Pacific Northern Academy

Pacific Northern Academy

Pacific Northern Academy's mission is to educate students to be exceptional learners and independent thinkers of vision, courage, and integrity.

Student Teacher Relationships Matter Most

I keep up with what is new in education. I read the weekly, monthly, and quarterly publications as well as daily blogs. I get alerts from so many sources that I can hardly keep up. But what I know and what I see in good classrooms will forever be the same: it is the relationship and bond that build between a good teacher and her students. Read more.

Photo Gallery: ART OUT at PNA

ART OUT is an event where artists, teachers, students, and parents join together to make, see, talk, and do art!

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What Makes a Good Teacher?

Since I have recently hired a mid-year replacement for a third grade teacher, I have been giving much thought to what makes a great teacher, particularly what makes a great elementary school teacher. Despite all efforts to quantify a great teacher through mastery tests and hoops for certification, despite advanced degrees and lots of professional development, the core of a great teacher is what springs from within. Read more.

Parent Involvement Counts – In More Ways than One

When students are younger, they love seeing their parents in the schools. Even if there are no words spoken, children know that when parents come to school, whether to help in their classroom or work in the library or help with an event, that their parents consider school important enough to donate their time. And when parents think school is important, children also will think it is important. I encourage each and every parent to get involved in your child’s school, whether public or private, in ways that are appropriate and useful to your school. Read more.

My 60th First Day of School

In honor of the first day of school Arnie Cohen, Headmaster of Pacific Northern Academy, sent us this reflection on his years in education. What are your memories of the first day of school? Click to share your story.