NPR National News

NPR National News
a hurricane

Forecasters predict another sweltering summer. Are we ready?

Scientists say 2024 will likely bring another hotter-than-normal summer and, with it, the potential for more climate-driven disasters.
two men

Louisiana Republican Mike Johnson elected speaker of the House

Johnson, R-La., was the first of four GOP nominees who could secure enough support from within his party to win a majority of votes on the House floor.
Donald Trump

Trump charged with 4 felony counts for attempt to overturn the 2020 election

A federal grand jury indicted Donald Trump on four counts Tuesday related to the efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

READ: The Mueller Report, with redactions

Attorney General William Barr has released a redacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian interference in the 2016 election to Congress and the public.

Scores dead after truck plows into Bastille Day crowd In Nice, France

A truck drove into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, France, killing dozens of people on Thursday evening. The head of the regional government, former Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi, says 77 people were killed and 50 injured.

Supreme Court Declares Same-Sex Marriage Legal In All 50 States

States cannot keep same-sex couples from marrying and must recognize their unions, the Supreme Court says in a ruling that for months has been the focus of speculation. The decision was 5-4.

Searching For Veterans On Alaska’s Remote Edges

Twenty-two million Americans served in the military, but the vast majority are from the Vietnam and Korea generations. They're getting older now, and many live in rural, sometimes remote places like Alaska, where reaching them to connect them with their benefits is difficult.

After Massive Manhunt, Police Apprehend Marathon Bombing Suspect

The scene around Boston Friday was chaotic. Police were going house to house in Watertown as they searched for "suspect No. 2" in the bombings. "Suspect No. 1," known as "black hat," was dead. People across the area were told to shelter in place.

Security Council Condemns Syrian Government For Killings

The U.N. Security Council is condemning the Syrian government for the massacre of scores of people, including children, in the town of Houla, a day after images of the mass killings shocked the world. The nonbinding statement had the support of Russia, an ally of Syrian President Bashar Assad. The U.N. says at least 108 people, including 49 children and 34 women, died in the town of Houla.

Men Disguised As Afghan Police Kill 2 NATO Troops

Men wearing Afghan police uniforms shot dead two NATO service members Saturday in southern Afghanistan, authorities said, the latest in a string of attacks on international troops by Afghan security forces or militants disguised as police.

Doctor Pay: Where The Specialists Are All Above Average

Who makes the most? Specialists who do things to you. Orthopedic surgeons and radiologists top the earnings chart at an average income of $315,000 a year, according to data compiled by Medscape.

Gadhafi Is Dead, Libyan Leader Says

The killing of the ousted Libyan leader is the climax of a months-long struggle to topple the dictator's regime. Photos and videos supposedly showing his body are beginning to surface.

Polar Bear Scientist Allowed Back to Work

National Public Radio is reporting that Anchorage based polar bear scientist Chuck Monnett is expected to report back to work Friday. But, his job will be changing and he will no longer manage federal contracts.

‘Polarbeargate’ Scientist To Head Back To Work

The polar bear scientist who has spent more than a month suspended from his government job has now been told that he should report back to work on Friday — although NPR has learned that his job is changing and he will no longer manage federal contracts.

Orange Goo At Alaskan Village Found To Be Fungal Spores, Not Eggs

The orange goo that took over the shore of a remote Alaskan village is actually a mass of fungal spores — not microscopic eggs, as scientists at the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration first believed. The spores are from a rust fungus, experts say.

Arctic Warming Unlocking A Fabled Waterway

For centuries, the ice-choked Northwest Passage has been prized as a potential trade route. Now, rising Arctic temperatures mean the waterway is expected to open up for longer periods — a boon for shipping companies seeking a shortened trade route and for nations vying for untapped natural resources.

Market Stutters After Fed Holds Line On Rates

The Federal Reserve says it will likely keep interest rates at record lows for the next two years after acknowledging that the economy is weaker than it had thought with increasing risks.
  • Fed Likely To Keep Interest Rates Low 2 More Years
  • Now History, Debt-Ceiling Fight Left Much Wreckage In Its Wake

    With the debt-ceiling legislation signed into law Tuesday afternoon, the nation no longer needs to worry about defaultmageddon, at least not until early 2013. That's when the U.S. Treasury once again runs out of room to borrow again. Even though there wasn't a default this time, the partisan fight left plenty of wreckage lying about.

    In Light Of Budget Deal, Fitch Ratings Says U.S. Keeps Triple-A Rating

    The rating agency said the debt ceiling agreement is a step in the right direction for the country and said the chances of a default on its debt remain "extremely low."

    Feds Order Insurers To Cover Birth Control Free Of Charge To Women

    Starting a year from now, most new health insurance policies will have to include a comprehensive list of women's preventive health services with no copay or deductible. Under the rule, insurers would have to cover all prescription contraceptives approved by the FDA.