 dogs. Hans Gatt, who had passed Jeff King on Monday,...

Mackey Leading Out of White Mountain

Lance Mackey was out of White Mountain early Tuesday morning and on his way to Nome with 11 dogs and what appeared to be a commanding lead in the Iditarod. Hans Gatt, who had...

Iditarod Field Notes: #6

Blog by Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage Nome -- Remember that line in the Rocky Horror Show where the guy says: “Come up to the lab and see what’s on the slab and tremble in anticipation.” Well,...

Small Plane Crashes After Taking Off From Kodiak

A small plane crashed early this afternoon after taking off from the Kodiak airport. The three people aboard the plane- a pilot and two passengers- are safe after an hours-long ordeal where the plane was...

AK State Defense Force Dispute Brewing

A dispute over the role of the Alaska State Defense Force has been bubbling for some time, although recent changes in command at the state Department of Military and Veterans Affairs has brought...

House Reviewing Gas Line Bill

A bill that would kick-start work on an in-state gas line from the North Slope to railbelt communities is getting its final review before going to the House floor. Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Download Audio...

Mackey Continues to Build on Iditarod Lead

Away from the spotlight that is directed towards the frontrunners of the Iditarod, other races are taking place further back on the trail.  Mushers in the middle or back of the field might be...

SE Holding Hearings on Sealaska Land Bid

Staff with the U.S. Senate Natural Resources Committee is in Southeast last week taking public testimony on the Sealaska Native Corporation's effort to complete its land selection. Meanwhile, the small community of Port Protection...

Young Still Wants Earmarks

Republicans in the U.S. House agreed last week to a one year ban on all earmarks.  But Alaska Congressman Don Young – a Republican - says he does not support his party’s decision....

Processing Plant Taking New Approach to Find Workers

An Alaska seafood processing company that specializes in high-end products is taking an innovative step to find qualified employees. Mike Mason, KDLG – Dillingham Download Audio (MP3)