Madilyn Rose, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage

Madilyn Rose, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
Madilyn Rose is the program producer at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Madilyn here.
A man uses a push shovel on the snow covered roof of a house.

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, February 21, 2023

After last week's fatal roof collapse in Anchorage, residents are wondering if they should shovel. The implications of a shipping boom in the Arctic. Plus, during a recent drug bust in Southeast, the drugs themselves were found in an usual package.
A panel of people in business attire.

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, February 20, 2023

Local school districts are making difficult and uncertain choices with next year's funding levels in limbo. New research shows particular species of kelp absorb pollutants in the environment around them. Plus a ceremony at Elizabeth Peratrovich's alma mater celebrates her legacy.
a woman speaks to a group of people in a meeting room

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, February 17, 2023

Some lawmakers remain wary as the Governor's budget amendments seek to address the state's food stamp backlog. Mary Peltola praises the state's reputation for bipartisan work in her first address to Alaska's legislature. Plus, difficult decisions as Tuluksak passes a week without running water.
Three women, one in a beige jacket, one in a yellow shirt, and one in a green jacket sit at a table and speak to each other.

Shining a light on eating disorders | Alaska Insight

A new documentary from the Alaska Eating Disorder Alliance, AKEDA, shines a light on the prevalence and types of eating disorders, especially among young athletes.
A logo is painted on a wall between the Alaskan and American flags.

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, February 16, 2023

The Justice Department finds the Anchorage School District illegally restrained and secluded students. Mat-Su Parents are struggling to find alternatives as the school bus driver strike passes two weeks. Plus, celebrating the legacy of Elizabeth Peratrovich.
Smoke and haze rising above mostly spruce as a plane lands in the distance

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, February 15, 2023

A look at homelessness in Fairbanks, a frigid city with no low-barrier shelter. A third subpoena as the Anchorage Assembly looks into the former health director's fraudulent credentials. Plus a Ketchikan podcast breaking down Filipino culture tries to be as cool and smooth as its namesake dessert.
carbon buildup in a Toyo stove

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, February 10, 2023

Less than a week after the Chinese Balloon, now an object shot down over Alaska. A number of Toyo heat stoves failed during a cold snap in December, and nobody quite knows why. Plus business is blooming for flower shops ahead of their busiest day of the year.
The front entrance of a high school

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, February 9, 2023

Kodiak residents have safety concerns after last month's failed rocket launch. School districts around the state have to make tough calls in the face of budget deficits. Plus a surprising second-place team gave Yukon Quest veterans a run for their money.

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, February 8, 2023

The Anchorage Assembly is suing to get answers from the Mayor and his administration. Also tonight, as the state struggles with a food stamp backlog, local schools are trying to fill the gap. Plus An Anchorage artist says he won't sit on the sidelines and wants to support the city's homeless population.

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Reactions to Congresswoman Mary Peltola's pick for Josh Revak as her state director. Mushers on the Yukon Quest share their tricks for keeping their bodies, and minds up to the task. Plus, how short skits about life in rural Alaska led to a big social media following.
A musher seen in profile going down a river

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, February 6, 2023

The state reveals new information about last year's record number of inmate deaths, but more questions remain. A look into how Alaska's data on homelessness is collected, and how reliable it really is. As the Yukon Quest kicks off this weekend, there are serious questions about the race's future.
volunteers put together baggies of personal hygiene products and snacks

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, February 3, 2023

The state reveals new information about last year's record number of inmate deaths, but more questions remain. A look into how Alaska's data on homelessness is collected, and how reliable it really is. As the Yukon Quest kicks off this weekend, there are serious questions about the race's future.
A woman and a man sit at a large desk surrounded by computers and microphones.

Talk of Alaska: Gov. Dunleavy’s Ideas for Alaska’s Future

In his recent state of the state address, Governor Mike Dunleavy laid out ideas for Alaska’s economic future, such as using state forest land for carbon sequestration. He also wants more funding for statehood defense and said he’ll work with legislators to make Alaska the ‘most pro life state in the country.’ What are the Governor's ideas for the permanent fund dividend, funding for education, affordable housing and healthy communities? We ask the Governor on this Talk of Alaska.
a man mushes a team of dogs on the snow

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, January 27, 2023

Day two of sentencing hearings for the man who admitted to setting fire to seven buildings in Two Rivers in 2021. A outage in Newtok's school is just the latest in a pattern of power issues. What to expect as the Kuskokwim 300 kicks off.
A view of 4th Ave in Anchorage from a rooftop.

2022 Destination Assessment proposes ways to make Anchorage more appealing

Destination development consultant Roger Brooks presented eight initiatives on how to make Anchorage more appealing to visitors and residents.
A man and a woman sit at a desk with a second man on a TV monitor.

Reversing Outmigration in Anchorage | Alaska Insight

Anchorage and Alaska have seen a decade-long pattern of population decline. Birth rates are slowing, and more people are leaving the city than coming in.
An analog clock with a black center surrounded by orange stone and with turquoise hands and hour markers reads 3:07.

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Questions over the origins of a court order for a mental health check, the courts say never existed. The story of two Russians who crossed the Bering Sea in a fishing boat to avoid the war in Ukraine. Plus the Alaska Long Trail is a long ways off, but supporters say the benefits are worth the wait.
a Kodiak crab boat

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Kodiak's tanner crab fishery is still at a standstill as the fleet holds out for higher prices. Governor Dunleavy lays out his priorities in this year's state of the state address. And after a long hiatus, Sitka's community orchestra is back in business.

Talk of Alaska: Avalanche Safety in Southcentral

Southcentral Alaska has seen an extreme mix of winter weather so far this snow season and in some of the most popular mountain areas in the backcountry for Alaskans to get out and enjoy fresh snow, avalanche danger is high. Before you grab your skis, splitboard or load up the snowmachine, stay with us for Talk of Alaska to hear from avalanche experts and guides about how best to prepare and what to watch for, when venturing out into the mountains.
A ferry at a port

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, January 20, 2023

Confusion over discrepancies in Representative Mary Peltola's educational record. Families are stuck abroad after the Marine Highway System pulled a ferry from service. Plus Soldotna looks at creating a more walkable - and business friendly - downtown.