Lori Townsend, Alaska Public Media

Lori Townsend, Alaska Public Media
Lori Townsend is the news director and senior host for Alaska Public Media. You can send her news tips and program ideas for Talk of Alaska and Alaska Insight at ltownsend@alaskapublic.org or call 907-550-8452.

Denali Commission Official Anxious for Clarity on Returned Funds Request

As Congress debates how to cut federal spending, federal managers are left without answers about how their agency will be impacted.

Trapper Creek Mid-Air Crash is Second in Three Weeks

The fatal mid-air collision over the weekend near Trapper Creek is the second in Alaska in less than a month.

Anchorage School District Receives Extra $19 Million

Anchorage School District Superintendent Carol Comeau was pleasantly surprised to get nearly $19 million in extra money for the upcoming school year.

Native Elder and Leader Caleb Pungowiyi Passes Away

A former leader of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference and a prominent Alaska Native traditional science advocate has died.

AK: Peek Inside Military Training

Recently an anti terrorism battalion of Marine Reservists were in Alaska for a two week training.

Officials Issue Warning on Fraudulent Food Inspectors

Officials with the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation’s food safety program are warning restaurant and processor owner/operators about fraudulent food inspectors.

Indian Affairs Committee Investigating Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault Rates

The Senate Indian Affairs Committee held a hearing Thursday looking at the issue of the staggering rates of domestic violence and sexual assault perpetrated against Native women.

CSIS Holds Conference on Arctic Oil and Gas Development

In Washington D.C. on Tuesday, the Center for Strategic and International Studies or CSIS held a one day conference on Arctic oil and gas development.

‘Tribes for Tribes’ Gather in Anchorage

Tribal representatives from across the state are gathered in Anchorage today, intently working on language for an accord, or treaty, between Alaska tribes to compel Congress to enact an Alaska Native Restoration Act.

Legislation Would Allow Medicare-Eligible Elders to Negotiate Private Contracts with Doctors

Medicare eligible-elders would be able to negotiate private contracts with doctors under new legislation proposed by Senator Lisa Murkowski. Murkowski says Senate Bill 1042 called the Medicare Patient Empowerment Act would allow patients to see any physician they choose, even if that doctor has opted out of taking Medicare patients.

Links Between Cancer, Chemicals Focus in Series of Talks

Links between cancer and chemicals in our environment will be the focus of a series of talks in Alaska beginning Wednesday in Anchorage. Jeanne Rizzo is an RN and is the president of the Breast Cancer Fund. The organization works to raise awareness of pervasive toxins in every day products and what people can do to make better choices for themselves and their families.

Veterans Receive Special Honor from Korean Government

Veterans and their families were joined on the park strip in Anchorage today by Senator Mark Begich and Veterans Administration Secretary Eric Shinseki. The two officials left immediately following the gathering for events at Joint base Elmendorf/Richardson.

Lawmakers Preparing to Head Back to Juneau

There’s no word yet on whether a special session will be held next week to deal with the single issue of keeping the Coastal Management program alive. However Senate officials are meeting on Sunday to make a final decision.

Kenai Peninsula Fire Conditions Elevated

Elevated fire risk on the Kenai Peninsula has division of forestry officials concerned about warming or campfires this weekend. As Alaskans and visitors make their way to the popular recreation area for a long weekend of camping, division of forestry fire prevention officer Paul Pellegrini says one of the things campers need to be mindful of is the wind.

New Film Festival Looking for Entries from Alaskan Filmmakers

A new film festival is looking for entries from filmmakers who live or were born in Alaska. The Never Sets Film Festival is planning two days of screen in Anchorage in August. And instead of judges selecting the entries, community members will vote for their favorite films that qualify from three different regions of the state.

New Film Festival Looking for Entries from Alaskan Filmmakers

A new film festival is looking for entries from filmmakers who live or were born in Alaska. The Never Sets Film Festival is planning two days of screen in Anchorage in August. And instead of judges selecting the entries, community members will vote for their favorite films that qualify from three different regions of the state.

Lawmakers Debate Special Session for Coastal Management Program

Alaska lawmakers are being polled today to see if there is enough support to call themselves into special session to deal with the Coastal Management Program. Senate President Kodiak Republican Gary Stevens sent out the email to lawmakers. Senator Stevens was not available Wednesday, but Senate Majority Leader Anchorage Republican Kevin Meyer says if enough lawmakers agree, the session would be held next week on May 31 and would only take a day or two.

Nuclear Reduction Proponent Visits Alaska

Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski will be key to a vote to reduce nuclear weapons worldwide when the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty or START comes before the U.S. Senate later this year. Rosemarie Alexander, KTOO –...

Plane Crash Near Willow Kills Pilot

Authorities say one man is dead following a plane crash near Willow in south-central Alaska. Associated Press Download Audio (MP3)

Cape Fox Native Corporation Involved In Criminal Investigation

Saxman based Cape Fox Corporation is enmeshed in a criminal investigation that could have consequences for the Native corporation’s 8A government contracting status. Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage Download Audio (MP3)