Patrick Yack, Alaska Public Media

Patrick Yack, Alaska Public Media

April Fools: Juneau Comic Keynotes the Day

Juneau funnyman Jeff Brown unleashes his latest project on an unsuspecting public on Wednesday Brown's “Real Alaskan Magazine” is available at select locations in many of the state's larger communities, and...

Alaska News Nightly: March 31, 2010

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio(MP3) Obama OKs Offshore Drilling Annie Feidt, APRN – Anchorage The Obama administration says...

Lawmakers Unlikely to Approve Parnell’s Scholarship Plan

Lawmakers aren't likely to approve Governor Sean Parnell's scholarship program this year. They're still looking for money to pay for the plan.  The Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday will take a look at what...

Corrections Department Closing Last Prison Industry

The Alaska Department of Corrections is closing the last of the state’s prison industries. A garment shop and a furniture factory shut down on Wednesday.  An industrial laundry closes in September. Rosemarie Alexander, KTOO –...

Researchers Studying Sea Lions’ Diet

Researchers are trying to figure out how Stellar Sea Lions react to changes in their diets. The information might help scientists understand the population decline in the wild. Anne Hillman, KUCB – Unalaska Download...

Sealaska to Pay Out $8 Million to Shareholders

Sealaska (left) will distribute almost $8 million to shareholders. The Southeast regional Native corporation has about 20,000 tribal members, more than half living outside the region. Photo and Story by Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska – Juneau Download Audio...

Less Snow Might Mean Less Flooding

This winter’s well-below normal snowfall could help reduce flooding during breakup. National Weather Service hydrologist Ed Plumb says run off from snowmelt is one of the factors that affects spring flood potential. Dan Bross, KUAC...

Sales Tax Dropping in Wasilla

Wasilla consumers will be paying less in sales taxes come this summer.  A one-half percentage point cut takes effect in July.  The reduction comes about a year early, since city voters raised their...

Pratt Museum Featuring Special Show

From now through mid-May the Pratt Museum in Homer is featuring a special show that combines slices of Alaska history with the talents of two local artists to create a stunning and thought...

Nome: Artists Love the Vistas

Nome Alaska is noted as a historic gold rush town, and as the final checkpoint on the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. But there is another side to the rugged city on the...

Alaska News Nightly: March 30, 2010

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Lawmakers Unlikely to Approve Parnell’s Scholarship Plan Dave Donaldson, APRN –...

Talk of Alaska: Local Food Production

Alaskans are looking closer to home for their food. Community Supported Agriculture started in our larger cities but has spread to smaller communities now. And soon it will be planting time for gardeners. The U.S....

Debate Opens on Illegal Immigration

Debate opened Monday morning on a bill re-asserting the state’s role in guarding against illegal immigrants by taking away their drivers’ licenses and state ID cards. The only thing that supporters and opponents...

Senate to Vote on Electioneering

A bill making public any corporate or union electioneering activity is on its way to a vote by the entire Senate. The measure moved from the Finance Committee on Monday after one change...

Vandals Break Window at Democratic Pary HQ

Vandals broke a window at the Democratic Party Headquarters office in Anchorage over the weekend. Party officials say they don't know what the motive was but suspect the incident was tied to the passage...

Begich Updates Reporters on Indian Health Care Act

Senator Mark Begich (D-AK) is in the state this week during Congress's Easter recess. Begich brought back an update on the new reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, which he shared with...

Canada Hosts Arctic Ocean Conference

Discussions about the Arctic Ocean got under way today between the foreign ministers of Canada, the United States, Russia, Norway and Denmark.  Canada is hosting the event in Chelsea Quebec. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Download...

Cama-ii Dance Festival Wraps Up in Bethel

The Annual Cama-ii  Dance Festival wrapped up this weekend in Bethel. The event was attended by two dozen dance groups and thousands visitors. Shane Iverson, KYUK – Bethel Download Audio (MP3)

Alaska Suing Ferry Contractor

The State of Alaska is suing the contractor that built the fast ferries Fairweather and Chenega. Since the Fairweather was deployed in 2005, the ship has been plagued with engine problems that often...

Small-Boat Fishermen May Have to Carry Onboard Observer

Some of Alaska’s small-boat fishermen may have to carry an onboard observer in the near future. The federal government is restructuring its fishery observer program to better monitor bycatch on larger vessels, but...