Patrick Yack, Alaska Public Media

Patrick Yack, Alaska Public Media

Urban Students Get Seminar on Seal Butchering

Seal butchering isn't an activity normally associated with urban life. But a group of high school students in Anchorage recently had a chance to take part in a two hour seminar on the subject....

Alaska News Nightly: April 6, 2010

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Legislature Winding Down; Legislators Getting Edgy Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau With...

Talk of Alaska: Early Man and Climate Change

Some of our questions about how to adapt to climate change may find their answers in the distant past. Early humans figured out how to survive and even thrive during the Ice Age, partly due...

Redoubt Rumbling Again

Redoubt Volcano has scientists at the Alaska Volcano Observatory on their toes again. Seismic monitors on the volcano began recording increased earthquake activity on Redoubt early Monday morning. Annie Feidt, APRN – Anchorage Download Audio (MP3)

Two Groups Want Abortion Initiative Off the Ballot

Two groups want to keep a proposed abortion initiative off the ballot in Alaska because the language used in petition signature booklets wasn't accurate. Jeffrey Mittman, executive director of the ACLU of Alaska,...

University System Assessing Ramifications of Health Care Reform

The University of Alaska is wading through the impacts of national health care reform legislation.  The university is one of the state’s largest employers, and insures about 10,000 people when dependents are included. Dan Bross,...

Legislature Rounds Corner on Session

The Legislature is into the final two weeks of this year’s ninety-day session with a lot of the top-priority items still undecided – and a lot of work left to do. Dave Donaldson, APRN...

State Feels Impact of Health Care Industry

One of the largest industries in Alaska is health care. It employs more people than state government and the oil industry and its impact is felt across the entire state. Mike Mason, KDLG – Dillingham Download...

Wastewater Panel to Resume Meeting in Early Summer

Alaska’s Cruise Ship Wastewater Science Panel will resume meeting in early summer with a full slate. The final two appointments include a replacement for an environmental activist who was removed due to industry...

Tourism Pros Hoping to Lure Visitors with Cultural Offerings

A group of tourism professionals hope to attract visitors to Alaska who come for the state’s cultural offerings. They met in Sitka last week to figure out new ways to do it. The fourth...

Alaska News Nightly: April 5, 2010

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Redoubt Rumbling Again Annie Feidt, APRN – Anchorage Redoubt Volcano has scientists...

Parnell Receives Threatening Letter from Fringe Group

Alaska Governor Sean Parnell is among the governors who have received letters demanding they leave office or be removed. Parnell spokeswoman Sharon Leighow confirmed today that Parnell had received a letter in his...

Campbell Won’t Seek Reelection

Lt. Governor Craig E. Campbell announced today he will not seek another term as Lieutenant Governor and is withdrawing from the August 24, 2010 Republican primary election. In a statement released this afternoon, Campbell...

Obama Interested in Pursuing North Slope Gas for Lower 48

The new federal coordinator for the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline on Friday told legislators that the White House wants to elevate the project for getting gas from the North Slope to North American Markets...

Big Public Employee Unions Agree to Contracts

The state’s two largest public employee unions have tentative agreements for new three-year contracts. The Alaska State Employees Association -- representing 85,000 general government workers -- and the Alaska Public Employees Association -- representing...

Senate Changes Funding Formula for Rural Schools

The State Senate unanimously passed a new funding formula for rural school construction on Thursday. Senate Bill 237 would require future legislatures to put $40 million annually into a fund to pay for new...

State to Receive Federal Funds to Monitor Water Quality off NW Alaska

The state Department of Environmental Conservation will receive $2.25 million in federal revenue sharing to monitor water quality off northwest Alaska.  The Minerals Management Service grant comes from its Coastal Impact Assessment Program. The...

Union to File Grievance over Shutting Down Jobs Programs

The state’s largest public employee union plans to file a grievance against the Department of Corrections for its decision to shut down three Prisoner Employment Programs before determining what the closures would cost the...

Wasilla Recognized for Outreach Programs

Wasilla's Soil and Water Conservation District has been recognized for its leadership in education and outreach programs.  The National Fish Habitat Board in Washington, DC  will honor the conservation planning group with an...

Alaska’s Been Good to Bhutanese Refugees

Last summer a group of Bhutanese refugees arrived in Anchorage, ready to start a new life after nearly two decades in Nepalese camps. Alaska has been good to them. But they’re missing...