Lori Townsend, Alaska Public Media

Lori Townsend, Alaska Public Media
Lori Townsend is the news director and senior host for Alaska Public Media. You can send her news tips and program ideas for Talk of Alaska and Alaska Insight at ltownsend@alaskapublic.org or call 907-550-8452.
People stand in line, inside, where a sign reads: Permanent Fund Dividend.

The PFD debate

The permanent fund dividend has become a political hot potato. Some want a $3000 dividend, under the original law, others say a new formula is needed to avoid deeper state budget cuts and to keep the fund healthy into the future. What's the best path forward?
Photo by Jason Sear, KDLG - Dillingham

The Pebble Mine

A comment period for the Pebble Mine project ends July 1st. Supporters of the mine say it would bring good jobs to the Bristol Bay region but opponents worry about potential long term effects to the world's largest wild salmon fishery.

The future of agriculture in Alaska

It's planting time for farmers and backyard garden enthusiasts. What's new with the changing ag scene in Alaska and what will it mean for raising more food right in our state? And how will a changing climate affect food production?

Federal policy in Alaska

Federal military policy will increasingly focus on the arctic region. How will U.S. tensions with Russia, North Korea and China affect Alaska? U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan joins us for the next Talk of Alaska.

6 months after 7.1

It's been 6 months since a 7.1 magnitude earthquake rattled southcentral Alaskans. Repair and recovery efforts are ongoing. What are the lessons learned?

The trades and workforce development for Alaska

Should young people today go to a 4 year university or enter the trades? Some students do both: Get a job through a technical program so they can make enough money to support their plan for college. Is there a best approach?

Ending Homelessness in Alaska | Alaska Insight

On average, there are about 2000 Alaskans living without permanent housing. What is being done to help them?

The first forensic nursing academy in the US

A new forensics program at the University of Alaska Anchorage will provide training for evidence collection for both types of abuse. The new program is the first in the nation.

Former state chief medical officer Jay Butler takes job with Centers for Disease Control

Alaska's former chief medical officer, Dr Jay Butler has accepted a job with the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta as the head of the office of infectious disease.

Sea Ice Loss in Alaska | Alaska Insight

The decline in seasonal sea ice affects more than just arctic communities. That ice helps regulate world temperatures.

How Budget Cuts Could Affect Nonprofits in Alaska

Alaska will more than likely see large cuts to social services as lawmakers try to pass a more balanced budget. Alaska’s large nonprofit sector often fills the gaps where state money ends.
Bean's Cafe at Brother Francis Shelter in Anchorage.

The effort to end homelessness

The annual point in time homelessness count for Alaska has for years revealed that about 2000 people across the state, do not have their own home. Is it possible to get to zero?

Alcohol Awareness | Alaska Insight

Alcohol misuse is a big problem in Alaska, but public events promoting alcohol-free spaces are growing. As awareness about the dangerous of excessive drinking grows, what options are there for those seeking alternatives such as alcohol-free cocktails and alcohol free events?

The role of nonprofits in Alaska

Alaska has a high number of nonprofit organizations that assist communities with a wide range of services. What could state budget cuts mean for their funding and how will it affect their ability to provide services?

Alcohol awareness month

April marks alcohol awareness month, a time for public health and treatment advocates to highlight the dangers of excessive drinking. Alcoholism is a big problem in Alaska and recent public events have promoted having fun without having alcohol. Will the sans concept catch on?

The Governor’s Permanent Fiscal Plan | Alaska Insight

Governor Mike Dunleavy says reducing spending is just one part of his plan for future financial stability in Alaska. Three proposed amendments to the constitution could have a lasting impacting on the state’s economy.

The decline of sea ice in the Arctic

The decline in seasonal sea ice affects more than just arctic communities. That ice helps regulate world temperatures. Less ice means coastal communities are at risk of rising sea levels and coastal erosion.

The Governor’s permanent fiscal plan

Governor Mike Dunleavy says he wants a permanent fiscal plan for Alaska and he has proposed amendments to the constitution to keep future governors and lawmakers from changing the tax structure or the PFD formula without a vote of the people.

All About the Iditarod | Alaska Insight

Pushing through the extreme weather of the Alaska wilderness is the essence of the thousand mile journey mushers take every year on the Iditarod trail. We’ll hear stories of past adventure on the trail and what the future of the race may be Alaska Insight.

Lawmakers and the budget

The Dunleavy administration's budget plan has attracted a lot of attention and controversy. Now lawmakers are grappling with their role in addressing the flood of demands from their constituents while determining what state services are important and how it will all be paid for.