Media Action

Media Action

Media Action is an organization devoted to empowering youth and communities to share their stories through media production and education. They utilize cutting edge technologies and research-based best practices to provide communities with the skills and opportunities to share their stories and issues via media in order to both provide technological access for participants and to foster global awareness and action. Media Action specializes in film workshops, media production and training, and community collaborations. A team of expert filmmakers, educators, and media producers carries out their work.

Pursuing African Peace Through Film

Kodiak Based non-profit Media Action Has been awarded a $119,595 Grant from United States Institute of Peace. Funding will support a training program in conflict resolution and peacebuilding skills for at–risk youth in the West Nile region of Uganda. Read more.

Engaging Alaskan Youth in Digital Humanities

Imagine an Alaska where rural and urban youth are on the forefront of vital humanities cultural documentation. Inspired by such a vision, Kodiak-based nonprofit Media Action applied for and won the National Endowment for the Humanities funding to create InterAK, a web-portal serving Alaskan teachers, youth and the public. Learn more.

Rural Alaskan Youth Present Films at Alaska Native Film Festival

A group of dedicated teenagers and young adults in the rural community of Nikolai, Alaska gathered together for a week in June 2011 to craft short ethnographic films about their lives and community. Now two youth filmmakers, Dante Esai and Joricha Thomas, have been chosen to present their films "The Medicine of Nikolai" and "My Motherhood" at the Alaska Native Film Festival this Sunday the 16th from 1 – 6 pm at the Anchorage Museum. Click for video