Patrick Yack, Alaska Public Media

Patrick Yack, Alaska Public Media

Arctic Village Hosting Refuge Celebration

Arctic Village is hosting a celebration this weekend to mark two decades protecting the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.  The events, including a unique art project, are aimed at local and global environmental concerns. Dan Bross,...

Passports Needed Soon to Cross Into Canada

Starting on June 1, Americans crossing the border with Canada will need a passport – or comparable document.  A passport is already needed for air travel between the U.S. and Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean...

McGrath Area Fire Threatening Primary Residences

The lightning caused Broken Snowshoe fire near McGrath has consumed more than 22,500 acres. The fire began on May 25, and is now threatening primary residences, cultural resources and private property.  The blaze is...

Mt. Redoubt Still Drawing Vigil

The 2009 eruption of Mt. Redoubt volcano is now in its 10th week and staff of the Alaska Volcano Observatory continues its round-the-clock vigil. Marcia Lynn, KBBI – Homer Download Audio (MP3)

Southeast Native Corporation Developing New Partnerships

Southeast Alaska’s biggest Native corporation and its largest tribal organization are developing new business partnerships. Leaders say they hope to provide employment and services for villages and other economically-strapped parts of the region. Ed Schoenfeld,...

Election Division Beefing Up Translation Program

The Alaska Division of Elections has been working to improve their Yup’ik Translation program.  Top members of the Division were in Bethel on Wednesday to inform local tribes about those changes. Shane Iverson, KYUK – Bethel Download...

Red Salmon Return Better Than Anticipated

The red salmon return on the Copper River is coming in better than anticipated. State area management biologist, Mark Sommerville says indicators point to a strong early return. Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks Download Audio (MP3)

Education Program at Sheldon Jackson Still Strong

Despite the closing of Sheldon Jackson College two years ago, the education program at the former college hatchery is still in full swing.  An organization called the Sitka Sound Science Center has been releasing...

Alaska News Nightly: May 29, 2009

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Obama Administration Wants Second Look at Timber Sales Deanna Garrison,...

State Officials Confirm First Case of Swine Flu

The State Virology lab is confirming the first case of H1N1 (swine) flu in Alaska. The patient is a middle age Fairbanks woman who first displayed symptoms about two weeks ago. Health officials say...

Preliminary Flood Damage Estimates Emerging

Preliminary flood damage estimates are starting to come in. State Department of Emergency management spokesman Jeremy Zidek says a damage assessment team has run up a substantial tally in Eagle alone. Dan Bross, KUAC –...

Cooler Temperatures Helping Limit McGrath Wildfire

Cooler temperatures and higher humidity are expected to limit growth of the big wildfire near McGrath. A state fire information officer says west winds have pushed flames east. Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks Download Audio (MP3)

Voters Could See More Petitions Next Year

Voters could encounter a lot of people with petitions this year. They’re looking for your signature on petitions that would help them place initiatives on next year’s ballots. Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell certified...

School Kids Missing Meals in Summer

It is not a big problem getting meals to kids during the school year but delivering those meals in the summer can be a little trickier. Alaska ranks near the very bottom of the...

Tribal Leaders to Address Suicide Prevention

Southeast tribal leaders will soon meet in Juneau to talk about suicide prevention. Tlingit-Haida Central Council is sponsoring the symposium, with funding from the state. President Bill Martin says the Native suicide rate is...

Inter-Tribal Council Passes Major Resolutions

The Anchorage meeting of Alaska Inter-Tribal Council members wrapped up today with resolutions that support two big premises. AITC chairman Mike Williams says the first requests congressional action to vacate the U.S. Supreme Court ruling...

New Juneau Senator Looking For Regional Solutions

Southeast Alaska’s newest lawmaker says he’s looking for regional solutions to local problems. Juneau Senator Dennis Egan says he’ll work with his Southeast colleagues on energy, transportation and other issues, though he may have...

Anchorage Museum to Reopen This Weekend

This Saturday the Anchorage Museum celebrates its on-going expansion project with a day-long, grand opening and a world class exhibit designed to dazzle visitors. Len Anderson, KSKA – Anchorage Download Audio (MP3)

Alaska News Nightly: May 28, 2009

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) State Officials Confirm First Case of Swine Flu Annie Feidt, APRN...

Roads Money Under Special Scrutiny

Stimulus money headed to tribes in Alaska through the Bureau of Indian Affairs roads program is under special scrutiny because of a recent report that says the  program is mismanaged. However supporters of the roads...