Patrick Yack, Alaska Public Media

Patrick Yack, Alaska Public Media

Juneau Airport Getting Facelift

Construction is picking up inside the Juneau International airport terminal, which is receiving its first facelift in more than 25 years. The 22-million dollar renovation project is set to wrap up in October....

Fairbanks Contributes $10K to Yukon Quest

The Fairbanks Borough Assembly is giving $10,000 to the Yukon Quest for marketing.  The 1,000-mile sled dog race between Fairbanks and Whitehorse Yukon is central to winter tourism in the region, but has suffered...

Alaska News Nightly: March 29, 2010

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Debate Opens on Illegal Immigration Dave Donaldson APRN – Juneau Debate...

Wildlife Managers at Odds Over Wolves

State and federal wildlife managers are at odds over wolves in the eastern interior. The feds are concerned about a declining wolf population in Yukon Charley Rivers National Preserve, while the state is...

Donlin Creek Mining Operations Also Target of Opposition

The proposed Pebble Creek mine gets a lot of attention from environmental activists and Native groups who want to make sure it never happens. But another massive gold mine in development a few hundred...

Former Race Manager Sentenced in Felony Case

Former K300 Race Manager Staci Gillilan was sentenced in court on Thursday. The sentence came after Gillilan pleaded guilty to felony theft and struck a deal with State Prosecutors. The sentencing hearing was...

Ferries to Provide Online Service

The Alaska Marine Highway System is bringing back onboard, online service. State officials signed a contract this month to provide internet connections to most ferries when they’re at sea. The $2.2 million contract...

Bills Support Corporation Status for Five Towns

The Alaska congressional delegation has bills pending in both the Senate and House to allow five towns in Southeast to form Native Village corporations. The towns of Haines, Ketchikan, Wrangell, Petersburg and Tenakee were...

Parnell Announces Cruise Tax Plan

Governor Sean Parnell announced terms of his cruise legislation on Thursday. The bill includes a corporate income tax credit for cruise lines contributing to the state’s tourism marketing campaign.  The governor is introducing...

Program to Cover Costs of Complying with Fishing Restrictions

A coastal development program says it will foot the bill so Lower Yukon fishers can comply with new fishing restrictions. The Yukon Delta Fisheries Development Association is buying webbing and net materials for fishers...

Alaska News Nightly: March 26, 2010

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Wildlife Managers at Odds Over Wolves Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks State...

Anchorage Edition: March 26, 2010

Each week, KAKM gathers commentators for a review of the week’s news, politics and public affairs in Anchorage and Alaska. Topics for this week are expected to include: Legislature moves to ban publication of 911...

Hostility Remains Over Health Care Bill

President Obama may have signed major health care legislation into law two days ago but debate – and hostility –continues in the nation’s capital.  The Senate passed on Thursday a bill of “fixes”...

Rural Schools Bill Clears First Hurdle

A bill aimed at revamping construction funds for rural schools has passed its first hurdle in the Legislature. Shane Iverson, KYUK – Bethel Download Audio (MP3)

Shell’s Drilling Plans Yet to Receive Final OK

Shell Oil's drilling plans for this summer in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas are not yet fully approved, so it's not certain that they will be bringing vessels and business to Unalaska. Anne Hillman,...

Committees Hear Testimony on Large Scale Mineral Projects

The Alaska House Fisheries Committee and the Senate Resources Committee held a hearing last week at which they discussed the state regulations and statutes related to the permitting and development of large scale...

Sitka Herring Fishery Nets 5,000 Tons

The first opening of the Sitka Sound sac roe herring fishery netted 5,000 tons of herring. That’s the preliminary data from Fish & Game area management biologist Dave Gordon after Wednesday’s harvest near...

Alaska and Kentucky Utility Customers Protest Loans for Coal Plants

Some electric utility customers in Alaska and Kentucky have joined forces to protest federal loan guarantees for coal fired power plants.  Rate payers alliances representing Fairbanks, the Matanuska Valley and Homer, and similar...

Craig Finishing New Medical Building

The city of Craig is wrapping up work on a new medical building. The new building will house the town’s medical clinic, community connections and the state department of public health. Deanna Garrison, KRBD...

Japanese Climber Back from Mt. Hunter

Japanese climber Masatoshi Kuriaki is back from his 5th attempt at Mt. Hunter.  The 37-year old didn't summit, but spent 83 days trying. Sue Deyoe, KTNA – Talkeetna Download Audio (MP3)